Supporting sustainabledevelopment in developing countries in order to reduce poverty and contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world
New Zealand Partnerships
for International Development Fund
Pacific Private Sector Window Application
Round 11
Due Midday Friday 15 September 2017
Venture Title:
Lead Applicant Name:
Important Notes 2
Section A. Venture Details 3
Section B. Commercial Viability 4
Section C. Wider Impacts 7
Section D. Value for Money 8
Section E. Business Plan Development 9
Section F. Getting to Know Your Business…………………………………………….9
Important Notes
1. Before proceeding with this application, we draw applicants’ attention to the Pacific Private Sector Window (PPSW) Application Guidance Notes that accompany this form. The notes outline the information required by MFAT to assess each application, and the business ideas that are eligible for PPSW funding. Please refer to the notes when completing the application form.
2. Applicants are required to answer all questions on the form. Please note that no figures/diagrams/photos can be inserted into the form and no other documents or attachments will be accepted unless specifically requested.
3. Once completed, please email the form to the Partnerships Fund mailbox at . Please enter PPSW APPLICATION in the subject line of the email.
4. MFAT will acknowledge receipt by email.
5. Please ensure the contact email address included in the application form is correct as this address will be used for all communication regarding the application during the appraisal process. MFAT staff or contractors may contact the applicant during the appraisal process to request further information.
6. The International Development Selection Panel (IDSP) may wish to interview applicants regarding their application either via telephone or in person. Applicants will be contacted regarding this if needed.
7. Please adhere to the word limits noted on the application form. A small variance will be accepted, however applications that greatly exceed the word limits are unlikely to be considered.
8. If you have any questions regarding the application form, please email us at .
Section A.Venture details
Lead Applicant’s Contact Details and Project Information
Name of New Zealand organisation submitting this applicationPostal address
Website address (URL)
Details of main contact for this application
Name and Position
Phone number
Email address
Project title
Please be as specific as possible in documenting the location(s) in eligible Pacific countries where your business idea would be implemented – i.e. country/province/town/locality/community
Total project value
(No maximum)
MFAT funding requested
(NZD1 million maximum, excluding GST)
Contribution being made by applicant
(NZD, excluding GST, up to 30% of your contribution can be in-kind)[1]
Additional MFAT business plan development grant funding requested (see section E)
MFAT will contribute towards the costs of business plan development (which may include feasibility testing of ideas, or market research) based on actual and reasonable costs. Business plans are a compulsory precursor to implementation if your idea is selected to proceed by the Panel.[2]
Contribution being made to business plan development costs by applicant
Provide a brief summary of the business idea (venture). We recommend you complete this last; drawing on the details you provide in other sections of this template. (Maximum 400 words).
· Describe the business opportunity/need/problem and your idea to respond.
· Describe the opportunity/need/problem for the Pacific country and its people and how your venture will benefit them (i.e. the development impact).
· State the timeframe and location (s) of the Activity.
· State why MFAT would get value for money from investing in this idea.
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Section B. Commercial viability and ability to deliver.
1. Tell us about your proposed business idea (venture) in up to 1000 words.
· Describe the business opportunity/need/problem. Describe your idea to respond to this opportunity/need/problem
· When and where do you plan to undertake this?
· What are the market demand and supply opportunities and what are the demand and supply hurdles and/or constraints?
· Describe the evidence/research you have to back up your idea. What further evidence/market research is needed that would be better done during feasibility/business planning?
· What are the various workstreams that will need to be undertaken to reach commercial sustainability (i.e. improving onfarm crop management; securing cost effective transport; setting up storage facilities; securing an export market etc).
· Describe how products/services will get to market (if relevant) and this venture’s position in the supply chain. If these will require further research in the business plan, say so.
· How does this proposed venture fit with your company’s goals and strategy?
· When do you expect the project / business to become commercially sustainable? If this project works, could you expand it?
· What are the challenges this venture would face to succeeding in this Pacific location?
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2. What are the critical success factors, assumptions, and risks
· Briefly list the factors (in bullet points) that will be critical to the success of your venture.
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· Briefly list the assumptions (in bullet points) underpinning this application
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· List the major risks to the venture and briefly explain how you will mitigate or manage them (complete table). Split these risks into:
a) Implementation risks: What might prevent this venture succeeding? Why might your venture be delayed or need re-scoping? Are there health and safety risks?
b) Risks associated with success of venture: How it might impact the environment, people, the market (i.e. will anyone be worse off because of the venture and how could you mitigate this?)
NOTE: High risk is not necessarily viewed in a negative way. What matters is that you have identified the potential risks and have plans in place to try and manage these risks.
Description(cause, description of risk, effect if risk occurs) / Potential impact if it occurs / What you will do to mitigate or manage the risk /
· / [low/medium/high] /
3. What is the capacity of your business and your in-country partner(s) to implement the venture?
· Outline the roles, responsibilities and resources of each partner who will be involved in the venture by copying and pasting the table below as many times as you need. Include your organisation, your partner organisation/s in the developing country(s) and any other organisations included in this application (as a joint partner).
Name of organisationRoles and responsibilities in this venture
Skills (management and technical) and resources (include staff numbers and major assets)
Capacity and experience of a) undertaking this type of venture and b) working in the proposed country
Current activities in partner country (e.g. other business, religious or political activities which are not the subject of this application)
Management and operational systems in place (risk management, financial, information management, health and safety systems etc.)
Any planned improvements to your business or that of your partners to undertake the venture
Value the organisation will add to this venture
· Briefly explain (in less than 400 words) why you believe the partners described in the tables above have the right skills, knowledge, experience and resources to be successful in implementing your business idea and achieving wider social and economic benefits. Also include information on:
· Any additional legislative compliance requirements, registrations or trading permits that the business will need to meet or obtain which you do not already hold in NewZealand or the Pacific country that are directly applicable to the business idea.
o The proposed business ownership structure of the venture.
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Section C. Wider impacts and responsible business
1. What will be the benefits to the Pacific country and its people from this venture (i.e. the development impact) in up to 1000 words?
· What is the economic and/or social need this venture will address and the rationale for involvement?
· If your venture is successful, what will be the positive economic and or social impacts for the developing country? (Quantitative as well as qualitative measures are preferred). See the PPSW Application Guidance Notes for the type of development results being sought.
· Who in the proposed country(s) will benefit?
· Would/could these impacts be achieved without your venture? If not, why not?
· Is there potential for this project to have a positive impact on women, girls, youth and/or the environment? Are there risks for women, girls, youth, human rights, or the environment from undertaking this project?
· What evidence do you have about expected impact? What further research should be undertaken during business planning to validate assumptions?
· Describe your engagement with relevant stakeholders incountry to date. What further steps would you need to take to ensure local engagement/buy-in/agreement (as part of your business planning) to launch this venture.
· Is this a priority for the Pacific country, does it align with its policies and strategies and does it align with MFAT’s priorities?
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2. Why do you believe you (and your partner/s) practice ‘responsible business’ conduct? Maximum 400 words.
Responsible businesses are enterprises that maximise positive impacts and avoid adverse impacts. Enterprises can create or be involved with: positive impacts (for example through job creation, human capital development, raising investment and fostering innovation) or adverse impacts (for example related to human rights, workers’ conditions, the environment, bribery, disclosure and consumer rights.)
· Give examples/evidence of how you and/or your partners have acted in a way that is ‘responsible business’ conduct. (For more information on what responsible businesses do see the OECD’s Responsible Business Conduct Matters – Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises at The guidelines encourage small and medium sized enterprises to observe the guidelines to the fullest extent possible taking into account that they do not have the same capacities as larger enterprises.)
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Section D. Why should MFAT invest in this idea?
1. Outline why MFAT should invest in this idea and why is it value for money in up to 1000 words. Please include information on all of the following:
· Is this venture likely to be commercially viable and sustainable beyond MFAT funding (i.e. do you have evidence/market research to back this up)? Describe the commercial sustainability that will result in the Pacific country.
· Who else is operating in this market or likely to operate in this market? What would be the impact of this venture on other businesses/competitors?
· What is the value add of a NewZealand company being involved?
· How is this venture additional to your normal business operations?
· Why is this grant funding the best option for MFAT to get the proposed social and economic benefits (i.e. would MFAT get better impacts using its funds in some other way and/or are there other organisations that would be prepared to undertake this activity without public funding support?)
· Why do you require MFAT support? Would this venture be commercially sustainable and/or go ahead without MFAT support? Why are commercial/other sources of funding not being used to invest in this venture? Has any other financing been considered? What was the outcome?
· What benefits will flow to your business? To what extent will this venture benefit the wider population in the Pacific country compared to your business/your partner/s?
· What tangible deliverables would MFAT’s funding be used for? How would MFAT’s contribution help you achieve results for the local economy or people that you would otherwise not achieve?
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2. What do the numbers look like? Please include information on the following and then attach the spreadsheet requested:
· What is the level of public funding required to make this venture commercially viable and ensure development impacts. How much are you seeking from MFAT and why to that level?
· How much cash are you willing to contribute to the venture? (Include details on any contribution from partners)
· What inkind support will you be contributing to the venture? (Include details on any contribution from partners)
· List any assets that will be purchased and outline ownership arrangements for the assets (i.e. will the assets belong to the developing country partner immediately or after a period of time?)
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Attach (in excel) a cashflow forecast for at least two years beyond the proposed MFAT funding period that includes details on income, and seperates operational expenditure and capital expenditure. Include the proposed MFAT contribution and your contribution in the income.
Section E. Additional Support for Business Plan Development
· Should your idea be selected to progress, MFAT will require a business plan to be developed that further explains your venture and how you propose to implement it. The business plan will need to answer feasibility and implementation questions raised as a result of your application as well as issues you believe need to be covered further. These might include for example due diligence, in-country research, market research, value chain analysis, data collection, financial modelling and partnership meetings.
· Please list the tasks you believe will be required and estimate the costs that will ensue from developing a business plan. Attach as an excel document.
· Please outline the financial contribution you will make and how much you are seeking from MFAT.
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Section F. Getting to Know Your Business
1. Lead Applicant’s Registration and other Details
· Please provide the entity’s registration details i.e. Companies Office registration .
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· Is your organisation registered/accredited by a recognised government, industry association or professional body e.g. professional body, Chamber of Commerce? Please provide details
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Please note that New Zealand businesses already accredited to MFAT’s
Partnerships Fund do not need to provide any further information from this point.
2. Business Description (up to 500 words)
· Please provide information (ie anything not covered in section B3) about your current core business and experience in this business, structure, management team, operations and year established. Include a list of Board members of the entity and any parent entity and a list of shareholders/owners who have more than a 20% interest in the company.