Members present:B Collier (Mayor)
Mrs S BundockMrs A Clarey
A CooperMrs M Cooper
B DackMrs D Haslett-Saunders
S HayesB Saunders
G SmithL Stoter
Mrs C Turner
Also present:5 members of the public, Central Beds Councillor J Saunders, PCSO Lisa Antoine, and the Clerk
The Mayor has attended the following events since the last meeting:
- 5th June - Stotfold Mill Nature Reserve official opening, 11.45am
- 9th June – Let’s Talk Together (CBC event), EtonburySchool, 7pm
- 18th June – Stotfold Junior Football Club Presentation Evening
- 17th June – Fairfield Players performance of ‘Sudden Death at Nortonbury Manor’
The Mayor has been invited to:
- 9th July – Stotfold Big Tidy Up, The Green, from 11am – Mayor will attend
- 17th July – Henlow Lakes & Riverside Ltd opening of 1st phase development, from 10.30am. – Mayor can’t attend, Deputy Mayor will attend on his behalf
- 31st July – Central Beds Funding Raising Picnic at Marston Vale Forest Centre, 1pm – Mayor will attend
Councillor Stoter declared a personal interest in the item to co-opt two Members, as his wife has submitted an application, and advised that he would remove himself from the meeting whilst voting took place.
Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor Mrs Hyde.
PC Prutton had sent his apologies and his crime report for the month of June was given by PCSO Antoine. There were a total of 23 reports of Anti-Social Behaviour, 21 reports of Crime, 4 reports of Violence Against the Person, 1 reports of Burglary from Dwellings, 8 reports of Criminal Damage, 1 report of Theft Of Motor Vehicle, 3 reports of Theft From Motor Vehicle, and 1 report of Drugs. A copy of the full report, which was circulated to Members, is available on file.
The report also included reference to rumours that number 31 Regent Street has or will be applying for a licence to sell alcohol. Sergeant Rivers has met with the Licensing Officer for the Police and they don’t believe that an application has been made to date. His view is that local residents feel there are enough establishments selling alcohol within the town, and the Police have very limited grounds to object to a licence unless there are serious issues around anti social behaviour, littering, etc. He sees the only two areas that residents could object as parking on the blind bend and littering.
The report also referred to the Town Council’s concerns over the apparent empty Stotfold Bury House. The local Police team have regularly patrolled the area and during this month discovered three local youths at the location. There was evidence of drug taking. Work has now been carried out to secure the property from any further trespass.
Members advised PCSO Antoine that a window is open at the empty Hallworth House building, and the entrance gate on to the footpath is unlocked.
Tony Shield
Expressed concerns about parking on High Street. He has previously been advised that there would be no parking restrictions in this area because the High Street is wide. Also expressed concern that young children are cycling on the pavements in High Street on their way to school. It is illegal and dangerous for pedestrians. He also referred to the blocked drains on High Street, and advised that he was making frequent reports to ask for them to be cleared.
A letter will be sent to EtonburySchool to ask if they could remind pupils that they should not be cycling on pavements.
Central Beds Councillor John Saunders advised that he would investigate the concerns about parking on High Street, and will also seek confirmation of the drain clearance schedule.
Glenn Rickwood
Asked if we could include the grounds of Etonbury School in the Big Tidy Up campaign, and was advised that it was up to the school to keep their grounds clear of litter and that it wouldn’t be included in the forthcoming Big Tidy Up campaign.
The following nominations were received for the two current Councillor vacancies:
David Osborn
Timothy Naisbitt
Satinderjit Dhaliwal
Pamela Manfield
Each vacancy was taken in turn, and a secret ballot held.
Resolved that Timothy Naisbitt and Satinderjit Dhaliwal are co-opted as Town Councillors for Stotfold Town Council.
Resolved that the minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 11th May 2011 be taken as read and confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, with the following amendment:
Insert Apologies, and re-number subsequent minutes.
8993.Chairman’s announcements & civic attendance (see minute 8956-01/06/11)
A letter has been sent to Dr Lincoln on his retirement from Stotfold Surgery.
8994.Report from a representative of Bedfordshire Police (see minute 8958-01/06/11)
In response to our query regarding licensing laws and codes of practice for the slaughter profession, Central Beds advise:
All persons licensed to slaughter must comply with the legal requirements set out in The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Regulations 1995 (as amended). A link to the regulations: .
The regulations make it an offence to cause or permit, avoidable pain, excitement, or suffering to any animal during the slaughter process. This covers all aspects of the slaughter process from lairaging, restraining, stunning, slaughtering or killing.
It may also be relevant to know about the National Fallen Stock Scheme. This is a scheme which employs ‘knackers’ men who collect fallen stock from farmers, and take the carcases for approved incineration or rendering. A Knackers’ man is often licensed as a slaughter man and may be called out to a farm by the farmer, to kill, collect and dispose of any livestock accordingly.
A person licensed to carry out such activities needs to have the skill and knowledge to perform the tasks humanely and efficiently.
In response to our letter to the RSPCA on why they have not made any response to previous calls of concern about the welfare of animals in the field on Rook Tree Lane, Mark Green, RSPCA Inspector for this area has telephoned to confirm that they had received several complaints regarding the slaughter incident, however they are powerless to act as every animal/pet owner has the right to kill their animals without causing unnecessary suffering to the animal. Whilst morally he agrees that the way they did it was wrong (in full view of passers by), because they did not cause unnecessary suffering to the animals, he is powerless to act. He did mention that you are not allowed to use a gun within 100 yards of a public road.
A letter will be sent to the Police pointing out that a gun was used within 100 yards of a public road and public footpath, which is against the law.
8995.Minutes of AnnualTown Meeting 2011 (see minute 8963-01/06/11)
Phil Mitchinson of Grand Union Housing (on behalf of Aragon Housing) visited the Council offices on 29th June and discussed their plans for the Hallworth House site with three Members and the Clerk. The planning application for the site will be considered at the 13th July Planning Committee meeting.
Councillor Cooper attended the meeting with Phil Mitchinson and updated Members on what was discussed: The Hallworth House site will be redeveloped with nine 1 and 2 bedroom bungalows at 625sqm per building. A tenth bungalow will be purpose built for a specific individual. There will be 14 parking spaces. They are intending on the majority of bungalows being for rent, but may consider joint ownership. Discussions took place about the location of gardens within the site. Replacement of a similar type of Hallworth House facility is not in Aragon’s brief. With regard to the bungalows being issued only to Stotfold residents, housing is done on a points system and their allocation is a Central Beds matter.
8996.Getting the community engaged in Olympics London 2012 (see minute 8971-01/06/11)
A letter has been sent to Lloyd Conway and Victoria Pendleton regarding the Olympic torch coming through Stotfold, and to put Victoria’s name forward for holding it on its journey in this area of the country.
8997.Internal Auditor’s Report, and Section 4 of the Annual Return (see minute 8976-01/06/11)
To confirm, a copy of the Internal Auditor’s amended and signed report was previously circulated to Members, together with a copy of an email as evidence that she was happy with our internal accounting procedures. The completed Annual Return has now been submitted for External Audit.
8998.Fairfield Community Action Group (see minute 8966-06/06/11)
The full submission to set up a Fairfield Community Council has now been deposited with Central Beds Council, and a copy has been received in the office. Copies will be circulated to Members in due course.
8999.Email regarding recent gypsy & traveller activity in Stotfold
The Chairman advised that he had received emails from residents regarding recent gypsy/traveller activity on the A507 to the rear of the Land South of Stotfold development. The email is requesting guidelines on who to contact to report arrival of travellers to.
Central Beds Councillor J Saunders advised that the land in question was actually in the ownership of the developers and not Highways, however Basil Jackson, Assistant Director of Highways and Transport has asked to be kept informed.
Resolved that
- A letter is sent to Richard Carr asking that clear guidance be sent to all Town & Parish Councils (as the eyes and ears of CBC), about a single contact person should illegal encamping take place in the next few weeks and months. What is the Central Beds contingency plan?
- A letter is sent to the Chief Constable to ask that if Town & Parish Councils ask the police to use their powers that they have, they will do so to stop illegal camping.
- Ask Basil Jackson to block off this area, and entrances to any other potential unauthorised site areas.
Councillor John Saunders gave the following report:
- Congratulated the two new Councillors on their co-option to the Town Council.
- Queried whether it would be useful for the Town Council to get an independent survey carried out on the condition of FordBridge, as he felt there could be other options available.
- With regard to 31 Regent Street and the wish to turn it into an off-licence and grocery store, he confirmed that Central Beds Licensing team hadn’t received an application, but the Fire, Police and Environmental Health team have been approached. He understood that the Town Council would be consulted, however he was advised that Town & Parish Councils are no longer included in the licensing consultation process. He confirmed that he would take the Town Council’s views to Central Beds on our behalf.
- Was asked by a Member to investigate and report back on the current Central Beds policy and finance situation for providing sheltered accommodation.
- With regard to the blocked drains in the High Street, a Member advised that earlier this year the Town Council was informed that Highways would no longer be carrying out an annual drain clearance, instead only clearing them when a report of a blocked drain was made. A resident reported blocked drains in the High Street six weeks ago, and reported again when nothing was done. He was told that they would now be doing a six monthly cycle of drain clearance. Councillor Saunders was asked to seek clarification on the drain clearance programme for Stotfold.
Councillor Brian Saunders gave the following report:
- Footpath number 5 (Kingfisher Way) will be closed between 11th July and 14th August for utility works.
- A meeting regarding the Community Hall at Fairfield is to take place shortly, and will be attended by Central Beds Councillors Dalgarno, J Saunders, B Saunders and Clarke, and representatives of the Fairfield Park Residents Association. They look forward to a positive outcome.
- He and Councillor Mrs Clarey were recently invited to be on the public art commissioning panel for public art at Fairfield. Three presentations were received from artists, and the winning commission was decided by a strict points system. Wendy Briggs from Arlesey was the successful artist. Her piece of public art will be sited on the green area in front of Fairfield Hall. Workshops will be held for children of 5 years and above, through to adults, to have an input into the final design.
St Mary’s Lower School
Glenn Rickwood gave the following report:
- Last Wednesday evening the Governing Body at St Mary’s School formally resolved to seek academy status. Special rules apply and notification will be sent to the diocese of St Albans. Central Beds Council have wished the School well in pursuing this route. Forms will be submitted in due course to the Secretary of State, and if all goes well, the new status could come into being by December.
Councillor Mrs Bundock gave the following report:
- She attended a meeting of the Full Governing Body on Monday evening after all members were invited to visit the site and see progress for themselves. The teaching staff have also had the opportunity to view the new premises.
- Rapid progress is being made with external and internal finishes going on, windows and doors fitted so that you can now see what the finished building will look like. They continue to source and order everything needed to fit out and furnish the building ready for use.
- A Considerate Constructors Audit was carried out recently and a high score of 36 out of 40 was awarded to Morgan Sindall. This audit covers consideration of neighbours, safety and cleanliness of site, treatment and behaviour of staff among other items. The Site Manager allows no smoking, no swearing, no inappropriate dress, no mobile phones. Recycling of all waste they produce is a fantastic 98%. They now have 24 hour security on site.
- There has been a slight problem with delivery drivers ignoring instructions and arriving at the present school in Church Road. The Site Managers issued instructions that a fine of £100 would be imposed on each occasion, and to date £900 has been collected and handed to the school.
- There has been, and continues to be, enormous pressure on the staff and on Mrs Pearson, the Head, in particular, to manage all the extra work and meetings necessary to ensure delivery of this project. This of course is just a side issue to ensuring that each child at the school gets what they deserve, the best education possible to move them along to the future.
- They are still looking forward to a move to the new premises after the Autumn half term, and are hoping for a grand formal opening, but that of course will come after the children have done that for themselves, and moved in.
Town Plan Implementation Group
Councillor Mrs Clarey gave the following report:
- The Town Plan Implementation Group, together with Town Councillors ran a very successful meeting point for residents at the Festival Fete. They raised £20 on a Find the Treasure game, which has been forwarded to St Mary’ School who will include this in the monies donated to the Keech Cottage Children’s Hospital. Questions from residents not answered at the time have been forwarded to the Clerk. Thanks were given to Councillors Cooper and Mrs Cooper for storing tables, gazebo, display boards and to all others who assisted on the day.
- The next Implementation Group meeting will take place on 12th July, 2pm at the Simpson Centre.
Councillor Mrs Bundock gave the following report:
- She has recently attended a Partnership meeting at the Red Bear Centre, with Councillor Mrs Turner.
- As well as the staff of the Centre, the Stotfold schools and pre-schools were represented, together with representatives from various agencies involved with the work being done with families in Stotfold. Matters discussed at these meetings are of necessity confidential.
- The uptake at some of their events has been such that numbers have had to be restricted due to the limited space they have available. She hopes that their funding will continue to be available so that they can continue to do the work they do.
Councillor Dack gave the following report:
- The meeting should have been with the new Chief Constable, Alf Hitchcock, however he was unable to attend and DCC John Fletcher came in his place.
- It was very well attended and lively. DCC Fletcher said that under budget cuts they had to save £19 million (or 20% of the budget) over the next two years. This meant that staff numbers would be reduced by 60 next year and possible 60 in 2013.
- The new Chief Constable was taking a fresh approach to policing in Bedfordshire, looking at everything they were doing and encouraging new and innovative ways of policing and operations.
- One of these will see the number of Officers in the ‘Safer Neighbourhood Unit’ increasing from the current 92 to 185. This meant that they should be able to respond faster and to any emergency that may arise. However, several people from the floor queried this and asked why so many Officers were assigned to town centre duties on Friday and Saturday nights, often leaving the rural communities the responsibility of one Officer.
- DCC Fletcher appeared not to believe the suggestion that the Police ignored public pressure to look at speeding through the villages dissected by major roads. He promised to look at both issues and also promised to look into the motor-cycle menace on FairfieldPark. He said they were ‘listening to public demands’.
- Alistair Burt MP said that the same questions were being raised each time they had a meeting with the Police. This suggested, he said, that the Police were not listening and suggested that they appointed a lay committee consisting of Parish Council representatives who could liaise and set out the concerns.