High Speed 2 Action Groups - Committee of ChairsBest Practices / activity review form.
Section One – Action Group Survey Respondents
# / Action Group Name / Chair / Route & Map Section / Approx. households / website / Committee1 / Cholesbury / Windsor Thomas / Route 3, 8 / 400 / - / -
2 / Cubbington Area / Peter Delow / Route 3, 21 – 22 / 1650 / - / -
3 / Hints & Area / Paul Blackmore / Kathe Kirimaa / Route 3, 27 – 30 / 100 / / Yes
4 / Keep Burton Green / Jerry Marshall / Route 3 22 - 23 / 500 / / Yes
5 / Ladbroke / Graham Long / Route 3, 20 / 130 / / Yes
6 / Mixbury / Mark Barton / Route 3, 14 / 150 / - / Yes
7 / n/a / Belinda Naylor / - / -
8 / Offchurch / Mike Geddes / Route 3 21 / 100 / / Yes
9 / Quainton / Penny Gaines / Route 3, 12 / 250 / / Ad hoc
10 / Speen / Mel Foster / Route 2.5, 5 – 7 / 1000 / / Yes
11 / Turweston / David Richards / Route 3, 15 / 85 / - / Parish Council
SectionsTwo– Five– Activity Review
# / Campaign Area / Activities Undertaken – please indicate timescales / Activities Planned – please indicate when (& where)1 / 1 - Business Case / Studied DfT's HS2 docs.- wrote Sec of State (PH); HS2flawed, so stop HS2 now. Use part of £32Bn saving toupgrade, modernise, & fully electrify existing 125/140mph UK rail network to benefit entire nation & avoid anational economic and environmental disaster due HS2. / Written response to DfT's High Speed Two Ltd's EHS
Consultation and HS2AA website response on alternative preferred spending ideas. Plan to respond before end July to HM Treasury Spending Challenge Website. Clearly, all above has been done so far on a personal basis.
5 / Group formed inc. reps from Ladbroke, Offchurch, Burton Green, & SNAG to work alongside HS2AA/Bluespace and other AGs. Meeting periodically approx 2/3 weeks intervals. We do not have sufficient expertise to undertake independent analysis and report work. / Currently reviewing DfT and HS2 original March 2010 outputs to précis their main points; then reviewing any AG/other groups draft outputs looking for inconsistencies and gaps in work. Intend to produce short 1 or 2 page briefing summaries so that group members can speak knowledgeably and brief others.
5 / Sub group espec Kyn Aizlewood involved nationally
Circulating template for people outside area to send to their MPs on business and environmental case.
Media coverage involvement espec on business case / To attend Business Voice and Birmingham Future / Forward Pro HS2 events
To lobby train travellers from Coventry and obtain press coverage
6 / Letters and emails sent to Local mp, transport sec treasury sec and PM / Follow up letters challenging responses
8 / Contribution to HS2AA work on wider economic impact (current) / Ongoing
10 / No individual group activity, working closely with HS2AAA based on Bluespace, transport-watch, 2006 Eddington report outputs / To amplify and communicate business case arguments to local area residents and support individual action (e.g. letters, consultation responses etc.
10 / Contact made with CBI on impact of technology on travel trends – awaiting response
10 / Contact made with Taxpayers Alliance re: waste of money – awaiting response / Campaigns director has left – trying to establish contact with new campaigns manager
10 / FOI request made of HS2 for spend levels through this parliament – details obtained & on website
10 / FOI request made July 23rd regarding public consultation process / Acknowledgement received.
10 / Local business case specialist undertaking ‘devil’s advocate’ view of business case, Bluespace, Treansport watch etc; / Outcome expected mid August
11 / No individual group activity. Link to HS2AA and with SNAG / Regular meetings and communication with all local residents, database set up for those with email and mail drop for those who have not.
7 / 2 - Environmental / Some environmental case arguments have been compiled, particularly on energy, carbon, flight replacements, noise and tranquillity. / We hope to be able to feed this into other groups with more specialists in this area.
3 - Political
6 / Lobby local MP / Inviting MP to next village meeting
7 / We are predominately a lobbying group.
We have met with a political consultant (lobbyist) to establish campaign tactics and costings.
8/7. Email sent to 22 MPs with BSF school cuts in their constituencies, flagging up the spend in HS2 Ltd financial projections.
14/7. Email sent to further 18 MPs with BSF cuts and /or transport cuts in their constituencies.
19/7. Email sent to 80 local contacts for them forward to their contacts across the whole of the UK (Jerry Marshall letter)
19/7 Email sent to further 40 contacts across the country with Jerry Marshall letter for them to print and send to their MP / We now have to raise considerable funds from high net worth individuals, to pay a political consultancy to advise on a national campaign to stop HS2.
Continue to contact MPs when we learn of spending cuts in their constituencies
8 /
- Mostly focussed on awareness raising and winning the argument in the village – see below
- Working with other local groups on Warwickshire CC
4 - Legal
5 / Chairman is currently supporting HS2AA in attempts to engage specialist Human Rights solicitor on pro bono basis. Awaiting response from solicitor.
EHS now ‘dormant’ except for collation of blight data, pending decision from Minister. / Dependent upon solicitor’s response but would wish to move to seeking Counsel’s Opinion, if appropriate and funds available.
Likely to seek input from local valuers once new EHS scheme announced. Also liaising with WCC &
NAEA for assistance in next stage of HS2AA Property Blight Report.
Section Six – Media and Organisation Review – Please list ALL known media in your area, whether they have covered HS2 or not
Please note: see separate document for Ladbroke details
# / Organisation name contact / Email / phone details / Relationship / activities and their stance, if known1 / Bucks Herald
Bucks Examiner
Chilterns Society / Regular reader/ BH-concerns publicised and BH is firmly against HS2
Regular reader/BE- concerns publicised and voiced about HS2. Member- as a Chilterns conservation body, CS is opposed to HS2
2 / Leamington Spa Courier – Oliver Williams /
01926 457706 / First interview set for 13th July 2010. The Courier appears to be generally sympathetic to the anti-HS2 argument.
3 / Tamworth Herald / 01827 848586
/ Relationship under development. To date, they have published very little in the way of articles, however they do print letters and have included information for Middleton. Hints is on the edge of their area.
3 / Lichfield Mercury / 01827 848586
/ Good relationship being developed by member of group. This is following on from initial action started before the election by an MP. They appear to be against HS2, an official stance is unknown.
3 / Express and Star / Main switchboard: 01902 313131
Newsdesk: 01902 319410 / Unknown, Birmingham based.
3 / Birmingham Evening Mail / PHONE: 0121 236 3366
FAX: 0121 233 0271
EMAIL: / Unknown, Birmingham based
3 / Birmingham Post / The Birmingham Post
Floor 6, FortDunlop, Fort Parkway
Birmingham, B24 9FF.
Telephone: 0121 236 3366 / Uncertain of their stance, but appear to be speaking on both sides, often appear willing to publish lengthy articles sharing opinion on the matter.
6 / BBC oxford / Simon / Looking for public interest stories around HS2
7 / Buckingham & Winslow Advertiser / 01280 827976 / Coverage in early days of HS2, including leading front page article. Various letters to editor ongoing.
7 / Bucks Herald
Bicester Advertiser
Banbury Guardian
Banbury Cake
Oxford Times
Oxford Mail
7 / BBC. Emma Campbell / / Met, and in email correspondence with member of our group.
8 / Leamington Courier / No specific contact. No stance?
8 / Warwickshire Rural Communities Council / Linda Ridgley - / WRCC has to be non-political but I have written a critique of HS2 for them.
9 / Bucks Herald – Adam King / 01296 619764 / In charge of HS2 coverage at Bucks Herald.
Run story about “missing maps” after I contacted him about them. Contacts me for quotes about other HS2 articles
9 / BBC – OxfordSimon Pipe /
07834 846022
Office: 01789 748165 / Run story Calvert depot: met at Brethertons meeting
9 / Evening Standard – Miranda Bryant /
10 / Andy Carswell Bucks Free Press / / Met at Bucks CC meeting. Ran 2 articles following the summit.
10 / Adam King Bucks Herald / / Met at Bucks CC meeting. Ran article on FOI information. Have run several pieces highlighting property blight and Lidington position.
11 / Buckingham Advertiser / / Regular reports in weekly paper
Section Seven – Political / Networking / Relationships / Contacts
# / MP, Councillor, other organisations name and contact / Email / phone details / Relationship / activities and your analysis of their position, if known1 / Cheryl Gillan MP / (Chesham & Amersham)- against HS2 & promised to oppose it in
Parliament. Only contact at over-subscribed HS2 Missenden mtg. in April
2 / Cllr Theresa Saul, Chairman Cubbington Parish Council / / The parish council has been very supportive and I give reports on activities to them at their meetings. They have also voted funds for the action group.
2 / Cllr Norman Pratt and Cllr John Hammon, Cubbington Ward representatives on Warwick District Council /
01926 425639
01926 632721 / No contact has been made yet, but the Council is generally supportive and made a robust response to the EHS proposals.
2 / Cllr Michael Doody, Cubbington Ward representative on Warwickshire County Council /
01926 425802 / Cllr Doody is also leader of Warwick District Council. After initially fence sitting, he has recently (2/07/2010) been quoted in the local newspaper expressing strong anti-HS2 sentiments. However, he also represents WDC on the West Midlands Leaders Board, which is strongly pro-HS2. A joint meeting with other local groups with council members and officials is being sought.
2 / Jeremy Wright MP / / Conservative MP for Kenilworth & Southam and Government whip. His Government office obliges him to support the principle of HSR, but he opposes Route 3 and will lobby for a lower speed alternative. Joint meeting with other action groups in his constituency scheduled for 16/07/2010.
3 / Matthew Ellis, CountyCouncillor / / Good relationship, continually improving. Against HS2, endeavouring to encourage Staffordshire CC to care/ have an opinion
3 / Christopher Pincher, MP / / Good and developing close relationship. Against HS2, but aware of party opinion.
4 / Jim Cunningham MP
Jeremy Wright MP
Cllr John Whitehouse
George Illingworth
Alan Cockburn /
/ On the fence
Supportive but as whip officially in favour
Environment / Econ portfolio WCC, chairs new working party, on the fence
6 / Tony Baldry
Barry Councillor / / Resigned to HS2 fighting for compensation
Fighting the route
7 / John Bercow MP Buckingham / / Against HS2 but speaker, so unable to speak on floor of house. However good contacts within Westminster.
7 / Lord Boswell (House of Lords) / Against HS2. Part of this group
7 / Baroness Mallalieu (House of Lords) / Against HS2. Part of this group
7 / Andrea Leadsom MP South Northants / / Against route but new MP so very little influence
7 / Tony Baldry MP Oxon / / Against route, but thinks HS2 in principal is a done deal.
7 / CPRE Oxfordshire. Various / Met with representatives of CPRE Oxon twice. Also in email correspondence. They are broadly in favour of route 3 through Oxon. Their local transport consultant, Jim Fletcher, is very much in favour of anything to do with trains! They have slightly altered their position now though, after discussions with their chairman.
7 / CPRE national office. Ralph Smyth and Shaun Spiers /
/ Email correspondence. Sitting on the fence
7 / NFU (HQ). Ivan Moss / / Met and email correspondence. They are against, but can only really influence in their area of recognised expertise – ie agriculture. NFU Buckingham are being approached to ask if they might send out Jerry Marshall’s lobbying letter to their members.
7 / CLA (HQ). Harry Cotterell / / Email correspondence. Same as NFU re influence. Also, they have to be aware that their members will be affected wherever it goes. CLA South East have asked permission from HQ to send out Jerry Marshall’s lobbying letter to their members – tbc
7 / Campaign for Better Transport. Cat Hobbs / / HSR not a top priority and the case not yet been made. Possible support
7 / Airport Watch. Sarah Clayton / / Not convinced of the case for HSR. Possible support
7 / BASC. David Knowles / / Not really their area, but may be able to help on conservation
7 / English Heritage. Richard Peats (Churches dept) / / “Untilmore detailed information is available itisdifficult tocomment on what English Heritage's stance on this particular issue will be.”
7 / Knight Frank. James Del Mar & Rupert Sweeting / / Met with JDM, Knight Frank Rural Consultancy. His area of expertise is compensation, mitigation, blight etc
7 / Cherwell District Council. Barry Wood. / / Against HS2. Supporter.
7 / Unison & NUT / Contacted but not yet got past gatekeepers!
8 / MP – Jeremy Wright
District and CountyCouncillor – M Doody /
01926.425802 / Says he’s against it.
9 / John Bercow, MP / Opposed: spoken to meetings at Quainton and Twyford
9 / Nick Heirons, Quainton Parish Council / / Parish Council opposed to link.
Provide support eg stall at village fete
9 / QuaintonVillage Society / 01296 651448 / Opposed and supportive
10 / David Lidington MP (Aylesbury) / / Several letters – minimal response. 1 hour dedicated meeting of limited value now he is bound by the ministerial code – no public opposition, can’t vote, can’t speak on the matter. Following up the failings of the business and environment case with Hammond on my behalf as a constituent.
10 / Steven Baker MP (High Wycombe) / / Met at Bucks CC summit June. Very supportive completely against HS2 but a new backbencher, so may have with limited influence. Proposed to ask him to join / form back bench committee and/ or submit Early Day Motion on affordability and justification for HS2
10 / John Bercow MP (Buckingham) / Met at Bucks CC summit. Very supportive completely against HS2 but has only ‘backroom’ ability to influence, but can broker meetings etc:
Paul Rogerson Councillor (Bucks cc) / / Well known to group and active campaigner against HS2. Very supportive and useful for contacts, inside track etc; with Bucks CC.
10 / Target local celebs etc; / Jay Kay, Harry Enfield, David Jason, Jackie Stewart, Lord Carrington, Colin Baker, Lord Dashwood / Engagement plans being developed
11 / John Bercow MP /
02072196346 / Very supportive, willing to talk to local groups in the constituency. As Mr Speaker does not have a vote in the House of Commons but has good links with senior government ministers.
11 / Cllr David Polhill.
Cllr Sue Polhill. . / Chairman of Bucks County Council Wife of David and cabinet member for planning at Aylesbury Vale District Council / Very supportive and active
As above
Section Eight – General Awareness and Community Activities
# / Activity / Already undertaken and dates / Planned and date / location1 / First local alert about HS2-early May / Arrange HS2 meeting in September in our hilltop villages re. HS2, to raise
the alert profile..
4 / Public meetings
Rally / Burton Green; Kenilworth; Hampton in Arden
Kenilworth 5 June; Lions 12 June; Balsall Common Fete.
2 editions so far
4 July / Wine festival Burton Green Village Hall 6 Aug
Greenway Rally Walking route from both ends meeting at Village Hall, 5 Sep
Further Newsletter editions; eNews
5 / *Public meetings/presentations by GJL to get the message out and form AGs.
*Spoken at Southam TC, Kenilworth TC, Stratford upon AvonDC and Warks CC meetings.
*LadbrokeVillage Fete
*Fund raising letter issued
*Private BBQ – fund raiser
*Banners, posters etc to be sited all round locality in conjunction with immediate neighbour AGs
*Possible Church Concert with international violinist – fund raiser
*Possible Warks. ‘movers & shakers’ meeting to gain more high level support
*Attempting to get HS2 to attend local meeting
*Preparing for Secretary of State (Philip Hammond) visit to route / Ladbroke (2),Southam (3), Offchurch, Cubbington, Western under Wetherley, Burton Green, Kenilworth (2), Hints, Hampton in Arden. Various dates over last 3 months
June 2010
June 2010 – initial target £10,000 / Various follow ups to be undertaken in Autumn 2010 and regular updates to website and via emails in interim
Continuous pressure via emails, phone calls and attendance at meetings
10 July 2010
July 2010
Autumn 2010
Autumn 2010
Heaven knows!
Heaven knows!
6 / Village meeting
Monthly news letter
Stand at village fete
Childrens mass observation
On wild life and environment
Photographic study of village now compared to archive photos plus how it will look pictures / April 2010
4 so far / 80 villagers attended
Sept 2010-07-09
School holidays
7 / Linking of councils / Letter / email has been sent to all parish / town councils along the route. We have asked them to let us know the numbers of people in their parish. We hope to establish a total number affected along the line, as per 2M Group and Heathrow, and a database of contacts for all parishes. Currently at 70,000 people but a lot of replies still awaited.
8 /
- Regular information and mythbusting pieces in village newsletter and presence at village events
- Survey of village opinion about HS2 as part of parish plan process
- Poster and leaflet campaign with Ladbroke and other local action groups
- Dinner dance (fundraising) with neighbouring parishes
- Pledges auction
- Walking the route
- Fundraising targeted at individuals
- Village public meeting
Current / Imminent
} Autumn
9 / Meetings / 20th March – speaker John Bercow MP. Hall was packed. Collected contact details of attendees.
Press there: item on local BBC news and in Bucks Herald
9 / 18th April: we organised meetings to facilitate setting up national level organisation. Speakers: Rupert Heseltine, HilaryWharf.
9 / Websites / March 16th: Set up hs2action.co.uk for use by national stop campaign: this was the first national website.
Main activities: news ‘blog’,
links to articles in regional and national press,
national events diary / Plans: to continue managing this, with contributions from other local action groups etc
9 / June: set up and running Stophs2.org as a national website / Added private forums for use by Local Action Group chairs
9 / Quainton.net – local level pages / Expand information
9 / Local Leaflets / Produced Quainton specific leaflet on HS2. Also EHS leaflets
9 / Village Fete / Stall with leaflets etc on HS2 at village fete.
Support from Parish Councillors
9 / Exceptional Hardship Scheme / Wrote local publicity material,
ensured coverage in parish magazine,
publicity posters in local shops,
leaflet drop to all houses in Quainton, and some in Waddesdon
9 / Parish Magazine / Had articles about HS2 published in here
9 / TV / Local residents have been in items on HS2
9 / Radio / Local residents have been interviewed
9 / Press / Contacts with local newspapers
9 / “Missing Maps” / Ensured publicity in press and TV, regarding some unpublished maps
9 / Regional / Maintain links with other action groups / Encourage formation of other local groups
10 / Presentation / Hughenden Valley Action Group June 8th
10 / Public Meeting / Speen village hall June 23rd
10 / Awareness stand / Speen village fete July 10th
10 / Fundraising / Speen & North Dean Areas Current / Further specific events to add to fighting fund
10 / Awareness campaign / Lacey Green leaflet drop w/c July 12th
10 / Local paper articles / Speen and North Dean News, Lacey Green Hallmark articles August
10 / Presentation / Princes Risborough Residents Association July 27th
10 / Public Meeting – follow up / September
10 / Website / Regular updates
11 / Public meeting with SNAG
Regular update emails to residents / 25th May 2010
Section Nine – Any other activities and suggested actions