Lesson Plan
Date: 09/03/09 / Time:10:50 – 11:50 / Class: 1P – Year 1Subject:Literacy- Instructions / Total: 6 / M: 2 F: 4
Lesson Objectives – in terms of knowledge, concepts and skills to be obtained
Learning Intention:
I can follow instructions and order them correctly using connectives
Success Criteria:
Must: I can follow instructions
Should: I can order instructions using connectives
Could: I can recognise instructions and know their features
Lesson Structure – Division of time and outline of introduction, body and plenary
Sit with group for input of recapping instructions on carpet, to gauge their level of understanding of instructions and ordering instructions.
Key features: ordering, bossy verbs, number each instruction
Activity 1:
Look at the written instructions for ‘How to make a picture puzzle’ in the big book.
Q: What can we see to tell us these are instructions?
Discuss: title, list of what is needed, numbers, bossy verbs, short clear sentences, diagrams and pictures
Demonstrate how to carry out the instructions, using props, while saying the instructions out loud.
Activity 2:
Ask children to try to follow the instructions as I read them out, using props
Activity 3:
Look at the cards with connectives written on. Read them together. Talk about the order which the connectives go in and match them up with the cards numbered 1-4, to visually reinforce the verbal ordering
Activity 4:
Children to role play carrying out the instructions, responding to time connectives as I read the out. Decide for the plenary who will show what we need, who will read out connectives and show numbers, which 4 children will role play the actions. Have a run through so children feel confident.
If time, write instructions on whiteboard, getting the children to tell me each step and sounding out words together.
Group to show the other children what we have been doing, and see what other groups have been doing.
Links to NC & National Framework Strategies, cross-curricular themes etc
NC: English
En1: Speaking and listening:
1c) organise what they say
2a) sustain concentration
2c) make relevant comments
2d) listen to others’ reactions
2e) ask questions to clarify their understanding
3a) take turns when speaking
3b) relate their contributions to what has gone on before
3d) extend their ideas in the light of the discussion
4b) create and sustain roles individually and when working with others
10b) sharing ideas and experiences
11a) working in role
11b) presenting drama to others
En2: Reading:
1a) hear, identify, segment and blend phenomes in words
1f) read on sight high-frequency words and other familiar words
1i) understand how word order affects meaning
2a) use the organisational features of non-fiction texts to find information
2b)understand that texts about the same topic may contain different information
7a) print-based information texts, including those with continuous text and relevant illustrations
Primary Framework:
Non-Fiction: Unit 2: Instructions
Key Vocabulary - to be put on board / Resources
- Title
- List of things we need
- Numbers
- Connectives
- Bossy verbs
- Diagrams
- Big book ‘Things to make and do’
- Props for 7; paper, pencils, scissors
- Connectives on pieces of card: First, Next, After that, Finally
- Numbers of pieces of card: 1,2,3,4
Differentiation – provisions for different abilities, SEN, EAL and G&T
The children will be working in a small same ability group. Support will be given to children who need it
Assessment – Type and approach
- Assessment will be carried out in the form of questioning and understanding of features of instructions: Can children identify the features of instructions?
- Could children follow instructions using props?
- Could children order connectives?
- Could children role play instructions?
- Could children present their learning about instructions to the other children?
Connections to prior learning / Context of lesson in expected sequence
The children have looked briefly at instructions previously in Year 1, thinking about bossy verbs. / Next lesson we will use what we know about instructions to help the Jolly Postman on his route
Details of ICT and Health & Safety-where appropriate
Involvement of other adults
I will be working with this group in the learning pod, we will then rejoin the rest of the class for the plenary and present to the rest of the children what we have been doing. The rest of the class will be split into groups working with the TA and CT.