Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church

1228 2nd Avenue

Berwick, PA 18603

(570) 752-3184

Rev. Michael Demko, Rector

April 3, 2016

Third Sunday of Lent: Veneration of the Holy Cross

Troparion of the Cross (tone 1)

O Lord, save Thy people,

and bless Thine inheritance!

Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians

over their adversaries;

and by virtue of Thy Cross,//

preserve Thy habitation!

Birthdays-Matushka Catherine-April 3

Remember in your Prayers: Archbishop Nikon, Priest Emilian, Priest John, Priest Nicholas, Mary, Roland, David, Cayden, Kathryn, Larraine, Jennifer, Rose, Maria, Effie, Christina, Donna, Emalee, John, Christine, Matthew, Ivy Elizabeth, Yvette, Tyler, David, Marie, Jenny, Paul, Paul, Annie, Erin, Clare, John, Dianne, Joe, Kevin, Bryce, Luke, Melanie, Larry, David, Anna, Boyd, Stavro, Thomas, Ethan, Benjamin, Emmitt, Mary, Jack, James, Alaina, Jewel, Kyle, William, Donna, Ron, Elizabeth, Christina, Missy, Bob, Carol, Leadeth, Linda, Korey, Cathy, Nathan, Tamie, Maggie, Tom, Mike, Artem, Jane, Linda, Laura, Antonina, Elaine, Cali, Mariah, James, John, Barbara, Tom, George, David, Charlie, Joseph, Heather, Leyla, Betty, Elizabeth, Emerson, Michelle, Nick, Sam, Mark, Jean, Andy, Nicole, Ally, Reagan, Tara, Sam, Ray, Diane, Nicholas, Bill, Julia, Hannah, Edward, Rick, Roy, Mary, Michael, Taylor, Pamela, Jillian

Veneration of the Cross Sunday April 3-Church School 8:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am followed by fellowship and Outreach meeting

Mission Vesper at Holy Trinity Wilkes-Barre 4pm

Monday April 4-Lenten Vespers 6:30 pm followed by orthodoxy 101

Wednesday April 6-Presanctified Liturgy 6:00 followed by Lenten meal

Friday April 8-Presanctified Liturgy 9:30

Akathist 6pm

Saturday April 9-Vespers and Confession 6pm

Sunday April 10-St. John ClimacusChurch School 8:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am followed by fellowship

Mission Vesper at St. John the Baptist in Dundaff 4pm

Collection for March 27

Candles-$124.00; End of Month-$165.00; Loose Money-$230.00; Lenten off.-$160.00; Weekly Envelopes-$1,280.00; Special funds (Cap.)-$50.00; Total-$2,009.00

The Scripture is very clear: If you want to find yourself, lose yourself; you want to fulfill yourself, empty yourself; you want to be great, be the least; you want to be first, be the last; you want to be rich, become poor; you want to be wise, become a fool. If you want to rule, become a servant…really, Orthodoxy is paradoxy. That’s just what it is.Fr. Thomas Hopko