Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting

November 2nd, 2016

Senate Chambers 6:30 PM

Chairman: Christopher Jordan

  1. Call To Order

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call

Quorum was established with six (6) voting members: Beaucham, Lovell, Platts, Prill, Kazdin, and Jones.

  1. Approval of the minutes

Senator Platts: Motion to approve the minutes from October 19th, 2016. Second. All in favor. Approved.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Senator Platts: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Approved.

  1. Guest Speaker: Rachel Bryant from Student Government Executive Branch

Chief of Staff Bryant talked about what Executive Branch has done recently and what it plans to do in the near future. Questions and answers followed.

  1. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks

Treasurer Pennick talked about a line-item transfer and the meetings of the Scholarship Committee, the Student Union Advisory Board, and the Student Fee Assessment Committee.

  1. Chairman Report and Account Totals

Chairman Jordan talked about the possibility of a field trip to the Lend-a-Wing Pantry to explore how A&S fees are used. He also mentioned a meeting concerning the travel request process and improving it for RSOs. Questions and answers followed.

2016-2017 Fiscal Year

Travel Requests / Special Requests
Now / $20,487.39 / $259,282.43
After / $18,487.39 / $119,018.43*

*Balance shows pending adjusted balance if student union’s request is withdrawn from the Special Request Index. If funded from Student Union Construction Fee, it would be $225,682.43

  1. Unfinished Business
  2. New Business

A)SB-16F-3065: Model United Nations - Senator Prill

Senator Prill: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3065. Second. Presentation followed.

Representatives from Model United Nations explained why they should receive funding to go to The Southern Regional Model UN in Atlanta, GA. Questions and answers followed.

Discussion on the main motion.

Senator Platts: Motion to amend SB-16F-3065 so that $840.00 is funded for lodging and the total be reduced to $1,800.00. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 4-0-3. Chairman Jordan broke a tie vote. Approved.

Roll call vote on the main motion 6-0-0.

SB-16F-3065 adopted for $1,800.00.

B)SB-16F-3068: Student Union Administration – Senator Beaucham

Senator Beaucham: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3068. Second. Presentation followed.

Student Union Director John Simms explained why the Student Union should receive funding to make repairs and renovations to the Ballrooms. Questions and answers followed.

Discussion followed on the main motion.

Senator Platts: Motion to amend SB-16F-3068 so that the funds are encumbered within the Student Union Fee Fund Balance 154200. Second. Roll call vote 6-0-0. Approved.

Roll call vote on the main motion 6-0-0.

SB-16F-3068 adopted for $106,664.

C)SB-16F-3069: SG Executive Branch - Senator Platts

Senator Platts: Motion to adopt SB-16F-3069. Second. Presentation followed.

Representatives from the Executive Branch explained why funds should be used for subsidized printing. Questions and answers followed.

No discussion on the main motion. Roll call vote 6-0-0.

SB-16F-3069 adopted for $33,600.

  1. Announcements
  2. Final Roll Call

Quorum was re-established with six (6) voting members: Beaucham, Lovell, Platts, Prill, Kazdin, and Jones.

  1. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Minutes taken by Vice Chairman Beaucham