Personalisation Support In Camden
(a subsidiary of Age UK Camden)
Background Information
Post of Direct Payments Support Worker, full-time,
fixed term initially for 12 months
Background to Age UK Camden
Age UK Camden (AUC) works to support older people "make the most of life". It is a responsive and dynamic organisation, and is the largest voluntary organisation working with older people in Camden. Its 68 (45 FTE) staff and 270 volunteers are broadly representative of the multicultural community in Camden. The organisation is involved in several innovative partnership initiatives with Camden Council, the NHS, and the voluntary sector.
The financial turnover of the organisation is just over £2 million, with about 2/3 of income coming from Camden Council in contracts and grants. Other funding comes from NHS Camden, charitable trusts, the Lottery, donations, legacies, two shops and charges.
Age UK Camden (AUC) is keen to ensure that older people participate at all levels of the organisation, and are properly consulted and involved in the planning and implementation of services.
Age UK Camden (AUC) offers a range of services and projects to support, inform, advise and inspire older people resident in the borough. Our services include: Advice, Information and Advocacy, Computer Training, Counselling, Direct Payments Support, Opening Doors London, Good Neighbour Schemes, Home Service, Nail Care Service, 2 Day Resource Centres, Shopping Service and Volunteering Opportunities.
AUC’s Direct Payments Support Service has been used as a model for guides by Age UK and Counsel and Care. AUC’s counselling service has been praised as a good practice model nationally and runs as a sub-contractor of Camden and Islington Mental Health Trust. AUC’s Information and advice Service is part of the Camden Advice Partnership. Opening Doors London is an innovative regional LGBT service in partnership with other local Age UKs and Age UK London
The organisation raises income through running two charity shops (in Leather Lane, EC1 and Camden High Street, NW1), and donations.
AUC and Camden the borough
Camden is a borough of contrasts – stretching from Hampstead and Highgate in the North to Holborn and parts of Covent Garden in the South. The diversity is reflected in wealth and poverty “cheek by jowl” and a rich ethnic mix. Among the significant minority ethnic communities are Bangladeshi, Somali, Chinese and Irish people. Just 3 miles apart in the borough (Hampstead and Somers Town) are two areas where the life expectancy differs by as much as 11 years.
Camden Council – AUC’s main funder and key partner – is an award winning authority with a good record of investment in services for older people.
AUC’s main office is in Tavis House on Tavistock Square, within walking distance of Euston and Kings Cross stations and so we are very well served with tube, train and bus routes – some would call it the public transport hub of Western Europe – which aids AUC in terms of staff recruitment and retention. AUC is co-located at Tavis House with Age UK (national/international) but constitutionally separate.
Further background information
If you would like to find out further information about Age UK Camden, please visit our website at: Our latest Annual Review, Accounts and an organisational video (In Their Own Words) are all available online. For key borough information and strategies visit
Personalisation Service In Camden(PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It is a new venture, having been set up following the collapse of the previous provider of Direct Payments support to under 65's in Camden.
PSIC will be tasked to provide Direct Payments support to those residents in Camden who are under 65, and are entitled to, and choose to have Direct Payments. The support will be provided for those with physical and sensory impairments, learning difficulties and those with mental health needs (including some over 65's).
PSIC will also be tasked with providing the same support to parents of disabled children also who are entitled to, and choose to have Direct Payments.
Direct Payments frequently offer service users the best options for care, giving greater choice control and independence than traditional social care provision. For Direct Payments to work effectively a support service working to the highest standards is essential. PSIC aims to develop, deliver and maintain that high standard of service.
PSIC will also offer clients a managed payroll service.
Background to the post of Direct Payments Support worker
This section should be read in conjunction with the Job Description.
In outlining the tasks of the Direct Payment Support Worker it is important to note that the level of detailed support given will depend on each individual, and you should be guided by them as to how much or how little support you give.
The post holder meets with clients interested in taking up Direct Payments, either in their home or at PSIC offices in order to explain clearly, orally, and where requested in writing, what Direct Payments are, what the benefits are and how they work. If the client chooses to proceed help them fill in all the startup paperwork, access the best method of payment to them, and go through their options as to how they want to spend the money.
A key aspect of the role is to help the client access the service of their choice -if the client user chooses to employ privately, explain clearly their legal responsibilities as an employer. Alternatively, If they do not have a potential employee lined up help with all aspects of recruitment including assisting to draft contracts of employment, job descriptions, payroll arrangements, employer liability insurance.
The Direct Payment Support Worker will make it clear to the client that their role is to be there for any ongoing support that is needed, to advise if there are any changes and to keep clients updated on any new developments vis a vis Direct Payments.
Where necessary the Direct Payment Support worker helps clients with their financial returns to Camden.
For many clients you will become the person they trust and look to provide advice and support in all areas concerned with Direct Payments. It is therefore crucial that you are able to deliver the service in a friendly and patient manner, give accurate information in ways that best suit the clients’ needs, always treating the client as an equal who you are helping to achieve independence, choice and control.
You will need to develop a healthy professional relationship with Camden Social Workers, and all the teams connected with Direct Payments.
You will also have a close working relationship with Age UK Camden Direct Payments support team, who deliver the same service to residents who are over 65.
The post is full time 35 hours a week initially for a fixed period of 12 months but this is likely to be extended to 18 monthsand based at PSIC office on Phoenix Road close to Kings Cross St Pancras and Euston stations.