Dr. Angela M. Harley Dr. Luigina PalumboDr. Nitin Rao
117/9, Walkergate, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9BP
Tel: 01482 881298 Fax: 01482 861791
Practice Participation Group
Minutes of MeetingHeld 03.02.14
Patients Present: Barbara Fawcett (Chair), Tracey Westgarth (Vice-Chair), Carolyn Kay, Doris Moxon, John Cooke, Yvonne Shaw, Keith Bridge,Jane Perkins and Clair Colley
Apologies: Sally Clayton, Mary Scaife, Peter Mounstephen and Vera Cooke
Staff Present: Dr. Palumbo, Caroline Maw, Claire Duggleby, Lisa Smith and Jan Brown
- Welcome
The Chair opened the meeting.
- Apologies
Apologies noted as above. Doris pointed out she had sent apologies for the last meeting which were not noted.
- Introduction of John Ledger
John was unable to attend unfortunately but promises to attend for the next meeting in May. Barbara has met John and informed the group about the hopes of the 2 groups merging shortly after the practices have fully merged. Keith asked about John’s background and Caroline said he had been the Managing Partner of Molescroft Surgery for over 10 years and prior to that had been in GP recruitment so he has a long NHS background.
- Minutes of last meeting
John reports good experiences with ERCH and Barbara confirmed she had heard good reports, no negatives heard or experienced by any members present.
Minutes taken as read.
- Survey Results and Action Points
Barbara gave the results to the PPG from the 50 competed papers received back. The group commented on the low returns and a discussion ensued about how to notify patients of the survey in future years. It was agreed to ensure it was in the Newsletter and on the website and to continue to put posters up. An email circulation list was talked about and Caroline will look into the Information Governance around other patients seeing each others email addresses if we could put such a thing together.
The results were circulated and everyone pleased with the outcome.
Tracey presented the comments sections from the 11 which had comments on and which were mainly just comments about the good practice performance and the hopes it would continue post full merge.
- Surgery Merge Update
Caroline and Dr Palumbo gave an update to the group and explained about the imminent computer system change at Molescroft and the hope that the patients database will merge fully middle April this year. We will keep patients and the group updated as things unfold and hopefully by the next meeting things will be starting to settle down for everyone. The survey had been carried out, see above, and the results from both sites showed no concerns currently.
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Sister Lisa explained to the group how all members of the surgery have to carry out CPD and she gave a hand out to the group with some of the training carried out by the Team recently. She answered questions put forward by group members and explained what happened when the surgery was closed for Learning events.
- Care.Data
The leaflet drop to all households had been carried out by the Government, most members including staff had not noticed the flyer which had been suitable hidden amongst other flyers for takeaways etc which most people had just put in the bin!
Dr Palumbo explained what the information would be used for and Caroline said that there had been an uptake by patients to complete the forms to exclude themselves from this extraction of data. Claire said these forms where scanned onto the patients records and the codes entered to prevent the Government extracting data.
- IT for the future
Caroline explained the hopes of the Practice to start offering online appointments, online prescription ordering and electronic transfer of prescriptions (EPS2). The EPS service is due to go live on 27th February. Once both surgeries are on the same clinical system and the patient list has merged, staff will be trained on these services and they will be rolled out to patients. Some staff members said they used these services at other practices and found them good.
- Any Other Business
John spoke about his recent encounters with the blood service and subsequent complications due to blood not being able to be taken on a Friday. Dr Palumbo agreed that the situation had been far from ideal and said that she would take the thoughts to the Locality Group and see if improvements can be made for future occasions.
- Date of next meeting: Monday 12th May 2014 at 6.15pm.