Semcac Head Start

An Equal Opportunity Program

Annual review of the Center/Site Risk Reduction Plan

Site/Center: ______License #: ______Date of review: ______

Site staff must review the risk reduction plan annually. When conducting the review, consider incidents that have occurred in the center since the last review. Make note of your findings, suggestions, questions, concerns, etc. using: “NA” for not applicable, Yes or No answers, and/or other narrative to explain thoroughly.

(1)A review of the assessment factors in the plan:

(2)A review of notifications made on maltreatment. The review will include an evaluation of whether:

a. Related P&Ps were followed;

b.P&Ps were adequate;

c.There is a need for additional staff training;

d.The reported event(s) is similar to past events with the children or services involved;

(3)A review of incidents that caused injury or harm to a child since the last review, if any:

(4) Based on the annual review, what changes were made to the risk reduction plan? Please make note on the CCCRR plan and make a copy of those notations to include with this Review.

Name and title of person(s) completing annual review:______

The Annual Review Form will be submitted to County Coordinator.

County Coordinator: ______Review Date: ______


County Coordinator will verify thoroughness, and assist with defining needed follow-up. The County Coordinator will submit the Annual Review Form to the Facilities Coordinator.

Facilities Coordinator: ______Review Date: ______


If there are concerns noted under 2 or 3 above,Facilities Coordinator will provide a copy of the Review Form to the Family/Community Partnerships Coordinator.

Family/Community Partnerships Coordinator: ______Review Date: ______


If there are concerns noted under no. 4 above, a, Facilities Coordinator will provide copy of the Review Form to the Health Coordinator.

Health Coordinator: ______Review Date: ______


The Family/Community Partnerships Coordinator and Health Coordinator will analyze all Review forms they received for trends. The Health Coordinator will compare to her semi-annual analysis of accidents/incidents. They will follow-up with Facilities Coordinator regarding needed updates to P&Ps and/or staff training. If there is need for corrective action by the program to protect the health and safety of children in its care, this will be reported inthe next On-going Monitoring meeting. A corrective action plan will be outlined, as needed.

If Semcac Head Start comes to know that an internal or external report of alleged or suspected maltreatment, or of other licensing violations, has been made about Semcac Head Start, the Head Start Director will act immediately. S/He will pursue Semcac’s Personnel Policy 5, Misconduct/

Dishonesty/ Fraud. If the concern relates to the Director, then Semcac’s Human Resources Director will complete the investigation. A corrective action plan will be outlined, as needed.

Needed Corrective Action Plans will be completed within five working days to include:

  • Issue to Resolve
  • Specific actions to resolve
  • Responsible Staff for each action
  • Due date for action

The Head Start Director will monitor for prompt resolution and, as needed, notify DHS with all requested documentation

P&Ps/Facilities, Materials, & Equipment/2015-2016Original-Facilities Coordinator/Admin Office

Copy-Site Yellow Binder