High-level Conference on
Financial Inclusion and Employment
November 10-11th, 2015
Dead Sea Mövenpick Hotel, Jordan
Monday, 9th November19.00 - 21.00 / Networking Reception
- Welcome Address: Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ)
Tuesday, 10th November
SESSION I / 8:00 - 9:00 / Conference Registration
9:00 - 9:20 / Opening Remarks & Introduction
- Dr.ZiadFariz, Governor, CBJ
- Dr.Abdulrahman A. Al Hamidy,Director General Chairman of the Board, Arab Monetary Fund (AMF)
- Ute Klamert, Head of Department Europe, Mediterranea, Central Asia, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
9:20 -9:35 / Official Launch of Jordanian Financial Inclusion Strategy Process
- Dr.ZiadFariz, Governor,CBJ
9:35 - 9:45 / Signing of the AMF-GIZ MoU
- Dr.Abdulrahman A. Al Hamidy,Director General Chairman of the Board, AMF and Ute Klamert, Head of Department Europe, Mediterranean, Central Asia, GIZ
9:45 - 10:05 / Key note: Financial Inclusion and Employment
- Dr. Alfred Hannig, Executive Director, Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI)
10:05 - 10:30 / Market Place Presentation
Each market place speaker will briefly introduce her / his topic.
10:30-11:00 / Coffee Break
SESSION II / 11:00-12:30 / PANEL: National Financial Inclusion Strategies (NFIS)
This session will draw from the vast global experience in both, the formulation and the implementation of NFISs. Given that the Arab region countries are still at the early stages of formulation of national strategies, more emphasis will be placed on the formulation experience and lessons that can be drawn for the Arab region countries.
- Dr.Nimal A. Fernando, Associate, AFI
- Dr. Jihad Al-Wazir, Governor,Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA)
- Rochelle de Castro Tomas, Bank Officer,BangkoSentralngPilipina(BSP)
- Nangi Massawe, Principal Bank Officer, Real Sector and Microfinance, Bank of Tanzania (BoT)
- Bader Nabil, Director of Financial Inclusion Dept, Bank Al Maghrib
12:30-14:00 / Lunch
SESSION III / 14.00-15:45 / Market Place
New Financing Instruments
New Financing Instruments / Non-Financial Services for SMEs / Alternative Risk Management / Gender Finance
The G20-OECD high-level principles on SME finance encourage policymakers to promote non-bank financial services (NBFS) as an alternative source of finance for SME. This session will showcase new financing instruments that can help closing the finance gap for SMEs. / The TürkEkonomiBankası (TEB) is one of the leading banks for SME finance worldwide. The bank has a particular focus on non-financial services that have revolutionized SME banking. This session will examine TEB’s innovative approach to SME banking. / One of the biggest obstacles to financial inclusion is assessing the creditworthiness of people with no prior financial history. This session will show how that obstacle is being overcome in Kenya, China, and elsewhere through a combination of data analytics and machine learning. / Worldwide, more than 1.3 billion women are largely outside the financial system. Financial regulators increasingly take into account this gender-gap. This session will examine gender-finance in more detail and help regulators understand and tackle gender-based financial exclusion.
- Simon Bell, Global Lead for SME Finance, Finance & Markets, World Bank
- N.N. Turkish Economy Bank(TEB)
- Oscar Madeddu, Principal Financial Specialist, IFC
- AreielWolanov,East Africa Banking Industry Leader, IBM
- Nomsa Daniels, Executive Director, New Faces New Voices
- MehrechaneNayel,Microfinanace Advisor, GIZ
Financial Infrastucture for SME finance
Secured Lending/Moveable Asset Registries / Credit Registries -Bureaus / Scoring / Credit Guarantee Schemes / Digital Finance for SMEs
Secured lending can reduce risk associated with lending, and improve access to credit for SMEs. This session will feature issues related to secured lending in commercial transactions, examine high-potential reforms, and present good practices. / The Arab world mostly counts credit registries, but there are nascent efforts to put in place credit bureaus. This session will showcase examples of successful credit bureaus, how they have contributed to expanding access to credit for SMEs, and steps that can be taken to improve credit reporting and scoring. / Credit guarantee facilities unlock market potential for loans and contribute to stabilizing the financial market. This session will present regional and global experiences, highlighting key success factors of efficient credit guarantee schemes. / Many countries like Kenya, China and Jordan are developing mobile payment infrastructures small business can benefit a lot from. This session will explore the potential of mobile payments for SMEs.
- Nabil Abdulla Al Mubarak, Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Credit Bureau
- Roland Siebeke, Head of Microfinance Project Marocco, GIZ
15:45 - 16:10 / Coffee Break
SESSION IV / 16:10 - 17:10 / PANEL: EnablingSME Finance Policies
Access to finance is a major challenge for SMEs. Policymakers around the world are working on SME finance policies to advance financial inclusion for SMEs. What are these policies? This session aims to highlight innovative, successful and scalable policies that can be drawn for the countries from the Arab world.
- Hayder Al-Bagdadi, Programme Coordinator, GIZ
- N.N. Bank Negara Malaysia
- May Abulnaga, Director of Banking Regulations Dept, Central Bank of Egypt
- Ricardo Estrada,Policy Manager, Digital Financial Services & SME Finance, AFI
17:10 / Conclusions and the way forward
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- Arab Monetary Fund
Wednesday, 11th November
Financial Inclusion Strategy Capacity Development Programme
(Closed Session – by invitation only)
9:00-9:10 / Opening Remarks
- N.N. Central Bank of Jordan
- N.N. Arab Monetary Fund
SESSION I / 9:10-9:30 / Introduction and Expectation Setting
- Roland Gross, Head of Competency Center Financial Systems Development, GIZ
SESSION II / 9:30 - 10:20 / National Financial Inclusion Strategy: Global Trends and Practices
This session will provide an overview of the global trends and practices in NFIS. More emphasis will be on the trends and practices related to formulation. The session will lay the foundation for the training programme.
- Dr.Nimal A. Fernando, Associate, AFI
10:20 - 10:35 / Coffee Break
SESSION III / 10:35 - 11:25 / Foundations of Financial Inclusion Strategies
The session will primarily cover the role of diagnostics and data in laying the foundations for an effective NFIS. It will outline the use of data in setting indicators and how data can be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
- NangiMassawe, Principal Bank Officer, Real Sector and Microfinance, BoT
11:25 - 12:15 / Target Setting and Prioritization in the Context of National Financial Inclusion Strategies
Both target setting and prioritization are key components of NFISs. The session will provide a brief introduction to both and prepare participants for the group exercises to be carried out in the afternoon.
- Dr.Nimal A. Fernando, Associate, AFI
- MohanadSalous, Senior Officer, Consumer Relations and Market Conduct Department, PMA
12:15 - 13:15 / Lunch
SESSION V / 13:15 - 14:30 / Group Exercises on Diagnostics, Data, Target Setting and Prioritization
Each group consisting of about 10-12 participants will be given a case to work on an assigned problem/issue related to NFIS formulation. The group will discuss the issues and prepare a brief report to be submitted to participants in a plenary.
14:30 - 15:00 / Groups report back on the exercises in a plenary
15:00 - 15:15 / Coffee Break
SESSION VI / 15:15 - 16:05 / Coordination Mechanisms for Formulation and Implementation of National Financial Inclusion Strategies
- Rochelle Tomas, Bank Officer, BSP
SESSION VII / 16:05 - 16:55 / Implementation, and Monitoring and Evaluation of National Financial Inclusion Strategies
- N.N. World Bank
SESSION VIII / 16:55-17:45 / Technical Assistance and Development Partner Support for FI Strategies – GIZ
- N.N. World Bank
- Thomas Rahn, Advisor, GIZ
17:45-18:00 / Closing Remarks
- Hayder Al-Bagdadi, Programme Coordinator, GIZ
1 Oct. 2015
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