GPC Minutes 05 06 17
This document is the Clerk’s record of the Council Meeting, formal acceptance will take place at the next Council Meeting. This meeting will be recorded. A copy of all meeting papers are provided for the public at the meeting.
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and Mr Darren Ingrouille, Building Surveyor for Chelmsford City Council and GPC’s appointed Project Manager for refurbishment of Galleywood Public Conveniences
The Clerk has included end notes to cover some of the building terms used.
1.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Housekeeping notices were given.
2.RECORD OF COUNCILLORS PRESENTCllr Neville Paul (Chairman), Cllr Stephanie Troop (Vice Chairman), with Cllrs Richard Hyland, Anthony McQuiggan,Andy Robson and John Turkentine.
3.APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCECllr Graham Nichols – holiday. The Clerk had checked the answerphone and email and no apologies had been forthcoming from Cllr Barry Graves and Cllr Bob Harman.
5.DISPENSATIONS None requested.
No members of the public were present.
7.1 To receive a presentation from Project Manager Mr Darren Ingrouille Mr Ingrouille
outlined the following works :
- Remove Lavatories
- Cut back to bear walls which will be made good for new tiling and flooring
- 1st fix plumbing and 1st fix electrical works for lighting, hand-drier, CCTV
- Make good plaster ceiling including in the gents’ toilets over urinal which is currently in a state of disrepair
- Tile to full height with contrasting band of colour to high-light doors, floor and differences between levels. Building Regulations dictate there must be a light reflective difference of 30 points. 1 point being black, 100 points being white.
- Self-levelling latex floor ensuring it is perfectly smooth for non-slip sheet vinyl flooring chosen for safety and ease of cleaning.
- Existing sanitary ware will be removed and re-used. New sanitary ware will be “Ideal Armitage” or builder may opt for Twyfords or other equal & approved manufacturer.
- Install new Doc “M” pack[i]which is a standard toilet pack for disabled users. The lavatory is 30mm taller which aids those with limited hip mobility. The water tank on the rear wall acts as a back support and the hand basin is positioned within reaching distance from the lavatory.
- Install soap holder/dispenser, shelving for bags and personal items.
- Two mirrors will be installed - 4ft mirror starting 2ft from the floor and one over the hand basin. Both will be polished stainless steel which is the best anti-vandal option.
- 2nd fix electrical works – fix consumer unit and lighting which will be PIR[ii] activated and discretely located out of reach. LED fittings will be used (minimum 5 year guarantee), with a bulb life of up to 10 years, they are very low energy, waterproof, robust with a more “industrial” style to aid anti-vandal. IP65 fitting.[iii]
- The LED dawn – dusk lighting will be anti-vandal and mounted behind a robust steel mesh. Lights in the units will have a battery back-up, if there is a power cut the lights will come on automatically. LED lighting will be bright white.
- Trace Heating[iv] will be used on pipework this is environmentally friendly and more reasonable than the cost of a “Frost Stat”[v]
- Two Cannon Hygiene “Air Rapide”[vi] hand dryers will be installed, they are set in a metal case and are extremely robust and anti-vandal.
- Emergency Alarms will be installed with a pull cord and re-set inside each facility. The Project Manager suggests that a notice containing an emergency number could be displayed.
- Heatrae Sadia Hotflo 10 water heater to be checked.
- Illuminated Public Convenience signs to be fitted
- All electrics will be certified and a test certificate will be given.
- Doors will be made good and painted, two euro cylinder locks will be fitted with a thumb-turn lock fitted internally to WC’s.
- “D” handles will be fitted in a round bar design
- Ceilings redecorated
- At completion of the project the builder will tidy up and test ensuring that everything is in good working order.
The Chairman thanked Mr Ingrouille and invited questions from Councillors. These points were re-addressed after 7.2.3.
- Agreed door opening direction should be outwards
- Will there be floor drainage to aid cleaning ? The Project Manager responded that in the Conveniences in Market Road, Chelmsford, the drainage has been more of a hindrance as objects are often pushed into the drainage opening causing blockages.
7.1.1Lighting Switches It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Turkentine that all lights are PIR with no switches, the internal cubicle lights to be non-maintained (internal battery) for emergency power failure. All Cllrs were in agreement.
7.1.2Porcelain Suite Pending costings from the Project Manager (see later in Minutes).
7.1.3Existing Suite It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Robson that this be re-used, 5 in favour, 1 abstention. Carried.
7.1.4Mirrors It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Turkentine that reasonable length mirrors to facilitate standing and seated users – Reference Building Regs part M which covers mirrors and all the fixture and fittings for disabled toilets be included. All in favour.
7.2.1Floor Colour The Project Manager stated that R11[vii]non-slip vinyl would be used (similar level to usage in wet rooms and showers). The floor colour needs to be in contrast with the walls. It was proposed by the Vice Chairman and seconded by Cllr Hyland that a mid-grey tone called “Port Hole” be selected, 5 in favour, 1 objection. Carried.
- Contrast Band Wall Tiles It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Hyland that the contrasting colour be “Charcoal Grey”, 5 in favour, 1 objection. Carried.
- Upper Wall Tiles It was proposed by Cllr Robson and seconded by Cllr McQuiggan that the upper wall tiles be white, all Cllrs were in favour.
- Below Band Wall It was proposed by Cllr McQuiggan and seconded by Cllr Turkentine that the wall below the contrast band be “Willow”, 5 in favour, 1 objection. Carried.
7.2.3Paint Colour
- Door Frame It was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr McQuiggan that the door frames be painted “Merlin Grey”, 5 in favour, 1 objection. Carried.
- Door Colour It was proposed by Cllr McQuiggan and seconded by the Chairman that the doors be painted “Putting Green”, all in favour.
The Project Manager indicated that there would be a delay to the project start time, this would now be revised to 31 July 2017, the Contract would be updated. The Clerk drew attention to Standing Order 22 which states that “any two Councillors may sign on behalf of the Council. Any deed required by law and the Proper Officer shall witness their signatures”. The Project manager will amend the signatory spaces on the Contract.
7.00 pm Cllr Robson left the meeting.
It was proposed by Cllr McQuiggan and seconded by Cllr Paul that the items below be voted en-bloc. Cllr Hyland and the Vice-Chairman stated they would rather vote each item separately. Cllr McQuiggan amended his proposal which was seconded by Cllr Paul, thereby stating that each item be voted individually and where a cost implication was show the item be deferred to Full Council on 03 07 17. All Cllrs were in favour.
No / Detail / Decision(PM – Project Manager) / Proposed by Cllr McQuiggan and seconded by the Chairman. Voted as follows / Cost Implication take to Full Council
03 07 17
1 / Baby Changing facilities to both units / Agreed / 5 in favour / No
2 / Will locks on other doors including Service Room (ie 5) have a common key ? / Agreed Service Room will have a separate key, there will be 3 keys for five doors and two sets. / 5 in favour / No
3 / Access to Service Room to provide tap and sink for cleaning operatives. Keep the door on a mortice lock with separate key. / Agreed, PM to provide quote for Clerk. / Yes
4 / Exterior signage – two large aluminium signs which do not need to be illuminated as there is dusk to dawn lighting. / Agreed, PM to provide quote for Clerk. / Yes
5 / Interior signage – emergency signage in vandal proof holder or “dye bond” printed on aluminium and screwed to tiles / Agreed, PM to suggest wording and provide quote for Clerk. / Yes
6 / CCTV Coverage – a dome or bullet camera would be most favourable, one located on each wall of the building.
Locked cabinet for recorder in Service Room
Signage required to indicate CCTV running.
Auto closer on Service Room door / Agreed, PM to obtain quote from R M Maintenance and advice Clerk / Yes
7 / Nappy waste – adult and baby waste disposal required, two bins will be required. / Clerk to check any cost implications with CCC / Yes
8 / Water tanks to both units are visible with removable lids, need to ensure these are securely screwed down. / Agreed, PM to obtain quote for Clerk / 5 in favour / No
9 / Quality of lavatories – porcelain, vs stainless steel vs resin Cllrs need comparative costs to assess damage and replacement through vandalism etc / Agreed, PM to provide quote for Clerk. / Yes
10 / Ventilation to both units, current there is an air brick but this should be replaced with “Vent Axia” or similar unit which is activated when the lights are on. / Agreed, PM to provide quote for Clerk / Yes
11 / Self-closers for doors should be fitted to both units, these are compatible with wheel chair users / Agreed, PM to provide quote for Clerk / Yes
7.06 pmThe Chairman and all Cllrs thanked Mr Ingrouille for his time and he left the meeting.
8.To elect Members of a Working Party and agree Terms of Reference – defer to Council meeting on 03 07 17.
9.To delegate any other decision that may be necessary to a Refurbishment Working Party – defer to Council meeting on 03 07 17.
There being no further business to be transacted
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.10 pm.
Minutes taken by Ms J L Head, Clerk to Galleywood Parish Council
Signed, Chairman, 3 July 2017
End Notes attached for ease of reference
[i]DOC M is short for Document M. In the case of a DOC M pack, this is a product set that contains a disabled toilet for public use; it is up-to-date with the latest public building regulations and is ergonomically designed so the user has maximum comfort when using it.
[ii]A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors
[iii]IP65. Protected from total dust ingress. Protected from low pressure water jets from any direction, limited ingress protection. IP66. Protected from total dust ingress
[iv]Electric heat tracing, heat tape or surface heating, is a system used to maintain or raise the temperature of pipes and vessels. Trace heating takes the form of an electrical heating element run in physical contact along the length of a pipe.
[v]Frost Thermostat designed to give automatic frost protection to boilers and pipework, as well as the fabric of the building. The thermostat should be fitted in the coldest areas e.g. loft space, floor voids, garages etc.
[vi]Cannon Air Rapider Hand Dryer
[vii]R11 rated slip resistance flooring is the minimum recommended for most commercial applications.