RegionalShelter Cluster Meeting Minutes

Date: March 8th, 2018

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:20 PM


Name / Organization
Abdi Adan / ARC
AbdiGudle / NRC
AbdirahmanBarkhadle / UN-Habitat
Muhamed Abdirahman Bare / IOM
Abdrizack Mohamed / WRRS


  1. Updates from partners
  2. 4W Matrix submissions
  3. Discussion on shelter cluster meeting calendar
  4. AOB
  1. Updates from partners


  • No ongoing shelter projects
  • The completion of 100 permanent shelters, that consist of 2 rooms, toilets,and verandas. The settlement also has full amenities that include a school, police post, market, and aMCH.
  • The process of settling the beneficiaries is scheduled for 20th March
  • There was the distribution of 936 standard NFI kits in January to shelter beneficiaries of the 936 houses constructed by ARC and NRC.


  • Urban planning consultation and spatial analysis on durable solutions for displacement crisis conducted in Kismayo
  • There was a consultation conducted on land laws and dispute resolution in February
  • There are plans to construct 85 permanent shelters that consist of 2 rooms, and a community center by NRC with UN Habitat
  • UN Habitat drafting site planning for the new shelter site
  • Planned for April is Dollowurbanplan and spatial analysisondurablesolutions for displacementcrisis – April 2018.


  • The construction of 200 shelters and 200 latrines in via Afmadow are complete.
  • The settling of the beneficiaries is in the process but delayed due to lack of water and no accessible road


  • There is no current construction of shelters
  • Previous construction included 500 shelters with 500 toilets
  • Emergency shelter is planned forDolow


  • In March, 945 Emergency shelter kits were distributed throughout Kismayo. The beneficiaries consisted of 98% IDPs and 2% host community.
  • There are plans to construct 85 permanent shelters that consist of 2 rooms, veranda, and a community center by NRC with UN Habitat


  • ACTED has planned to distribute 3,250 emergency shelter kits (1 plastic sheet, 3 blankets, 3 mattresses and 1 solar-powered torch light)
  1. 4W Matrix Submission
  • The members of the cluster agreed to have a separate meeting to understand the process of submitting the 4W matrix
  1. Discuss Shelter Cluster Meeting Calendar
  • The partners agreed to communicate with other clusters to come up with a precise calendar for shelter cluster meetings.

Action Points:

  • Training on 4W matrix for all partners to understand the changes on the submission of the matrix and regional coordinator should inform shelter partners on shelter regional trainings for participation
  • Consider including government representation such as ministry of interior and JRIA to take part in shelter cluster meetings
  • Coordinate with other clusters and UN-OCHA to come up with a set date for shelter cluster meetings