Attachment 3

Record of School Achievement -

Implementation support document

Aspects of the RoSA / For BOSTES information
RoSA eligibility: Eligible students who leave school before receiving their Higher School Certificate (HSC) will receive the NSW Record of School Achievement (RoSA). The RoSA is a cumulative credential in that it allows students to accumulate their academic results until they leave school. The RoSA records completed Stage 5 and Preliminary Stage 6 courses and grades, and participation in any uncompleted Preliminary Stage 6 courses. It is of specific use to students leaving school prior to the HSC. / BOSTES information, resources and latest news on the RoSA
BOSTES Assessment Certification Examination (ACE) website -Recently updated topics
RoSA - Mandatory curriculum requirements for the award of the Record of School Achievement / ACE 4007 ACE 4010 ACE 4006
RoSA - Additional (elective) studies / ACE 4009 ACE 4002
RoSA - Integrated study of combined courses / ACE 4008
RoSA - Accelerated progression
Accumulating courses towards the RoSA / ACE 8104 ACE 4028
ACE 4015
RoSA - Courses based on Life Skills / ACE 3002 ACE 3003
ACE 3008 ACE 4011
ACE 3009 ACE 3010 ACE3011
RoSA curriculum- study with an external provider / ACE 4012 ACE 4012
ACE 4013 ACE 4014
RoSA- up2now – an adjunct to the RoSA – useful for Careers Advisers and other staff working with RoSA candidates and prospective employers of students with a RoSA. / Register for up2now
RoSA - Literacy and Numeracy Tests / ACE 4035 ACE 4036
ACE 4037 ACE 4038
ACE 4039 ACE 4040
RoSA - Mandatory literacy and numeracy standard for the 2020 HSC and beyond
Year 9 students of 2017 will be the first students to be affected. Achieving the minimum standard in literacy and numeracy will be a condition for Year 12 students to receive the HSC from 2020. The BOSTES online literacy and numeracy test will be available from 2018.Students who do not satisfy the standards for the HSC, including the literacy and numeracy standard, will receive the RoSA. / Stronger HSC Standards
See alsoStronger HSC Standards-Blueprint
RoSA - Confirmation of entries / ACE 4003
RoSA - Students who leave or transfer or come from interstate or overseas / ACE 4005 ACE 5002
RoSA Credential
The following documents (where applicable) are issued by BOSTES to students when they leave school:
  • the Record of School Achievement;
  • the Profile of Student Achievement;
  • VET credentials.
/ ACE 4023
RoSA - School leavers before completion of Year 10
Students who leave school prior to the completion of Year 10 are not entitled to a credential from BOSTES. / ACE 4005
ACE 5005
RoSA - School leavers at or after completion of Year 10 / ACE 5002
ACE 4005
RoSA- For students achieving Life Skills outcomes who leave school prior to the completion of the Higher School Certificate / ACE 5006
RoSA - Requirements for the Award of the RoSA: School attendance, curriculum requirements and ‘N’ determinations / ACE 4001
RoSA- Determining satisfactory course completion / ACE 4016 ACE 3008
RoSA - Determining satisfactory school attendance
It is a requirement for the award of the Record of School Achievement that students attend until the final day of Year 10 as determined by the school system concerned. / ACE 4017
ACE 4016
ACE 4018
RoSA - Warnings of potential ‘N’ determinations
See also Section 94, Education Act 1990 / ACE 4001 ACE 4020
‘N’ Determinations and eligibility for the RoSA
A student who is given an ‘N’ determination in a Stage 5 mandatory course will not be eligible for a Record of School Achievement. / ACE 4029
Non-award of the RoSA / ACE 4030`
Eligibility for the RoSA for students who were ineligible at the end of Year 10 / ACE 5001
RoSA - Allocation and submission of grades / ACE 4033
RoSA - Stage 5 VET Courses / ACE 4034
Students eligible for a RoSA at end of Stage 5/ prior to Preliminary courses / ACE 8003
RoSA - confidentiality and school reports / ACE 4027
RoSA – appeals against grades for Stage 5 and Stage 6 courses / ACE 11010