New Hire Employee Orientation Checklist

New Employee Name / Start Date
Employee Position / Department
Supervisor / Administrative Support

Instructions: This checklist is provided to assist supervisors in orienting new employees. After a particular topic has been covered, the completion date should be entered in the column to the right. When the entire checklist is completed, the form should be sent to Human Resources to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.

Pre-Arrival / Contact/Office / Completion Date
Schedule a welcome lunch/meeting on calendar with department staff
Work area is equipped and ready for new employee
Custodians clean office
 All equipment, desk, chair, in order, decorate office
CTS reimage computer – Surface Pro, laptop, or CPU
Arrange for office phone to be activated – Chris Almond , ext 2629
Print UWP staff directory and phone direction sheet
Make an appointment with HR for their first day to get ID number and to go over paperwork
Make appointment with Benefits Coordinator, Amy Chostner in HRto review benefits and payroll procedures with Amy Bobylak, Payroll Specialist
Arrange for building keys – Employee signs “Master Key Agreement” form / Supervisor
Confirm accounts are set-up (email, SOLAR, ImageNow, Admissions shared drive, Workflow Queue, EMAS). For email, FERPA must be completed prior to SOLAR account activation at:
/ HR and DawneBogardus, x2765, and Nick Brumback, x2482
Contact new employee prior to start date to answer last minute questions the new employee may have (i.e. identify dress code, indicate where/when employee should arrive on their first day, etc.).
Send employee temporary parking pass prior to arrival. / Supervisor
Communicate with new hire about disability accommodations policy and procedure. / Diversion and Inclusion Office, x 2239 Wyll D242A
First Day / Contact/Office / Completion Date
Introduce new employee to the office staff and their roles.
Provide a tour of the office –Identify location of supplies, mailboxes, restrooms, break areas, etc.
Provide employee with a tour of campus
Explain work procedures – hours of work, breaks, meal periods, call-in procedures, leave notification procedures, etc.
Explain use and location of office equipment (fax, copier, shredder, printers, etc.) / Supervisor
Accompany employee to get UWP ID Card / Admissions Office
Discuss Meal Plan options / Supervisor
Order necessary items (ask how they prefer their name to appear):
Name tag ordered: Jim Mauser <>
Business Cards – requested from Creative Services
Design Name Plate for office door
Order polo shirt + sweatshirt / Administrative Support
Second Day / Contact/Office / Completion Date
HR Orientation: Ensure all paperwork is complete
Certify I-9 ID documents
Sign off on contract or offer letter / HR Front Desk
HR: Benefits Orientation
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) / Benefits Specialist
HR: Payroll Orientation
Review timesheets and/or leave time reporting
How to access into UW Portal
Go over the process for accessing earning and leave statements, tax information and benefit information. Employees will need to access select UW-Parkside and enter user name and password
Payroll Schedule / Payroll Specialist
First Week / Contact/Office / Completion Date
HR: Compliance on-line Training (Law Room)
Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Training
Data Security Training / EEO/AA Policy
FERPA (if applicable) / HR Assistant
Have new employee apply for a Parking Permit: Apply at Police Dept. / Parking x2455, Tallent Hall, Rm 188
Provide Acceptable Use Policy for employee review
Identify job expectations and responsibilities. Review position description, evaluation process and acceptable performance.
Review organizational chart of the department. Identify mission and goals of the department and how the department fits within the organization.
Identify building hours and after hour access procedures.
Request staff to add employee to office e-mail lists and provide access to office calendars. Have new employee add staff to email lists and grant calendar access to staff. / Supervisor
Train on completion of Travel Expense Report (TER)
Request laminated tax exempt card from Business Services (Deb Rigney) / Business Services
Review travel procedures / Supervisor
Ensure employee is aware of the campus emergency response procedures
UWP emergency alert notifications
/ Safety & Risk Management ext2262 Tallent Hall, Rm 188
Arrange for Authorizations:
Driver Authorization form – complete and send to Risk Management. The form must be completed and turned in before an employee is authorized to drive a university vehicle or receive mileage reimbursement on a personal vehicle.
Corporate Card – The employee must go through a training to receive a Corporate-card. Visit
contact Business Services / Administrative Support: Set up time with Safety & Risk Management at ext 2262 and
Business Services, x2667, Tallent Hall, Rm 245
First Week(Continued) / Contact/Office / Completion Date
Get professional photo taken. Place work order on Creative Services website
Enter name into Ricoh printer for scanner
Complete Executive Order #54 online at: Complete Executive Order #54 online at: Print completion form and return to Admissions Director / Administrative Support: Creative Services, WYLL D242
Complete Executive Order #54 online at: Technology Guide in Shared Drive: Computer>Departments(M)>Admissions>Shared>TechnologyGuide / Supervisor
Inform networking staff of new employee’s information / Staff
First Month / Contact/Office / Completion Date
Introduce new employee to staff external to the unit with whom he/she will work. / Supervisor
Order personalized note pad with employee’s name from Kim Sekas. Needs name, title, phone number and email address / Administrative Support
Planning your future as a young professional
How to schedule high school visits / Supervisor
Review Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – The EAP is a confidential, university sponsored service for employees and their immediate family members. The EAP provides professional consultation to assist in the prevention and resolution of personal problems that may affect job performance.
Discuss/View EEO/AA Policies:

Sexual Harassment Policy
EEO/AA Policy
Executive Order 54
Follow up with the new employee on any employment questions or concerns he/she may have (on-going).
For Supervisor Use
Resource list for New employee (Checklists, written instruction manuals, etc.):
Websites that will be utilized (bookmarked):
People to connect with on campus:
Name / Office / Role

Orientation Plan Acknowledgement

Employee’s Signature/Date:
Supervisor’s Signature/Date: