World HistoryWeek of: 2 – 5 May 2016WPHS Learning Plan
CHAPTER 31 New Nations Emerge 1945-Present pp 1012-1041CHAPTER 32 Regional Conflicts 1945-Present pp 1042-1064
2 May / Daily
Objectives /
- Demonstrate mastery of Chapter 31 by acing the Chapter 31 Test.
Plan /
- Brief review of the major points of Chapter 31 prior to the Chapter 31 Test.
- Ace the Chapter 31 Test.
3May / Daily
Objectives /
- Explain the complex causes of ethnic and religious conflicts.
- Describe how war ravaged Chechnya.
- Understand how Yugoslavia broke apart.
- FOCUS QUESTION: Why have ethnic and religious conflicts divided some nations?
Plan /
- Chapter 32 Regional Conflicts Section ONE Conflicts Divide Nations pages 1044-1047.
- Review the chapter objectives, the section objectives, and the focus question.
- Review the geographic location of the nations to be studied today
- ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Play geography quiz for candy.
- Students will next review the three sections of Chapter 32 Section ONE and the nations discussed, and annotate the major points in each subheading in their notes/daily writes.
- Students will review the primary source document from the New York Times about Radovan Karadzic and discuss the questions in class.
- Answer questions three-through five on page 1047 in the daily writes.
4 May / Daily
Objectives /
- Understand South Africa’s struggle for freedom.
- Describe how struggles for independence and Cold War rivalries brought decades of conflict to South Africa’s neighbors.
- Analyze how ethnic conflicts killed millions in Rwanda and Sudan.
- FOCUS QUESTION: Why have conflicts plagued some African countries?
Plan /
- Briefly review the major concepts covered in class yesterday.
- Chapter 32Regional Conflicts Section TWO Struggles inAfrica pages 1048-1053
- Review the chapter objectives, the section objectives, and the focus question.
- Students will next review the three sections of Chapter 31 Section TWO, and annotate the major points in each subheading in their notes/daily writes.
- Review the geographic location of the nations studied today.
- ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: On a separate piece of paper, students will identify one feature of one nation in Africa studied today without naming that nation. Students will next fold their sheet with the one feature one it into a paper airplane; the planes will then be flown through the room. Each student should retrieve the plane landing closet to her or him and after reading the feature listed identify the African nation which has that feature.
- Review the Primary Source article on Nelson Mandela on page 1053 and answer questions one and two in class.
- Answer questions three-through six on page 1052 in the daily writes.
5 May / Daily
Objectives /
- Understand why Arabs and Israelis fought over land.
- Explain why civil war ravaged Lebanon.
- Outline Iraq’s long history of conflict.
- FOCUS QUESTION: What are the causes of conflict in the Middle East?
Plan /
- Briefly review the major concepts covered in class yesterday.
- Chapter 32Regional Conflicts Section THREE Conflicts inthe Middle East pages 1054-1061
- Students will next review the three sections of Chapter 31 Section THREE, and annotate the major points in each subheading in their notes/daily writes.
- ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Students will stand and share three things about the Middle East Conflict with the student closest to them.
- Review the geographic location of the nations studied today.
- Answer questions three-through five on page 1059 in the daily writes.