Report on the public meeting between MP’s
and citizens from ED6 held in Gostivar
TOPIC of the meeting:
„Does unemployment is the reason for the
migration of the youth from all ethnic entities “
Gostivar, 03.07.2003
1. Introduction
Citizens association MOST was founded in May 2002. The idea to found the organization was supported by 20 NGO’s from all over Macedonia, and individuals from these NGO’s are part of the MOST structure.
Because active citizens strengthen democracy, when accomplishing its projects MOST is driven from the basic goal: increasing transparency, responsibility and cooperativeness of Parliament and election organs, through rallying citizens and education, while taking activities in the direction of improving the legal system and citizen monitoring of political processes.
The project Mobile Parliament is being realized within the framework of MOST’s Parliamentary Program. The project involves meetings between MP’s from various Parliamentary groups with citizens in all election districts for discussions on topics of public interest characteristic for the area where the meetings take place.
The main goal of the project Mobile Parliament is to improve communication between MP’s and citizens and to bring Parliament closer to the people. With the accomplishment of this sort of relations there will be a contribution to the strengthening of the foundations for the development of democratic society through:
· Educating citizens for their rights and responsibilities between two election terms
· Increasing the responsibility of elected representatives towards the citizens
· Increasing the role of citizens in the decision making process
· Strengthening the link/relation between MP’s and citizens
This project is intended for all citizens of Republic of Macedonia who are at least 18 years old, i.e. everybody with the right to vote and for all elected representatives.
The implementation of this project started on 17.02.2002 with the first meeting between MP’s and citizens from Election district 1.
Ø MP’s present on the meeting: Mr. Gajur Sarac (DPTM), Mr. Slave Arsovski (SDSM).
Ø On the meeting participated 68 citizens from which part was ex employees from companies that went bankrupt, old and young people, representatives from NGO’s and local medias.
Ø The meeting was moderated by Mr. Dragan Antonovski, jurnalist.
Meeting agenda
o The meeting started with a short introduction by Miss. Slavica Biljarska, coordinator of the project Mobile Parliament, where the project’s goals and agenda were presented.
The moderator gave a short comment regarding the actual situation in the city and the region. Talking from a point of view of an organization with only citizen’s issues, the moderator pointed out the possibilities that are offered to the citizens at this meeting.
o As a common practice, the citizens had the first word. The concern of the youth was obvious, all in a way of presenting the anomalies they are facing with and the problems that are present there for a long time. Participating actively in the discussion, some of the older citizens qualified themselves unuseful as quality work force, pointing the need for youth employment to keep the balance in the region. An obvious fact was that the way things are going there are few chances for young people so the only way out for them is to leave.
o These kind of discussions started a very constructive debate by the MP’s especially in the part of planning and commitment by the government to secure better conditions and a base for the development of the economy. A common conclusion was that the number of 14.500 unemployed is alarming for the region like Gostivar. The way out of this is not the emloyement in state administration having in mind that there are 40.000 employments in the last 5 years, but in the private sector by encouraging it.
o After the meeting ended, thought an evaluation sheet, prepared in cooperation with NDI, the participants evaluated the meeting.
The citizens had the opportunity to tell what their general problem is and what the main issues that concern the whole region are. During the discussion, obvious was the presence of revolt and disappointment that undoubtedly came out of the way the law is conducted there in the city especially in the part where the state has the most sensitive task. Things pointed out as most important parameters were: lousy and sloppy work of the labor inspections, bad relationship of the private employers towards the employees especially in the part of benefit toward the state and most of all the ignorance of the state for opening new positions as well as restarting the old capacities. Also, citizens that used to be employees from factories like Silika, took part in the discussion. During his speech one of the participants pointed a very interesting suggestion. He brought the attention to the need of opening credit lines with acceptable payback conditions that would stimulate the private sector of investing and with that, opening new working places. Also a good concept of the law on the local self-government would contribute to improving life conditions from the rural communities.
Mr. Arsovski (SDSM) at the very beginning of his discussion greeted the idea of the meeting and the topic itself. Elaborating the present situation, he realistically pointed out all the lacks that were made not only from 1998 till now, but even before that. A conclusion came out that we are in a period of a painful transition that needs to grow into something that will have a positive effect on all the citizens in Macedonia. He added that a law for stimulating small and medium companies is in the process of making. Mr. Sarac (DPTM) gave his point of view of the situation by being very practical and efficient. Having in mind the fact that the craftwork is dieing, he accused the low business activity for the condition. Also as one of the reasons for this is this year’s lowed budget for approximately 100 million dollars, 10% of the total.
The conclusions that came out of this discussion will certainly not be useful for implementation in certain laws but they need to be brought to attentions to the MP’s for their realistic overview of the situation:
1. To form a real base in the business economy by restarting the closed capacities, and afterwards continue to upgrade it.
2. More efficient implementation of the law on labor, every company should pay on time the benefits for the employees.
3. Opening more credit lines for businesses and private persons.
4. Good concept of the law on financing the local self-government while taking care of financing youth.
5. The debates in Parliament should be on economical issues, not on political.
6. While reanimating the closed factories to make sure and have in mind those that used to be employed at the same.
7. To improve communication and exchange of information between NGOs and MP’s with a purpose of being in touch with each others problems.
8. Implementing order in the market by more efficient work of inspections.
9. Do forbid import of milk and milk-product.
These conclusions that are incorporated in the report, are sent to all the MPs in the Assembly of R. Macedonia and the Citizens Association MOST sincerely hopes that they will be out of big use to the MP’s so they can fully understand this regions situation in order to contribute to a quicker and less painful resolve of the current situations.
The Citizens Association MOST in the frame-work of its project Mobile Parliament will organize several meetings like this one in the major cities in all of the electoral districts, and the topics chosen for discussion will be of great importance for the district were the meeting will be held.
List of participants follows as an attachment.
List of participants at the meeting held in Gostivar on the 08.07.2003
1. Zulufi Abazi
2. Andrijana Trajanovska
3. Rozika Bilbiloska
4. Aleksandra Mateska
5. Janko Bilbiloski
6. Lidija Bilbiloska
7. Dusica Mirceska
8. Natalija Bozinoska
9. Renata Barutovska
10. Desa Veljanovska
11. Valentina Spiroska
12. Dobrica Dragicevic
13. Belinda Stefanova
14. Cveta Jakimovska
15. Elizabeta Spirovska
16. Ljupco Spiroski
17. Zore Manakoski
18. Svetislav Mateski
19. Veroslava Primceska
20. Nuri Bajrami
21. Ismaili Beshiri
22. Zoran Badzoski
23. Emil Jovanovski
24. Blagoja Kiproski
25. Snezana Mitreska
26. Dshmin Saiti
27. Gazmend Iseini
28. Agron Sulejmani
29. Valdet Ismani
30. Zudi Recani
31. Ljubomir Ristoski
32. Mamuti Redzep
33. Arlinda Zuljali
34. Branko Milojkoski
35. Dalibor Lazareski
36. Agnjeshka Lazareska
37. Berat Useini
38. Aneta Mateska
39. Milenko Ilijaz
40. Dalibor Jakimoski
41. Dzevad Nuredini
42. Ana Stojanoska
43. Nuredin Ruben
44. Svetislava Petroska
45. Todor Kiroski
46. Vlatko Stefanoski
47. Pero Pecanoski
48. Miroslav Dimoski
49. Daniloska Lidija
50. Georgievska Snezana
51. Gzim Hadzi-Ejup
52. Dushica Markoska
53. Ikonija Davidoska
54. Jasmina Zafiroska
55. Borce Kiroski
56. Jelena Jeliskoska
57. Zagorka Poposka
58. Margarite Markoska
59. Erol Ademoski
60. Stojan Mateski
61. Goce Arsoski