2013 International Mock Board Exam Coalition

Canada / University of Guelph
Guelph, ON / 3/1/13
Pacific Northwest / University of Washington
Seattle, WA / 3/16/13
Southwest / University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX / 3/30/13
(Wisconsin) / Wisconsin National Primate Research Center
Madison, WI / 4/6/13
West Coast
(Mid California) / California National Primate Research Center
University of California at Davis, Davis, CA / 4/13/13
West Coast
(Northern CA) / Stanford University
Stanford, CA / 4/13/13
West Coast
(Southern CA) / City of Hope/Beckman Research Institute
Duarte, CA / 4/27/13
Mid-Atlantic / Fort Detrick
Fort Detrick, MD / 5/7/13
Caribbean /Latin America / Caribbean Primate Research Center
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR / 5/8/13
Southeast / NCSU Veterinary School
Raleigh, NC / 5/18/13
Northeast / Yale University
New Haven, CT / 5/25/13
(Indiana) / Indiana University
Indianapolis, IN / 5/31/13
(Colorado) / Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO / 5/31/13
Europe / Madrid, Spain
(mock ECLAM exam) / 6/8/13
Asia / Singapore / 6/8/13

Written Section – 230Questions

40 Pages

This examination is meant to be used as a study tool when preparing for the ACLAM or ECLAM Certifying Examinations. The material presented in this mock examination follows the ACLAM role delineation document, but is not necessarily reflective of the ACLAM or ECLAM Certifying Examinations.

2013 Exam Contributors


Bryan Ogden DVM, DACLAM – Coordinator

Enoka Bandularatne, DVM, PhD
Ralph Bunte, DVM, DACVP

Lynn Collura, DVM, DACLAM

Diana Scorpio, DVM, DACLAM


Patricia V. Turner, DVM, DVSc, DACLAM, DABT – Coordinator

Dave Hanwell, DVM, DVSc, DACLAM

Shawn Petrik, DVM, MSc, Dipl Path

Lise Phaneuf, DVM, DVSc, DACLAM

Andrew Winterborn, DVM, DACLAM

Caribbean/Latin America

Marilyn Arce, DVM, MLAS, DACLAM- Coordinator

Armando G. Burgos, DVM, ABVP-Avian

Katia Estevez, DVM

Maureen Fox, DVM

Olga D. Gonzalez, DVM, ACVP

Melween Martínez, DVM

Idia Vanessa Rodriguez, DVM

Europe (Mock ECLAM Exam)

José M. Sánchez-Morgado, DVM, MSc, PhD, DipECLAM - Coordinator

Midwest (Colorado)

Kelly Walton, DVM – Coordinator

Ryan Curtis, DVM

Lon Kendall, DVM, PhD, DACLAM

Lynne Kesel, DVM

Carmen Ledesma-Feliciano, DVM

Wendy Tuttle, DVM

Sue VandeWoude, DVM, DACLAM

Midwest (Indiana)

Deb Hickman, MS, DVM, DACLAM – Coordinator

Ashley Ambery, DVM

Christine Boehm, MEd, DVM, MS, DACLAM

Robin Crisler-Roberts, DVM, MS, DACLAM

Midwest (Wisconsin)

Andres F. Mejia, DVM, MS, DACLAM – Coordinator

Casey Fitz, DVM

Jennifer Coonen, DVM, DACLAM

Christina Cruzen, DVM, DACLAM

Rebekah Franklin, DVM

Raman Muthuswamy, DVM, PhD

Heather Simmons, DVM, DACVP

2013 Exam Contributors


Susan Goodwin, DVM, MS, DACLAM – Coordinator

MAJ Krystal Bean, DVM, DACLAM








MAJ Chad Foster, DVM, DACLAM



LTC Krinon Moccia, DVM, MPH, DACLAM

LTC Kevin Nemelka, DVM, DACLAM



LTC Ann Schiavetta, DVM, DACLAM




LTC Julie Stephens-DeValle, DVM, MPVM, DACLAM, DACVPM



Jodi Carlson Scholz, DVM, DACLAM - Coordinator

Peter Smith, DVM, DACLAM - Coordinator

Debra Caporizzo, DVM

Anna Kwiatkowski, DVM

Steven Wilson, VMD, DACLAM

Pacific Northwest

Thea Brabb, DVM, PhD, DACLAM - Coordinator

Stephanie Murphy, VMD, PhD, DACLAM - Coordinator

Andrew Burich, DVM, MS, DACLAM


Julia Whitaker, DVM, MS, DACLAM- Coordinator

Craig Fletcher, DVM, PhD, DACLAM- Coordinator

Terry Blankenship-Paris, DVM, MS, DACLAM

Diane Forsythe, DVM, DACLAM

Anna Hampton, DVM, DACLAM

Glicerio Ignacio, DVM, MS, DACLAM

Angela King-Herbert, DVM, DACLAM

David Kurtz, DVM, PhD, DACLAM

Leslie Martin, JD, DVM, DACLAM

Karen A. Oppelt, DVM

Dorcas P. O’Rourke, DVM, MS, DACLAM

Matthew Rosenbaum, DVM, MS, DACLAM

Julie Sharp, DVM, CPIA, DACLAM

Feli Smith, DVM, DACLAM

Jacquelyn Tubbs, DVM, DACLAM

Mary Ann Vasbinder, DVM, DACLAM

Kyha Williams, DVM, DACLAM

Coralie Zegre-Cannon, DVM, DACLAM

2013 Exam Contributors


Jason Villano, DVM, MSc, MS, DACLAM - Coordinator

Curtis Klages, DVM, DACLAM

Christopher Suckow, DVM, DACLAM

West Coast (Mid-California)

Angela Colagross-Schouten, DVM, MPVM, DACLAM - Coordinator

Laura Summers, DVM, DACLAM - Coordinator

Christie Ferrecchia, DVM

Kristin Grimsrud, DVM, PhD

Betty Ma, DVM

Gregory W. Salyards, DVM

Rebecca Sammak, DVM

Erica Weiss, DVM

West Coast (Northern California)

Angela Chang, DVM, MBA - Coordinator

Keith Anderson, DVM

Peter Castro, DVM

Helen Chum, DVM

Kristin Evans DVM, MS, PhD, DACLAM

Monika Huss, DVM

Krista Lindstrom, DVM

Richard Luong, BVSc DACVP

Gabriel McKeon, DVM, DACLAM

Catherine S. Sohn DVM, DACLAM

West Coast (Southern California)

Trinka Adamson, MS, DVM, DACLAM - Coordinator

Charles Cates, DVM

Deepti Chadalavada, BVSc

John David, DVM

James Finlay, DVM

Sangeetha Satheesen, BVSc

1.An assay was found to have the following sample results: 50 true positives, 1000 true negatives, 10 false negatives, and 5 false positives. What is the positive predictive value of this assay?






2.The absence of which of the following features can help distinguish neuropathic from inflammatory chronic pain?

  1. After sensations
  2. Cold allodynia
  3. Heat hyperalgesia
  4. Paroxysms
  5. Spontaneous pain

3.All of the following are examples of established transplantable tumor models in rabbits EXCEPT?

a.Brown Pearce carcinoma

b.Greene melanoma

c.Shope nephroblastoma

d.VX-2 carcinoma

4.Which method of feed presentation led to greater weight gains in juvenile Mongolian gerbils?

  1. In a J-feeder or the cage floor compared to through a wire bar cage lid
  2. In a J-feeder compared to on the cage floor
  3. Through a wire-bar cage lid compared to a J-feeder or on the cage floor
  4. On the floor compared to a J-feeder

5.According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, the ambient temperature of indoor housing facilities for dogs must not rise above what temperature for more than four consecutive hours?

a. 80°F

b. 85°F

c. 90°F

d. 95°F

6.Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding training/education as described in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals or the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations?

  1. Institutions are responsible for providing adequate training of IACUC committee members
  2. The AV and the IACUC are responsible for determining that personnel performing surgical procedures are appropriately qualified and trained in the procedures
  3. Veterinarians providing health care for laboratory animals must be graduates of U.S. veterinary schools
  4. All research personnel should receive institutional training in animal care and use legislation
  5. Training must be pertinent to the species and studies in an institution.

7.Which of the following statements best describes Saimirine herpes virus 1?

  1. Alpha herpes virus that causes severe disease in squirrel monkeys
  2. Alpha herpes virus that causes severe disease in tamarins
  3. Gamma herpes virus that causes severe disease in tamarins
  4. Gamma herpes virus that causes severe disease in squirrel monkeys
  5. Betaherpes virus that causes cytomegaly

8.Which of the following species are monogamous and used to study neuropepetides and their control in complex behaviors such as pair bonding, paternal and maternal care, and mate-guarding?

  1. Dipodomys spectabilis
  2. Microtus ochrogaster
  3. Microtus pennsylvanicus
  4. Octodon degus

9.For which of the following species is semen collection not possible using an artificial vagina?




d. Mouse

e.Semen can be collected from all of the above with this technique

10. How long does an institution that has received deferred accreditation by AAALAC, International have to correct mandatory deficiencies?

a. 30 days

b.2 months

c. 6 months

d. 1 year

e. Until the next annual report is due

11.Which of the following is a characteristic of spontaneous atrial thrombosis in hamsters?

  1. Increased levels of C reactive protein
  2. Males usually affected earlier than females
  3. Marked subcutaneous edema
  4. Often subclinical
  5. Right auricle and atrium most commonly involved

12.Which of the following was in the previously available formulation of the anesthetic Saffan and caused histamine release in dogs?

  1. Alphaxalone
  2. Cremophor
  3. Alphadolone
  4. Ethanol
  5. Vaseline

13.Which of the following rodents is susceptible to tumor induction by simian virus 40 (SV40) of monkey?

a. Cynomys ludovicianus

b. Dipodomys spp.

c. Mesocricetus auratus

d. Peromyscus leucopus

14.Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding environment enhancement to promote psychological well-being for nonhuman primates (NHPs)?

a. Physical environment of the primary enclosure does not need environmental enrichment if nonhuman primates are pair-housed

b. Individually housed NHP’s must be able to see and hear NHP’s of their own or compatible species unless the attending veterinarian determines that it would endanger their health, safety, or well-being

c. Great apes weighing over 100 lbs must have special provisions for additional opportunities to express species-typical behavior

d. Any exemption given by the attending veterinarian from participation in the environment enhancement plan must be reviewed at least every 60 days by the attending veterinarian

15.What is the primary source of a major glycoprotein allergen from Oryctolagus cuniculus?





16.A Landrace pig presents with a high rectal temperature and tachycardia when induced with halothane anesthesia. What would be the most probable diagnosis and the clinicopathologic abnormalities observed?

  1. Edema disease; hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, metabolic alkalosis, myoglobinemia
  2. Edema disease; hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, myoglobinemia
  3. Malignant hyperthermia; hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, metabolic alkalosis, myoglobinemia
  4. Malignant hyperthermia; hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, myoglobinemia

17.Which of the following laboratory animals is a commonly used model of human otitis media?

  1. Cat
  2. Chinchilla
  3. Degu
  4. Gerbil
  5. Rabbit

18.How frequently does a tuberculin test need to be administered during quarantine of nonhuman primates?

  1. Every 5 to 7 days for the duration of the quarantine
  2. Every two weeks for the duration of the quarantine
  3. Once after arrival
  4. Twice, once after arrival and once before release from quarantine
  5. There is no need for tuberculin testing

19.According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, how often must the attending veterinarian review exemptions of individual nonhuman primates from participation in the facility’s environmental enhancement plan if the basis for such an exemption is not a permanent condition?

  1. At least every 15 days
  2. At least every 30 days
  3. At least every 60 days
  4. At least every 90 days
  5. At least every 6 months

20.What is the primary causative agent of enterotoxemia in rabbits?

  1. Clostridium spiroforme
  2. Salmonella enteritidis
  3. Clostridium difficile
  4. Pateurella multocida
  5. Escherichia coli

21. According to the 2007 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, which of the following inhalant anesthetics should not be used alone for animal euthanasia?

  1. Enflurane
  2. Halothane
  3. Isoflurane
  4. Nitrous oxide

22.Which of the following statements best describes whole body plethysmography?

a. Invasive, direct method of studying respiratory function in animals

b. Invasive, direct method for studying cardiac output in animals

c. Noninvasive, indirect method of studying respiratory function in animals

d. Noninvasive, indirect method of studying cardiac output in animals

23.According to the Guide of the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,solid-bottom caging, bottles, and sipper tubes should be sanitized at least how often?

  1. At least once a day
  2. At least once a week
  3. At least once every two weeks
  4. At least once a month

24.According to the Guide for the Humane Transportation of Research Animals and the Animal Welfare Act, ventilation openings located on two opposing walls of the primary enclosure used to transport live dogs must meet all of the following requirements EXCEPT?

  1. At least one third of the ventilation area must be located on the upper half of the primary enclosure
  2. Openings must be at least 16% of the surface area of each wall
  3. Projecting rims be located on the exterior of each enclosure wall lacking a ventilation opening
  4. Total combined surface area of the ventilation openings must be at least 14% of the total combined surface area of all the walls of the primary enclosure

25.A technician at your facility wants to take the CMAR exam. She has a bachelor’s degree in animal science, has worked at your facility for 5 years, and has been as a manager of colony resources for the past 3 years. Does she qualify for taking this exam? Why or why not.

  1. No; does not have the necessary formal education
  2. No; does not have the necessary experience working in a laboratory animal facility
  3. No; does not have the necessary experience working in a managerial capacity in a laboratory animal facility
  4. Yes; meets all necessary requirements and qualifies to take the exam

26. All of the following factors have been associated with a greater incidence of chronic progressive nephropathy in rats EXCEPT?

a.Dietary restriction

b.Fisher 344 and Sprague-Dawley strains

c.Increased age

d.Male sex

27.“C” is used as the approved standard abbreviation for which of the following mouse strains?

a. C3H

b. CBA

c. BALB/c

d. C57BL

28.Which of the following species requires sand bathing in order to keep their coats from becoming oily?

  1. Mastomys natalensis
  2. Meriones unguiculatus
  3. Mesocricetus auratus
  4. Microtus californicus

29.According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations,each nonhuman primate must be offered food and potable water within ______hours before being transported in commerce.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 8
  5. 12

30.Which of the following inbred strains of rats has congenital genitourinary anomalies?

a. ACI

b. BUF

c. F344

d. LEW

31.How many minutes after immersion in 1 or 3 g/L of tricaine methanesulfonate does CNS depression in frogs occur?

  1. 15
  2. 30
  3. 60
  4. 120
  5. 240

32. Which of the following rodents is used as a model to study monkeypox virus in the laboratory?

  1. Cynomys ludovicianus
  2. Geomys bursarius
  3. Graphiurus kelleni
  4. Marmota monax
  5. Sigmodon hispidus

33. Which of the following describes the main purpose of a Venturi valve in a laboratory animal facility?

a.Regulates the flow of gas within an anesthesia circuit

  1. Provides a constant flow of water to an animal cage while maintaining a drop of water at the end of the valve to make it easier for the animals to find the water source
  2. Prevents clogging of bedding removal systems
  3. Maintains constant airflow, independent of air pressure, indefinitely without requiring recalibration or routine maintenance

34.According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, which of the following is TRUE regarding the membership of the IACUC?

a. The Committee shall be composed of a Chairman and at least one other additional member

b. If the Committee consists of more than three members, not more than two members shall be from the same administrative unit of the facility

c. A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine is not required to be one of the Committee members

d. At least one member shall not be affiliated in any way with the facility other than as a Committee member

35.Exposure to which of the following materials has been implicated in zinc toxicosis in ferrets?

  1. Acrylics
  2. Copper
  3. Galvanized steel
  4. Polyethylene
  5. Stainless steel

36.Which of the following is TRUE only for lentiviral vectors when compared to adenovirus and other adeno-associated viral vectors?

  1. Achieve transient expression in dividing cells
  2. Achieve transient expression in nondividing cells
  3. Achieve stable expression in dividing cells
  4. Achieve stable expression in nondividing cells











37.Which of the following is FALSE regarding the use of corncob bedding for housing rats?

  1. Contains minimal dust
  2. Is preferred over other bedding materials by rats
  3. Produces negligible levels of ammonia within the cage
  4. Reduces spread of allergens

38.The UN 3373 label must be displayed on the outer container on two opposite sides when packaging and shipping which of the following types of biological materials?

a. Category A infectious substance

b. Category B infectious substance

c. Diagnostic specimens

d. Genetically modified organisms

39.Which of the following mouse strains is predisposed to developing spontaneous myocardial calcification?

  1. 129
  2. BALB/c
  3. C57BL/6
  4. FVB
  5. NZB

40.Which of the following analgesics can cause gastrointestinal ulceration in rats?

a. Carprofen

b. Ketoprofen

c. Tylenol

d. Ibuprofen

41.Habituation of adult New Zealand white rabbits to routine laboratory handling by humans may result in which one of the following?

  1. Behavior consistent with an increase in human-directed fear
  2. Behavior consistent with a reduction in human-directed fear
  3. Decreased compliance during routine laboratory handling
  4. No change in behavior since adult rabbits cannot be habituated to handling by humans

42.With a water temperature of28.5oC, how many minutes after fertilization does it take for the first embryo cleavage in zebrafish to occur?

  1. 15
  2. 30
  3. 45
  4. 60
  5. 75

43.According to the 2007 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, which of the following agents or methods is a conditionally acceptable method of euthanasia for fish?

  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Barbiturates
  3. Benzocaine hydrochloride
  4. Decapitation and pithing
  5. Inhalant anesthetics

44.All of the following statements are true about splay leg in rabbits EXCEPT?

  1. Affected rabbits cannot abduct their limbs
  2. Animals are most commonly affected in the right rear limb
  3. Young kits 3 to 4 weeks of age are most commonly affected
  4. The semimembranosus muscle is abnormal, with smaller fibers and abnormal mitochondria
  5. Typical clinical signs are secondary to femoral endotorsion

45.Which of the following cell types form the lateral line in fish and amphibians?