Head Styles
1. Natural – Dogs with smooth faces/ dogs that need help with a smooth face.
Ex/ Retrievers, cocker spaniels.
Leave alone or shave
2. Rectangular head – series of straight lines that form a rectangle
Ex/ Airdale, Schnauzer, Wheaten
Line for cheek starts behind eye and follows boney ridge back to eye canal
Line for beard starts behind back corner of eye and runs on a diagonal toward the back corner of the mouth
Throat and neck line start at base of ear
Eyebrows – use eye socket ridge to set brow
For short brows clip with the lay of the coat
For long beards and brows blade in reverse
For brows line shears between back corner of eye and point on nose – 2nd brow line points match from the first
Use curved shears in reverse to set long brows and falls
Shorter beards – snap on comb 1.5 or 1 over beard
3. Clipped close with topknot – Poodle, Irish water spaniel
Lines –
ear canal to back corner of eye – stretch skin continue clipping down bridge of nose
At stop clip inverted V. To leave fur for moustache clip diagonal halfway down the nose
To clip lip place finger at back corner of mouth and stretch the skin and use edge of blade follow with hand shaping or thinning shears. Neck is a V
Scissoring topknot –
Clip face first – comb hair to one side, flip ear over
Glide scissors under line, rest blade gently on skin, Bevel shear slightly away from skin
Repeat on other side, blend
Comb forward – Glide shear beveled away from face
Comb to back and blend fur into neck
Use curved shears round the top edge – check all lines
Light coats use longer blades because of sensitivity
4. Round Head – Shih tzu, Bichon, Westie
Varies with coat type and body style
5. Tie up top knots – Pull hair from outside corner of eyes to occiput (triangle shape) – make back pony tail and tie front into back pony – DO NOT DISTORT EYE SHAPE