Glasgow City Council
Street Management Policy:
Consultation Response
May – July
Report produced by:
Jacqui Jacobsen
Corporate Policy Assistant
Corporate Policy Section
Glasgow City Council
Phone: 0141 287 0355
1. Background 2
2. General 2
3. Buskers 3
4. Street Entertainers 5
5. Market Researchers 7
6. Fundraisers aka Chuggers 9
7. Faith Groups 11
8. Big Issue Sellers 13
9. Beggars/Homeless 15
10. Pedlars 17
11. Portable Advertising 19
12. Promotions 21
13. Events and their Presentation 23
14. Abandoned Bikes/Locks 25
15. Enforcement 27
Appendix 28
Street Management Policy Analysis
In early 2012 a discussion paper was put forward by Development and Regeneration Services to clarify the legal position on certain issues that might affect the ambience of the Style Mile in the City Centre. These issues include buskers, street entertainers, market researchers and a number of other groups which are detailed in the following report. A consultation ran from May to July 2012 to find out the views and opinions of the public about these issues and how to proceed with regard to forming a policy. The following analysis details the responses given to each question with the details of participants’ full comments in the appendix. For reporting purposes percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number.
In total there were 41 responses to the online survey.
Questions 1 and 2 are included in the first part of each section.
The majority (68%) of respondents think that buskers are not a problem in the City Centre and that this issue has stayed the same. The more popular policy option is to retain the status quo and respond proactively to complaints directly with the busker.
Do you think buskers are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
3) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 89%Neither/Nor / 11%
Disagree / 0%
4) If you disagree, please provide more details
There were two responses to this question, one of which reiterates the view that maintaining the status quo is the most favourable option. Full responses are included in the appendix.
5) There are two proposals for taking forward a policy regarding buskers:
1. Retain the status quo and proactively respond to complaints with direct contact with the busker
2. Dedicated busking areas could be considered however this would require development and management resources to operate a booking and enforcement system. In addition, fees would have to be paid by GCC to the Performing Rights Society for each performance – in the region of £9 - £13 per hour per busker depending on whether paid before or after the performance. Which is your preferred option?
Option 1 / 73%Option 2 / 27%
6) If you have any other comments regarding buskers please use the box provided
In total there were twelve responses to this question with most respondents mentioning that they do not find them a problem. Two respondents mention the need to reduce their number (see appendix).
Street Entertainers
Over half of the respondents think that street entertainers are not a problem in the City Centre and that this issue has stayed the same. The more popular policy option is to retain the status quo and respond proactively to complaints directly with the entertainer.
Do you think street entertainers are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
7) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 75%Neither/Nor / 25%
Disagree / 0%
8) If you disagree, please provide more details
There was one response to this question which gave the view that option 1 is preferable to option 2.
9) Do you agree or disagree with this proposal?
1. Retain the status quo and proactively respond to complaints with direct contact with the street entertainer. It is not felt that dedicated spaces would work with general street entertainment which doesn’t create the same noise nuisance as busking can.
Agree / 81%Disagree / 14%
Don’t Know/No Opinion / 6%
10) If you have any other comments regarding street entertainers please use the box provided
There were eight responses to this question with five respondents commenting that they make a disturbance and three more positive comments saying they benefit the city (see appendix).
Market Researchers
42% of respondents think that market researchers are a minor problem in the City Centre and that the issue has stayed the same. However over a third feel that the issue is getting worse. The majority of respondents agree there should be a policy on the issue.
Do you think market researchers are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
11) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 83%Neither/Nor / 14%
Disagree / 3%
12) If you disagree, please provide more details
There was one response to this question which mentioned that they are not a problem.
13) If you have any other comments regarding market researchers please use the box provided
There were ten responses to this question with most of them mentioning that they are intrusive and should perhaps not be on the streets (see appendix).
Fundraisers aka Chuggers
Nearly two thirds of respondents think that chuggers are a major problem in the City Centre and that the issue is getting worse. The majority of respondents agree with the SMA proposal.
Do you think chuggers are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
14) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 92%Neither/Nor / 8%
Disagree / 0%
15) If you disagree, please provide more details
There was one response to this which suggested a tougher code of conduct might be necessary.
16) Do you agree or disagree with this proposal? Operate a Site Management Agreement (SMA) with the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA). (This is expected to allow a maximum of 5 fundraisers and 6 sites (2 Argyle, 2 Sauchiehall, 2 Buchanan Streets). However each site will only be active for 2 days a week, and each street will only be active for 4 days a week.)
Agree / 74%Disagree / 26%
Don’t Know/No Opinion / 0%
17) If you have any other comments regarding face-to-face fundraisers please use the box provided.
There were sixteen responses to this question which were mostly negative towards this method of fundraising and their numbers should be reduced. Although this policy refers specifically to the City Centre a number of responses mentioned Byres road as a problem (see appendix).
Faith Groups
Nearly three quarters of respondents feel that faith groups are some sort of a problem in the City Centre and that the issue has stayed the same. The majority of respondents agree that a permit should be required.
Do you think faith groups are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
18) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 69%Disagree / 6%
Neither/Nor / 26%
19) If you disagree, please provide more details
Of the two responses to this question, one mentions that they do not find them a disturbance and the other response mentions that freedom of religious expression is important.
20) Do you agree or disagree that a permit should be required for faith groups?
Agree / 72%Disagree / 17%
Don’t Know/No Opinion / 11%
21) If you have any other comments regarding faith groups please use the box provided.
There were ten responses to this question with the majority mentioning that they should not be treated any differently from anyone else (see appendix).
Big Issue Sellers
Respondents have a varied view about big issue sellers in the City Centre, over a third do not consider them a problem, with a majority thinking that the issue has stayed the same. 61% of respondents agree that zones should be established.
Do you think big issue sellers are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
22) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 80%Disagree / 14%
Neither/Nor / 6%
23) If you disagree, please provide more details
There were two responses to this question mentioning that they are usually low profile and that using current law and being proactive in specific incidents is preferable.
24) Do you agree or disagree that designated vendor zones should be established in the Style Mile for Big Issue sellers?
Agree / 61%Disagree / 31%
Don’t Know/No Opinion / 8%
25) If you have any other comments regarding Big Issue sellers please use the box provided.
There were nine responses to this question with some mentioning that there are too many of them (see appendix).
42% of respondents consider beggars a major problem in the City Centre and that the issue is getting worse. The two proposals on how to go forward were fairly evenly supported with slightly more preferring the option to progress the byelaw application to Scottish Government.
Do you think beggars are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
26) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 83%Disagree / 6%
Neither/Nor / 9%
27) If you disagree, please provide more details
There were two responses to this question with one mentioning they agree with the Scottish Government with regard to common law and breach of peace already covering this.
28) There are two proposals for taking forward a policy regarding beggars. Do you agree or disagree with the proposals?
Agree / Disagree / Don't know/No opinionByelaw application to Scottish Government to be progressed / 59% / 17% / 25%
Consideration of Alternative Giving Boxes / 44% / 35% / 21%
29) If you have any other comments regarding beggars please use the box provided
There were fourteen responses to this question with the majority of them mentioning that they are a significant problem (see appendix).
A third of respondents think that pedlars are a minor problem in the City Centre and that the issue has stayed the same. The majority of respondents agree that there should be a policy on the issue.
Do you think pedlars are a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
30) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 77%Disagree / 3%
Neither/Nor / 20%
31) If you disagree, please provide more details
There were three responses to this question with one mentioning that unlicensed pedlars should be moved on.
32) If you have any other comments regarding pedlars please use the box provided.
There were four responses to this question with one of them asking if GCSS officers would have the powers to seize goods as this would free up Police officers (see appendix).
Portable Advertising (eg A-Boards)
Over half of respondents think that portable advertising is not a problem in the City Centre and that the issue has stayed the same. A greater part of respondents agree that there should be a policy on the issue while 36% feel no opinion one way or the other.
Do you think portable advertising is a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…
33) Do you agree or disagree that we should have a policy on this issue?
Agree / 58%Disagree / 6%
Neither/Nor / 36%
34) If you disagree, please provide more details
There was one response to this question which mentioned that all City Centre businesses should be able to have a board outside their premises.
35) If you have any other comments regarding portable advertising please use the box provided
There were six responses to this question with two mentioning that consideration must be given to partially sighted people (see appendix).
Promotions (including use of lighting columns and cross street cables for aDVERTISING BANNERS
Over a half of respondents think that the use of promotions is not a problem in the City Centre and that the issue has stayed the same. Nearly two thirds of respondents agree that there should be a policy on the issue and income generating opportunities should be explored.
Do you think the use of promotions is a problem or otherwise in Glasgow City Centre?
In your opinion would you say it has/is…