September 25, 2007

In Attendance:

Tom Anderson Jo Ann Daszuta

Dan Painter Linda Brosche

Joan Buckler Barbara Tobin

Fair/Way Management

I.  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Tom Anderson, President of the Board. A quorum was established by the presence of 6 out of 9 Board members in attendance.

II.  Minutes: The minutes from the August 28, 2007 meeting were presented to the Board for review. Dan Painter made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Linda Brosche and passed unanimously.

III.  Annual Meeting

  1. Need for obtaining proxies – Tom Anderson stated that volunteers were needed to solicit for proxies throughout the community. Linda Brosche, Barbara Tobin and Joan Buckler volunteered to gather the proxies for the Annual Meeting.
  2. Bylaw Changes – Tom Anderson stated that he had sent a request over to the Attorney to have them draw up the bylaw changes for the Annual Meeting. Barbara Tobin questioned what changes were being made. Mr. Anderson explained that the requirement for the audit, the interest rate/late fee issue and the reserve allocation requirement were needing to be changed.

IV.  Secretary / Fairway Management

  1. Lake Lots – LeTisha Labbate stated that there were 121 confirmed lake lots. Mrs. Labbate explained that two of the lots were billed as regular lots in 2007. Barbara Tobin questioned whether these lots would be back billed for 2007. Jim Kenney of Fair/Way Management stated that they would send the owner a letter explaining what had happened and request payment.
  2. Wheelchair Accessible – LeTisha Labbate stated that she has spoken to Keith Alward of Road and Bridges for Brevard County and was told that the county would not retro fit the curbs in the community so that they would be wheelchair accessible. He stated that the funding is not in the Budget and this would set a precedent with other established communities within the County.

V.  Treasurer / Legal Liaison

  1. This discussion was deferred until later in the meeting.

VI.  Due Process Committee

  1. Fines –Tom Anderson stated that Jim and he had reached agreement on the Due Process Procedures, however they continue to disagree on the fining policy. Both views would be presented and the Board would be able to decide which policy to adopt. Mr. Anderson noted that these procedures were adopted in the Amendment to the Bylaws dated December 7, 2006. Jim Kenney stated that he does not suggest the Board adopt a flat fining system. Barbara Tobin stated that there is also a “Self Help” provision in the Documents. Mr. Kenney commented that this was not a recommended means of curing a violation. After further discussion, Barbara Tobin made a motion to adopt a flat fee system for fining. The motion was seconded by Dan Painter and passed with a vote of 4 – 1 with Linda Brosche opposed.

VII.  Sound wall

  1. Tom Anderson stated that he had met with the presidents of the three other Associations involved in the sound wall issue. Mr. Anderson explained that he had emailed the resolution to the Board members for review and that this needs to be signed by November 1, 2007 so that they can start the bidding process with construction tentatively starting in late 2008. He added that there would be 2700 feet of wall that would sit on top of the existing berm. The Association’s would be responsible for the maintenance on both sides of the wall. With regard to graffiti, it was mentioned that the wall would have a special “graffiti” paint on it to make it easier to clean. It was also noted that the Association would be responsible for the landscaping maintenance on the east side of the wall. Mr. Anderson stated that once the Association owns the property they can do one of two things:

1.  Maintain the property

2.  Quit Claim the property to the owners along the wall so that they would become responsible for the maintenance of the landscaping

The following information was also included in the report:

1.  There is no warranty for the wall

2.  The potential cost for maintaining the landscaping should the Association assume the responsibility would be approximately $6,000.00 per year

3.  A survey would be required of the property at a cost of approximately $1,500.00.

4.  Periodic maintenance of the wall would be necessary every 5 – 7 years at an estimated cost of $4,000.00

5.  The wall is not insurable - Fair/Way Management was looking into whether or not the Association could maintain liability insurance on the wall

6.  The Association would be responsible for the cost of painting the wall (their portion) when the time came

Mr. Anderson stated that a decision on whether or not to sign off on the resolution needed to be made by the middle of October. Barbara Tobin questioned whether notification should be sent to the homeowners along the proposed wall. Mr. Anderson stated that this would be done after the fact. Linda Brosche made a motion to vote on the signing of the resolution tonight. The motion was seconded by Jo Ann Daszuta and passed unanimously. Barbara Tobin made a motion to approve the signing of the resolution for acquiring the property associated with the sound wall by the Association. The motion was seconded by Jo Ann Daszuta and passed unanimously. Tom Anderson was given the authority to sign the resolution on behalf of the Association as President.

VIII.  2008 Budget Discussion

  1. Tom Anderson presented the budget analysis to the Board for review. Mr. Anderson stated that the highlighted red items indicated expenditures greater than the budget for those line items. It was also noted that when preparing the 2008 Budget, these higher levels of expenditures will be taken into consideration.

IX.  Old Business

  1. There was no Old Business to be discussed at this time.

X.  New Business

  1. Membership stated that there have been some animals at large in the neighborhood. It was suggested that this be reflected in the next newsletter.
  2. Split Rail Fence – There was a question posed as to what type of material could be used for a split rail fence. It was reported that vinyl is an acceptable alternative to wood.
  3. Garage Sale – Peggy McFarland stated that the community garage sale would be held on October 27th.

XI.  Next Meeting Date – The next meeting date was scheduled for October 23rd at Perkins Restaurant.

XII.  Adjournment: A motion was made by Jo Ann Daszuta and seconded by Dan Painter to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Prepared By:

LeTisha Labbate, LCAM