Ch. 2-5
1. All of the following statements about the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay are true EXCEPT
A. It was originally settled by the Separatist Puritans
2. In general, most Europeans considered the Indians to be
C. Heathens who were inferior beings
3. The important staple for export in colonial Virginia was
- Tobacco
4. Which of the following most accurately describes the attitude of 17th century Puritans toward religious liberty?
- They tolerated no one whose expressed religious views varied from their own views
5. The Mayflower Compact
- Created a government since the Pilgrims were landing outside the jurisdiction of any government
6. The headright system
- Was commonly used in the Southern colonies to encourage settlement
7. Indentured servants were usually
- Persons who voluntarily bound themselves for labor for a set number of years in return for transportation to the colonies
8. The first permanent English colony in North America was
- The Jamestown colony, developed by the Virginia Company
9. The Dominion of New England was established by the English government in 1686 to
- Increase the authority of the English government over the New England colonies
10. The enclosure movement which had been going on since the sixteenth century in England helped prepare the way for English colonization in North America by
- Displacing farmers and creating a class of unemployed who could migrate to the colonies
11. The use of slavery in the English colonies became widespread after 1600 because
- The availability of indentured servants dropped dramatically
12. The Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony wanted their settlement to be primarily
- An example to the rest of the world
13. The Great Awakening of the 1740s resulted in
- A split between religious traditionalists and religious radicals
14. Seventeenth century English settlers in New England differed from those in Virginia by
- Living in tightly clustered communities
15. The Mayflower Compact was an important step in the growth of democracy because it
B. Indicated that the people were the proper source of political democracy
16. The acts of trade and navigation had all of the following consequences in the colonies EXCEPT
- Colonial manufacturing was limited
- Colonial economies were regulated from London
- Low prices were charged for English imports
- Smuggling became a common practice
- New England shipbuilding prospered
17. The chief purpose of mercantilist policies was to
B. Strengthen the economy and power of the mother country
18. Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676 came about as the result of the
- Failure of the colonial governor Lord Berkeley to protect adequately the frontier settlers
19. “It is agreed upon by all men that this is a reign of liberty, and while men keep within the bounds of truth, I hope they may with safety both speak and write their sentiments of the conduct of men in power…”
The above quotation from the trial of John Peter Zenger laid the foundation for the principle of
B. Freedom of the press
20. Benjamin Franklin was an American whose life exemplified which of the following social movements?
- The Restoration
21. The Scots-Irish immigrants to the English colonies in North America
B. Felt little loyalty to either the English government or the Anglican Church
22. The first religious development to have an impact throughout colonial America was
- The Great Awakening
23. By 1730 blacks were a majority of what mainland English colony’s population?
C. South Carolina
24. The most unusual feature of the charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was that it
- Did not specify where the company’s headquarters should be
25. The first written constitution in the British colonies in North America was the
C. Albany Plan of Union of 1754
26. Which of the following was NOT involved in the “triangular trade” of the colonial period?
- Rum
- Molasses
- Cotton
- Slaves
- Tobacco
27. Which of the following correctly describes the Puritans?
D. They wanted to build a society based upon biblical teachings
28. An indentured servant differed from a slave in that he or she
B. Worked for a limited period of time, usually seven years, to repay their passage to America
29. Colonial government in British North American did NOT allow
- Universal manhood suffrage
- Bicameral legislatures
- Annual elections
- For a republican form of government
- Local units of government to exist
30. The most significant political development in British North American from 1700 to 1763 was
B. The rise of the assembly as the major force in colonial government
31. Which of the following does NOT correctly describe the Southern colonies?
- They were the most English of the colonies
- They were largely urban
- The plantations were on the coastal plains
- Tobacco and rice were the chief cash crops
- Most Southerners lived on small farms
32. Which three colonies were offshoots of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
D. Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
33. The witchcraft hysteria in Salem
E. Was caused in part by general upheaval in the political, religious, economic, and social life of the area
34. The purpose of the New England Confederation was to
B. Organize the colonial defense of New England
35. The issue of religion figured most prominently in the consideration of which of the following?
B. The establishment of Puritan colonies in Massachusetts
36. The Halfway Covenant provided for which of the following?
- The baptism of children of baptized but unconverted Puritans
37. All of the following contributed to the success and stability of the New England colonies, and the bare survival of the Chesapeake Bay colonies EXCEPT
- Women were treated more as equals in the New England colonies than they were in the Chesapeake Bay region, making it more difficult to attract women to Chesapeake Bay
38. Which of the following groups of individuals made up the largest number of settlers in Jamestown in 1607?
- Gentlemen adventurers who came looking for gold
39. Great Britain sought colonial trade because
- It did not want competition with its own manufacturers
40. Roger Williams came into conflict with Puritan authorities for advocating
- That political leaders could have no authority over religious matters
41. The House of Burgesses and the New England town meetings were similar in that both
- Represented colonial participation in government
42. After 1644 the right to vote in Massachusetts Bay was effectively restricted only to those who
- Were members of the Puritan Church
43. Which of the following is a correct statement about Bacon’s Rebellion?
- Bacon led repeated, indiscriminate attacks on various groups of Indians
44. “It being one chief project of Satan to keep man from the knowledge of the Scriptures…blah blah blah”
This passage sets forth basic American attitudes concerning the
- Importance of education
45. In founding the colony of Pennsylvania, William Penn’s primary purpose was to
A. Provide a refuge for persecuted English Quakers