Grade 5 Trophies Theme 1 “Look Inside” Vocabulary Lists

Grade 5, Theme 1, The Hot and Cold Summer Vocabulary Words

1. commotion a burst of noise and confusion

2. authority a person who has special knowledge; an expert

3. exhausted very tired; fatigued

4. incredible so strange or unusual as to be unbelievable

5. vow a serious promise or pledge

6. souvenir something kept as a reminder of a special time or place

Grade 5, Theme 1, Sees Behind Trees Vocabulary Words

1. quiver a case for carrying arrows

2. tread the act, manner, or sound of walking

3. moss a tiny, delicate, flowerless plant that grows in clumps on trees and rocks

4. sternly in a harsh or strict manner

5. exaggerate to make something appear greater than it really is

6. compose to settle down or become calm

Grade 5, Theme 1, Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family Vocabulary Words

1. audition a tryout to test the ability of an actor or a musician

2. sonata a musical composition, usually in several movements or sections

3. accompanist a musician who plays music to support the main part

4. accompaniment music played to aid and support the main musical feature

5. grimaced expressed pain, annoyance, or disgust

6. simultaneously happening at the same time

Grade 5, Theme 1, Dear Mrs. Parks Vocabulary Words

1. ridiculed made fun of

2. dignity proud, calm, and controlled behavior

3. counsel to give advice and support

4. potential qualities that make the development of a talent, power, or skill possible or likely

5. inspire to make someone want to do something and feel excited about doing it

6. correspondence letter writing, or letters written

7. mentor a wise, caring advisor

Grade 5, Theme 1, Elena Vocabulary Words

1. revolution a sudden and complete change of government, often by overthrow

2. determination strength of purpose

3. mocking making fun of; insulting

4. plunged dived, or fell rapidly

5. ravine a deep, narrow gap in the earth

6. condolences expressions of sympathy or comfort