SEE Change: Sustainable Early Engagement for Change

SEE Change State Leadership Team Meeting Agenda

10/28/15 • 9:00-12:00

PSU, 2 Pillsbury Street, Concord, NH

Joan Izen, SLT Coordinator, Meeting Facilitator • Tammy Vittum, Scribe

Vision Statement: New Hampshire children, birth through five, who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities, learn and grow as actively engaged members of their families and communities.

Mission Statement: To build capacity of those who work with or care for young children with disabilities to implement evidence-based practices that promote child engagement in everyday settings and activities.

Prep work: Read 8/26/15 meeting notes; review webinars “Introduction to Data” (posted on the SLT page password: seechange123) and “Practice-Based Coaching: Elements and Options” (posted on the SEE Change page, no password).

Participants: Jessica Sugrue, Kerry Wiley, Michelle Lewis, Debra Nelson, Tammy Vittum, Kathy Keene, Kathy Gray

Absent: Pat Cantor, Betsy Humphreys, Ruth Littlefield, Dee Dunn Tierney

Meeting Goals:

1.  Assess current status of Year 2 implementation

2.  Provide input regarding transition from expert to peer-to-peer model

3.  Next step planning for scale up and sustainability

Agenda Item / Discussion Points / Next Steps
Review of meeting agenda and goals / ·  The SLT last met on August 26th. Our September meeting was cancelled because the Fall Event was scheduled for the day before. Two webinars have been offered by RP2 during this time period: 1 on data and 1 of coaching model
·  Betsy Humphreys will be our IHE representative replacing Leslie Couse; she attended the Fall Event but wasn’t able to join us today. Joan has talked with her to orient her to our work.
·  Welcome to Jessica Sugrue, representing the Child Development Bureau (replacing Kristin Booth). She is the childcare training coordinator at the Bureau, the president of NHAEYC, co-chair of Watch Me Grow and is involved in many early childhood initiatives.
·  Kathy Gray starts her new position on Friday (10/30) as the CSPD Coordinator for ESS working with Kerry Wiley. Kathy was an ESS Director (Moore Center) and represented that voice on this team. Kathy asked whether we should recruit a new ESS Director for the team. After a brief discussion it was agreed that given the late stage of the initiative it didn’t make sense to bring on another new member and asked Kathy to continue to share her views from the Director perspective.
§  It was agreed that discussion re: whether Kerry and Kathy will both continue on the SLT and which one will coordinate the ESS Master Cadre is premature. These issues will be revisited at our meeting next month. / Joan will update the SLT contact information on the SEE Change website page.
Follow up discussion re: ESS representative on SLT and ESS MC Coordinator…Kerry? Kathy?
Check in / Members reflected on their SLT participation and shared something significant gained from involvement in this initiative and how it’s influenced day-to-day work and/or thinking. Some comments addressed:
§  Shift from teaching and therapy to coaching parents (ESS)
§  Impact on increased family outcomes in ESS
§  Importance of child engagement
§  Importance of data
§  Fidelity
§  Pyramid model
§  Coaching
Review 8/26/15 meeting notes and ‘next steps’ / ·  Pat C. appreciated the team’s flexibility with her schedule; will continue to review/comment on meeting notes and looks forward to rejoining in January
·  Update on PALS Training next steps: Michelle, Tammy and Kassie reviewed and updated the PALS Coaching Checklist; it has been sent to Alison for review. The model incorporates the stoplight “If-then” process from the latest coaching call. The checklist is not yet ready for distribution; hopefully soon. Those that worked on it feel it will be very helpful to the coaching process.
·  Feedback re: 9.8.15 “Introduction to Data” webinar with Lise Fox:
§  Most had viewed the webinar and found it helpful.
§  Debra felt that Christina MacDonald’s idea to create a scatter plot overlaying the coaching strategy use compared to the child outcomes would be helpful. We have such few data points. The classroom observation scale might be able to be used, but it is only done twice a year. We may be able to use the teacher fidelity of implementation data plotted against child outcomes. This may give us more data. Concerned with the amount of time to increase number of data points or students being tracked. RP2 has expressed that Alton tracking 4 students may be too much.
§  Joan shared that she, Ruth, Kerry and Michelle received an email from Alison just prior to today’s meeting in follow up to their planning call re: the SLT’s use of data for scale up and sustainability planning. Since the agenda was already prepared and there wasn’t sufficient time to review the documents it was agreed that we would wait until next month for review/discussion. / Follow up on Coaching Checklist after it has been reviewed by Alison. Need a review and distribution plan.
Follow up with RP2 re: data questions and data concerns
Action Plan Items Proposed / Michelle reported on the following action plan items proposed:
1)  MC Coordinators and MC members review October program data individually and think about implications for both internal coaching and external coaching. All report implications for 11/19 MC call.
2)  MC review October data summary with program leadership team – identify coaching needs. MC also bring this information to 11/19 MC call.
3)  MC Coordinators and MC Members and RP2 discuss data and how it should inform the Internal coach calls for November through January.
Proposed: Master Cadre Coordinator will work with Allison to transition the facilitation of the MC calls and coaches. This will help build NH’s capacity and assist with sustainability. The calls will go back to the basics of coaching and include strategies and practices (using the language necessary) to ensure that coaching is being conducted. We need to be using the data we have to dive deeper into their practices.
Fall event highlights and next steps / Michelle and Kerry summarized highlights of the program shares and the afternoon planning session. SLT participants (Joan, Dee, Debra, Kathy K., Kathy G.) also reflected on the event. Examples included:
§  Program shares were powerful particularly: NHS presentation of the shift that has occurred in their practices and the power of coaching as opposed to teaching and modeling; Alton’s share that highlighted the changes they’ve made in their classroom environment and the intentionality of their practices; and Timberlane’s efforts to increase family engagement. CU discussed how they are now training child care staff in the practices and have incorporated information about using the DEC Recommended practices in their handbook.
§  Overall, the group felt that the event provided good qualitative data re: changes in practices
§  The afternoon planning session was more challenging. The NHS team left because many of their team members were unable to attend due to illness. Other teams worked on the Benchmarks of Quality but referenced that it was difficult to do this activity without their entire team present.
It was noted that several teams talked about and/or shared examples of products they’d developed as a result of their involvement in this initiative. It was agreed that we need to collect examples of these SEE Change ‘artifacts’ for future use. / Kerry will explore possibility of supporting ESS MC with stipends.
Ask MC to work with Implementation Sites to collect artifacts of their involvement in SEE Change.
Our practice-based coaching model is shifting from “expert” to “reciprocal peer”
·  Plan to support the transition
·  Implications for scale up / ·  Most had viewed the Practice-based Coaching webinar and found it helpful.
·  Michelle referenced the RP2 coaching modules and said that she’d send the link and password so that SLT members could review if interested.
·  We discussed the possibility of developing competencies for coaches.
§  What are our long term goals for coaching?
§  Qualifications for coaches?
§  Criteria for coach selection?
·  Questions and concerns raised about the coaching calls as participation has dropped off. Michelle is working with Allison to increase participation and go back to the basics of coaching to ensure coaches of the tools and support necessary to coach effectively.
§  Consider combining the PSE and ESS coaching calls: 30 minutes general/applicable to all; 30 minutes specific to PSE and ESS? / Michelle will send the link and password for the coaching modules. She’ll ask RP2 if we can post the link on SEE Change.
Next step planning for scale up and sustainability / ·  Difference between expansion and scale up – expansion is within the programs (happening this year), scale up is implementation of model in additional programs. What is our scale up going to look like? – we need a plan for this. Looking at data, coaching qualifications/training, etc. is all helpful.
·  Is data collection demands an issue of expansion? Alison and Michelle discussed what we do this year, because RP2 is done in July. What are our needs and how do we get the “most bang for our buck”
·  We need strategies for expanding our coaching cohort.
§  There has been a big drop off on the coaching calls.
§  Need to develop criteria and role description for coaches. At next meeting we will review a coaching tool that Jessica referenced; we’ll also look at the Pyramid Model coaching checklists to inform future planning.
·  December meeting is for the Benchmarks of Quality – It was agreed that this will help focus us and be helpful to our planning process.
·  Using the data to inform our planning? Agreement that there’s really not sufficient data.
·  Initial thoughts about next step planning for:
§  Preschool special education?
o  Focus on SSIP
o  Role of the SLT?
§  ESS?
o  Resources will be tight because of significant investment towards capacity building for vision/hearing.
o  Kerry has planned and budgeted for 2 sites (1 additional site).
§  Head Start?
o  Debra is considering if and how to scale up to Head Start. Thinking she’ll start small, maybe one site. (“Go slowly, go together”)
§  Home Visiting? Dee wasn’t able to attend today’s meeting
§  Child Care? This was Jessica’s first meeting so she hasn’t had the opportunity to think about scale up to child care. She did, however suggest the possibility of approaching Project Launch (Manchester) for scale up as it would include Head Start, home visiting and child care.
·  Demonstration sites: we should be collecting the ideas, forms, etc. that the programs have implemented. Future sites could benefit from seeing these products, pictures or documentation of what they are doing. Questions raised re: moving current Implementation Sites to Demonstration Sites: do we have fidelity? The child data may show fidelity but are the coaches truly implementing with fidelity?
·  Possibility of participating as a Pyramid State: we had only a brief discussion as many were planning to participate in the webinar with Rob Corso that afternoon. / Jessica will email Joan the coaching tools.
Michelle will forward the PALS Coaching checklist (once reviewed).
Look for other coaching checklists from the Pyramid model to share.
Continue discussion re: possibility of scale up to Project Launch sites.
Talk with RP2 about moving Implementation Sites to Demonstration Sites.
Next steps
Reflection / Meeting dates:
·  11/18/15 Cancelled
·  12/16/15 (Benchmarks of Quality with Katy M.)
·  1/27/16
·  2/17/16
·  3/23/16
·  4/27/16
·  5/25/16
·  6/22/16
Debra offered to scribe for the next meeting / Joan will work with Michelle to figure out what the most meaningful way we look at data. We’ll have a 3rd set of data points (October) to review for implications.
November meeting topics:
·  Possibility of Project Launch for scale-up?
·  Next steps for preschool special ed re: SSIP?
·  Follow up to Pyramid Model webinar; impact on this project and scale up.