Disability Support Services

Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) Organisations

March 2015

What is a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Organisation?

NASC organisations are contractedby Disability Support Services,Ministry ofHealth to workout whether a disabled person iseligible forgovernment-funded disability support services. Theyworkwith disabled people and their family, whānau, aiga or carers, to identify their strengths and supportneeds.The NASC then outlines what supportsand servicesare available and whichofthese are funded by the Ministry of Health.NASCsallocate Ministry ofHealth-fundeddisability support services and help with accessing other supports.These servicesare thendelivered by the respective service providers.

What are NASCs’ key roles and responsibilities?

The contract DisabilitySupport Services has with NASCsrequires three things:

1.facilitatedneeds assessment

2.service coordination

3.resource allocation withina fixedbudget.

What is a needs assessment?

The needs assessment helps to workout whatthe person’sabilities, resources, goals and needs are and then helpsthem to identifywhich ofthese isthe mostimportant. NASCscarry out the needs assessment with the disabled person.

Who is eligible for a needs assessment?

Needs assessment isavailableforpeople whomeet theDisability Support Services’ definition ofdisability. The Disability SupportServices Group at the Ministry ofHealth funds servicesforpeople with aphysical, intellectual and/or sensoryimpairment or disabilitythatislikely to continuefora minimum ofsixmonths and result in a reduction ofindependent functionto theextent that ongoingsupport isrequired. In addition a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder may also be eligible for a needs assessment. These are usually forpeople under the ageof65. Disability support services for people with mental health needs orage-related needsare generally funded by District HealthBoards.

How do I get a needs assessment?

In mostcases you need a written referralbeforea needs assessmentcan take place. NASCshave their own referralforms,which they will send out to you on request. You can referyourselforany other person ororganisationcan make the referralforyou as longas they have youragreement. The NASCreviews yourreferralforeligibility for Ministry ofHealth-funded disability support services and will then make an appointment to see youwith any family, whānau, aiga orcarer you would like to have with you. Ifyou donot meet the eligibilityrequirementsforMinistryofHealth-fundeddisabilitysupportservices then the NASC willhelpyoutofindotherservices that may be able to help.

What is service coordination?

Service coordination helps identify available support optionsto meet the needs and goalsofthe disabled person and, where appropriate, their family, whānau, aiga and carers as documentedduring the Needs Assessmentprocess.Options may include both funded disability support servicesand othernatural supportsavailable to the personin their community.


The NASC must ensure that the supportsandservicesallocated to you are fairand fit within the fixed disability support services budget.

Where can I get more information?

You can contact yourlocalNASC.Contact details can be found online at ‘contact details’. Yourdoctororhealth professionalshould alsobe able to referyou to yourlocalNASC.

Adisabilityinformation service will alsobeable to help you find yourlocalNASC and give you information. The New Zealand Federation ofDisability Information Centres (NZFDIC) has several member organisationsthroughout New Zealand. You can contact them on free phone 0800NZFDIC (0800693 342) oronline at members.

Did you know?

The Ministry of Health has factsheets and information pamphlets that tell you about the disability support services it funds.

You can find these online at by emailing by calling 0800 DSD MOH (0800 373 664), choose option 1.

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