Memorandum for PIIC Mentors
Subject: Travel Expense Reimbursement
July 1, 2010- June 30, 2011
PIIC Mentors will be compensated for statewide travel related expenses incurred traveling to and from statewide PIIC professional development events and mentor meetings. Subject to the individual participation limits shown below, PIIC Mentors may submit for travel related expenses:
· Authorized expenses include lodging, mileage, tolls, meals, and parking.
o All expenses, except mileage must be substantiated by an original, itemized receipt, which must be attached to the Independent Provider Expense Reimbursement Form.
· Mileage will be paid at the current IRS Rate of .51 cents per mile (as of January 2011).
o There will be no compensation or reimbursement for fuel charges.
· For meal related expenses, each PIIC Coach Mentor is entitled to $10 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, and $26 for dinner per day.
o These amounts cannot be combined.
o There will be no compensation or reimbursement for alcohol.
There will be no compensation or reimbursement for any other expenses, such as cell phone charges, long distance charges, internet fees, photocopying expenses, office supplies, etc…
Independent Provider Expense Reimbursement Forms must be sent via email to:
Or By Fax: (717) 732-8423
Please scan receipts and send them with the reimbursement form. Keep your hard copies for reference.
Note: The Independent Provider Expense Reimbursement Forms MUST include your ORIGINAL signature, dates of service, AND your Social Security Number. Without these, you will not be reimbursed.