Request For Technical Assistance
Short Title (Less than 15 chars)
Longer Descriptive Name (optional)
Stage 4 Project students please submit this form through your supervisor.
Staff/PGs please email direct to
Please feel free to contact the Technical Office in Link 109 if you would like to discuss your requirements before completing this form.
Section 1 Researcher Details
Section 2 What is the purpose of this project?
Section 4 Please provide any drawings/illustrations of how you would like the screen/object to look. (If an object to be made, please include measurements).
Use separate files as necessary.Either list filenames and brief description of contents here, or attach paper copies. If you need to provide hand-drawn illustrations then note here and send them with a printout of this form in addition to emailing.
Section 5 Any input data, such as pictures or words, need to be provided with this specification form. List files here and attach to the email submission (if less than 1Mb) or bring on removable media for copying to TechOffice in Link 109.
Section 6 Please list output data that the programme needs to record/produce.
Section 7 Researcher
Please make sure you have filled in allparts of this from to the best of your ability and explained in as much detail as you can. For student projects this should be a complete and final specification. For staff/PG research this may be a preliminary spec for discussion, prototyping and further development.
Researcher Signature: ______Date: ______
If you submit the form by email from your university email account then a physical signature is not required. Project students should submit this to their supervisor for approval prior to forwarding to the TechOffice.
Section 8 Supervisor (for Stage 4 projects)
Name : ______Internal Tel No: ______
Please sign below to confirm that you have read this specification and that it is correct and will meet the needs of the student’s project data collection.
Signature: ______
If you submit the form by email from your staff university email account then a physical signature is not required
Section 9 Technical Office
Date Received: ______Signed ______
Technician assigned: ______
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