Literary Terms – Sixth Grade

Alliteration – the repetition of initial consonant sounds. Used to draw attention to certain words or ideas, to imitate sounds, and create musical effects

Assonanceis also called ‘vowel rhyme’. Assonance is the repetition of a pattern of similar sounds within a sentence.

Antagonist – a character or force in conflict with the main character (protagonist)

Autobiography – story of the writer’s own life, told by the writer. They are a form of nonfiction and are generally written in first person.

Biography – life story of a person told by another person. They are a form of nonfiction, but effective biographies share qualities of a good narrative.

Character – person or an animal that take part in the action of a literary work

Major character – the most important character(s) in the story

Minor character – one who takes part in the action, but is not the focus of attention

Flat character – one-sided, often stereotypical

Round character – fully developed and exhibits many traits (good and bad)

Dynamic character – one who changes or grows during the course of the work

Static character – one who does not change

Characterization – act of creating and developing a character

Direct characterization – a writer states the character’s traits or characteristics

Indirect characterization – reader draw conclusions about the character’s traits

Conflict – struggle between opposing forces.

External – character struggles between outside forces, such as another person, force of nature, society

Internal– character struggles within the mind of self, to make a decision, take action, or overcome a feeling

Connotation – set of ideas associated with a word, in addition to its explicit meaning. It can be personal, based on individual experiences

Denotation – the dictionary meaning of a word, independent of other associations that the word may have.

Example: lake – denotation is “an inland body of water.” Connotations might be “Vacation spot” and “place where fishing is good.”

Dialect – form of a language spoken by people in a particular region or group

Dialogue – spoken conversation between characters

Essay – short nonfiction work about a particular subject. Usually have a single focus, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Exposition – writing or speech that explains a process or presents information

Fable – a brief story or poem, usually with animal characters, that teaches a lesson or moral.

Fantasy – highly imaginative writing that contain elements not found in real life

Fiction – prose writing that tells about imaginary characters and events

Figurative Language – writing or speech that is not to be taken literally

Metaphor – something is described as though it were something else, points out similarity between two unlike things

Simile – a comparison of two unlike things, using “like” or “as”

Personification-a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics

Hyperbole-exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

Onomatopoeia- the use of words that imitate sounds

Flashback – scene within a story that interrupts the sequence of events and relates to events that happened in the past

Foreshadow – clues that hint at what might happen later in the story

Genre – a division or type of literature

Poetry – lyric poetry, concrete poetry, dramatic poetry, narrative poetry, epic poetry

Prose – fiction (novels and short stories) and nonfiction (biography, autobiography, letters, essays, and reports)

Drama – serious drama and tragedy, comic drama, melodrama, and farce

Hero/Heroine – a character whose actions are inspiring or noble. They struggle to overcome the obstacle and problems that stand in their way.

Imagery – author’s use of words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses

Inference – a form of reasoning based on the information given and what you already know through your own experiences. To make an inference is to draw a new conclusion from what is already known.


Myth – a fictional tale that explains the actions of gods or heroes ore the origins of elements of nature

Narrative – a story that is either fiction or nonfiction

Narrator – a speaker or character that tells a story

Narrator’s perspective – the way he or she see things

Third person narrator – stands outside the action and speaks about it

First person narrator – one who tells a story and participates in the action

Nonfiction - prose writing that presents and explains ideas or that tells about real people, places, objects, and events

Novel – a long work of fiction writing

Persuasion – writing or speech that attempts to convince the reader or listener to adopt a particular opinion or course of action

Plot – the sequence of events in which each event results from a previous one and causes the next. Usually involves both characters and a central conflict.

Exposition– begins the plot, introduces the setting, characters, and basic situation

Rising action– introduces the central conflict, events which lead up to the turning point, the climax

Climax – the turning point, the high point of interest or suspense

Falling action– events which lead to the end of the central conflict

Resolution, conclusion, or denouement – any events which occur during the falling action, bring about the end of the story

Poetry – one of the three major types of genre. Most poems use highly concise, musical, and emotionally charged language; making use of figurative language, imagery, and special devices, such as rhyme.

Point of View (POV) the perspective or vantage point, from which a story is told.

First person– told by the narrator in the story who uses the first person pronoun “I”

Third person– a narrator outside the story, uses third-person pronouns “he,” and “she,” no use of “I” telling the story

  • Omniscient – the narrator knows and tells about what each character feels and thinks
  • Limited – the narrator relates the inner thoughts and feelings of one characters; and everything is viewed from this character’s perspective

Prose – the ordinary form of written language – fiction and nonfiction

Protagonist – the main character in a literary work

Science Fiction – combines elements of fiction and fantasy with scientific facts. Are generally set in the future

Sensory Language – writing or speech that appeals to one of more of the senses.

Setting – the time and place of the action of a story

Short story – a brief work of fiction that presents a sequence of events, or plot. Plot usually deals with central conflict of main character (protagonist). These events usually communicate a message about life or human nature (theme).

  • Plot
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Theme

Surprise Ending – a conclusion that is unexpected. Often this is foreshadowed, or subtly hinted at, during the course of the work

Suspense – a feeling of anxious uncertainty about the outcome of events in the literary work

Symbol – anything that stands for or represents something else

Tone- theattitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Tone is generally conveyed through the choice of words or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject.

Theme – a central message, concern, or purpose in a literary work. It is not a summary of the plot. It is a generalization, or general statement about human beings or about life.

  • Indirectly – the reader must figure out what the theme is by looking carefully at what the work reveals about people or about life