For Initial Data Check:
1.Click Analyze, click Regression, and click Linear
2.Click your (Dependent Variable), and click ► to move it to the Dependent: box.
3.Click your (Independent Variable), and click ► to move it to the Independent(s): box.
Repeat Step 3 for all applicable Independent Variables… NOTE: For the initial data check – all of the independent variables that are to be used in the given study will be entered into the regression equation…
Or you can hold down the Ctrl key, click all of your Independent Variables, and click ► to move them to the Independent(s): box.
4.Click Statistics, the Linear Regression: Statistics dialog box is shown…
5.Select [] the Colinearity diagnostics box – then click Continue.
6.Click Plots, the Linear Regression: Plots dialog box is shown…
7.Select (*ZRESID), and click ► to move it to the Y: box.
8.Select (*ZPRED), and click ► to move it to the X: box.
9.Under Standardized Residual Plots – select [] Histogram and Normal probability plot – then click Continue.
10.Click Save, the Linear Regression: Save dialog box is shown…
11.Under Distances – select [] the Mahalanobis, Cook’s, and Leverage Values boxes.
12.Under Residuals – select [] the Standardized box – then click Continue.
13.You should now be back at the Linear Regression dialog box – click OK.
14.You are now ready to analyze your output.
For Conducting Simultaneous Multiple Regression:
1.Click Analyze, click Regression, and click Linear
If you have not closed out of SPSS – I would suggest selecting Reset before proceeding – otherwise you will have to go through and do a lot of de-selecting to avoid a lot of EXTRA output in subsequent analyses…
2.Click your (Dependent Variable), and click ► to move it to the Dependent: box.
3.Click your (Independent Variable), and click ► to move it to the Independent(s): box.
Repeat Step 3 for all applicable Independent Variables…
Or you can hold down the Ctrl key, click all of your Independent Variables, and click ► to move them to the Independent(s): box.
4.Click Statistics, the Linear Regression: Statistics dialog box is shown…
5.Select [] the Descriptive boxes – then click Continue.
6.You should now be back at the Linear Regression dialog box – click OK.
NOTE: When you are running the comparative analysis (with potential data points to be removed) – select Paste (instead of OK) – then add the Temporary syntax command.
7.You are now ready to analyze your output.
For Conducting Block Entry Multiple Regression:
1.Click Analyze, click Regression, and click Linear
If you have not closed out of SPSS – I would suggest selecting Reset before proceeding – otherwise you will have to go through and do a lot of de-selecting to avoid a lot of EXTRA output in subsequent analyses…
2.Click your (Dependent Variable), and click ► to move it to the Dependent: box.
3.Click your (Independent Variable), and click ► to move it to the Independent(s): box.
Repeat Step 3 for all applicable Independent Variables for the first block…
Or you can hold down the Ctrl key, click all of your Independent Variables, and click ► to move them to the Independent(s): box.
4.Click Next (just below the dependent variable box).
You should now see – Block 2 of 2…
5.Click your (Independent Variable), and click ► to move it to the Independent(s) box.
Repeat Step 5 for all applicable Independent Variables for the second block…
Or you can hold down the Ctrl key, click all of your Independent Variables, and click ► to move them to the Independent(s) box.
Repeat this process for any subsequent blocks…
6.Click Statistics, the Linear Regression: Statistics dialog box is shown…
7.Select [] the R squared change and Descriptive boxes – then click Continue.
8.You should now be back at the Linear Regression dialog box – click OK.
NOTE: When you are running the comparative analysis (with potential data points to be removed) – select Paste (instead of OK) – then add the Temporary syntax command.
9.You are now ready to analyze your output.
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