First Announcement
“SILICON -2010”, 6-9 July, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
The VII International Conference and the VI School for Young Scientists “SILICON-2010” will be held from July 6 through July 9, 2010 inNizhny Novgorod, Russia. The conference will focus on the challenging problems of physics, materials science, technology and diagnostics of silicon and silicon-based nanostructures and devices. Such forums have been a regular event in major industrial and scientific centers of Russia since 1999. The summer 2010 will see it hosted by Nizhny Novgorod, an ancient city with the population of 1,5 million and a picturesque location at the confluence of two big Russian rivers, the Oka and the Volga, 400 km off Moscow. Our city is easily accessed from Moscow by both railway and air. The Lufthansa Airlines have direct flights to Nizhny Novgorod from Frankfurt-Main.
The official languages of Conference: Russian and English.
Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS
Nizhny NovgorodStateUniversity
Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances RAS
State Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys" (MISIS)
Scientific Council for Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Material Technology RAS
Scientific Council for Semiconductor Physics RAS
Science and Education Support Fund of Nizhny Novgorod
The Conference will cover the following areas:
● Growth and material science of bulk single crystals of silicon and related materials (Ge, SiGe);
● Manufacturing of silicon and Si-based structures for photovoltaics;
● Growth and material science of thin (including epitaxial) films on silicon, silicon-on-insulator, strained structures and low/high-k dielectrics;
● Physics of silicon low-dimensional structures for solid-state electronics including nano- and optoelectronics, spintronicsand photonics;
● Nanotechnologies of silicon electronics: ion implantation, lithography, the quantum dots and
buried layers manufacturing technologies;
● Diagnostics of silicon and silicon-based devises;
● Novel devices comprising elements of micromechanics, optoelectronics, power electronics, light-emitting structures and photo detectors.
Z.F. KrasilnikIPMRAS, NizhnyNovgorodChair
M.Ya. DashevskijMISIS, MoscowVice-chairman
D.A. PavlovNNSU, Nizhny NovgorodVice-chairman
A.V. NovikovIPMRAS, NizhnyNovgorodConference Secretary
20 January 2010 Registration on conference website
10 February 2010 Second Announcement
10 March 2010Abstract Submission Deadline
12 April 2010 Abstract Acceptance Notification
Registration and abstract submission:
Registrationandabstractsubmissionareavailableonlyvia conference website or by e-mail bstractsubmissionprocedurewillbe notified in Second Announcement and Conference website
TheBookofabstractswillbepublishedbyconference beginning.