Writing Component Rubric

Score / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Fluency / -The meaning of each sentence is vague, not clear.
-No elaboration or details described.
-Sentences do not flow together. / -The meaning of each sentence still looks a bit confusing.
-Shows effort in trying to elaborate details but still not clear. / -The meaning of each sentence is somewhat clear.
-An idea could be grasped from each sentence.
-Still sentences do not have a good flow. / -The meaning of each sentence is clear.
-Ideas are shown and main idea is presented.
-Sentences are well flowed. / -The meaning of each sentence is very clear. Very easy to understand.
-Sentence flows are good and fluent. No problems in grasping information.
Organization / -The flow of ideas is not connected at all.
-Different ideas are just bundled up in one paragraph.
-Very hard to understand and follow the meaning of each paragraph. / -The flow of ideas has a confusing flow.
-There are two or more ideas in one paragraph. / -The flow of ideas is not quite connected.
-Yet, there is one main idea in each paragraph.
-A bit easier to follow the message that writer wants the read to know. / -The flow of ideas is connected.
-One main idea in each paragraph.
-A bit smooth but more improvement could be used. / -The flow of ideas is well connected.
-Definite and one main idea in each paragraph.
-Very smooth and not difficult to understand.
-Perfect flow.
Ideas / -The ideas are unfocused and not clear.
-Unable to extract what the writer’s ideas are. / -The ideas are not clear.
-The reader gets an idea but unsure of what the main idea is. / -Some ideas are missing.
-Each idea is clear enough to be extracted from each paragraph. / -The ideas are accurate and useful.
-Each idea is clearly presented. / -The details give the reader important information.
-Very easy to grasp what the writer’s ideas is.