Senator nomination Pack

Hello and thanks for your interest in the Senator Elections 2015. This pack should give you all the information you need to get yourself ready to run for a Faculty Senator. There are 3 vacant places for each Faculty available.

The Student Senate forms a significant element of the Student Union’s governance, this structure defines how we, as an organisation function in order to meet the needs of our members. The Student Senate will convene four times a year:

Monday 3rd November, 4pm (HG147)

Tuesday 26th January, 4pm (HG136)

Tuesday 8th March, 4pm (HG136)

Thursday 12th May, 4pm (HG136)

The Student Senate consists of 28 members who meet to discuss policy put forward through a(n) ideathe way policy is passed is through a 50%+1 quorate of the membership. If a policy does pass then it becomes the aim of the Executive Committee (Sabbaticals & Faculty Chairs) at the Students’ Union to ensure the action and scope of the policy is carried forward. This will continue for three years until a policy lapse is enacted and the Student Senate will re-examine the relevance of the policy. If an idea falls at the meeting it cannot be brought up again for two consecutive years.


7.1.1 Ensuringthe expansionandimplementationthe Students’Unionvision,
values andobjectives setwithinthe Students’UnionStrategicPlan.

7.1.2 Creating motionsforactionand policyforimplementationtoimprove University

7.1.3 Offering advice and policy to the Trustee Board and receiving recommendations from the Trustee Board;

7.1.4 Consideringand recommendinganymotions for NUS annualconferenceand makingsuggestionsastohowthedelegatesshouldvote throughouttheconference;

7.1.5 Ensuringstudent issuesarediscussed and Exec teammandatedtotake action.


York St John Students’ Union pursues a policy of Equal Opportunities for all. The policy seeks to ensure that no student is disadvantaged or receives less than favourable treatment as a result of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or religious affirmations.

The full policy can be found on our website at and is also available at the Students’ Union – just ask us for a copy. We expect that all candidates observe and respect it throughout all aspects of their campaign, manifesto, posters etc.

What Now?

So you’ve looked through the pack and you think that being a senator is the right thing for you. Then this is what you must do…

Firstly, check that you are eligible to stand. In order to run for a position you must be a registered student at York St John University

If you are eligible then you need to complete a Nomination Form (at the back of this pack). In addition to the form we will also need a photosubmitted electronically at the same time that you submit your Nomination Form. A word of warning: these photos will be used everywhere; the internet, on notice boards around campus, in our publications, etc. So, consider carefully what photograph you are going to use.

You need to submit your form electronically before10amonMonday12th October. No Nominations will be accepted after this time!

By signing the Nomination Form you are declaring that you understand and accept the election regulations contained in this nominations pack.

Advice on filling out the Nominations Form

You’ll see from the nominations form that you are asked to produce:

  • A statement of no more than 100 words of why you believe you should represent York St John Students’ Union at the Student Senate.
    If you require help and advice when filling in this form please contact Nathaniel Abakah-Phillips at

If you go over the word limit on any of the areas we will cut the statement back to the word limit.

Key Dates

If you are going to run for election then these are the key dates you need to be aware of:

Monday 12th October – 10am – Close of Nominations

You must submit your nomination form and photo, otherwise you will not be able to run in the election!

Monday 12th October – 4pm – Candidates Briefing Session

The Candidates Briefing is your chance to learn more about the election process, the rules we’re adopting and how our system works.

Tuesday 13th October - 8am – Voting Begins

Online voting will go live at 08:00amon the morning of Tuesday 13th October. Students log in to the voting system through the Students’ Union website with their unique password and university e-mail. Students will also receive a fast-track e-mail which will override any need for a login.

The voting system is that of Single Transferable Voting. This system will be explained in more detail at the briefing session.

Friday 16th October –12pm – Voting Closes

The Online Ballot will close at 12pm and counting will begin fromthis point. PLEASE, encourage as many of your voters to complete their vote well before this time as they will be unable to vote after the clock hits 12pm.The Deputy Returning Officer(s) and Counting Officer(s) will administer the count

Friday 16th October – Results Announced

The results will be announced as a part of the Programme Rep Conference closing event at 5pm and will feature on the website shortly after.

Election Rules

In order that the Election is fair for all, there are a number of rules that we would ask you to obey.

  1. There shall be no verbal or physical intimidation of other candidates and their campaign teams or ‘dirty tricks’ at any point in the election campaign.
  1. Harassment of voters at computers or with mobile and tablet devises will be treated as a serious offence. If a voter feels that a candidate or campaign team member is overstepping the mark with regards to being lobbied, they have the right to make a complaint about that candidate.
  1. Canvassing and announcements over a PA or texting screens during Students’ Union events or at any student night at a local nightclub by any candidates or campaign teams will not be tolerated.
  1. Candidates should be aware of, and observe the YSJSU staff protocol: that staff are not to be involved in the political/democratic side of Students’ Union business and are to be kept out of the election activities. This includes publicly expressing their opinions on Students’ Union policy, the election process, candidates or Students’ Union Officers and Students’ Union casual staff are not allowed to campaign for candidates whilst working (including wearing badges of support).
  1. No external OR commercial sponsorship OR support of promotional material is allowed.
  • Any complaints or concerns about a candidate’s conduct or their campaigners should be put in writing and forwarded to the Deputy Returning Officer(s) who can be contacted at

Venue Rules

In order to ensure a fair election for all candidates the following must be abided by for the duration of campaign week:

No publicity is to be hung or stuck on fire doors anywhere in the University.

Students’ Union

  • A4x 1 poster per candidate allowed on the (Sabbatical Wall)
  • Candidates are allowed to canvass within the building
  • No announcements to be made over the PA system
  • No posters allowed on any windows or doors
  • No access to the offices/printers/photocopier by candidates or campaigns teams

If these rules are not followed, then the candidate is answerable to the Elections Committee who have the authority to withdraw nominations.


Candidate Nomination Form



Candidate Name:
Student No:
Programme: / Year:
Statement(No more than 100 words submitted through a word document)


Declaration: I am a registered student of York St John University. I agree to abide by the election regulations set out in the Students’ Union Constitution
Signature: / Date: