Duration: {5.01} minutes
A film that sets music and joy to the background for ending energy poverty
Hearing a news bulletin on energy poverty, Akon and Dj. Hardwerk set the musical background to the hope and joy energy can bring to communities. The lights come on and life ‘lights up’ for the community and particularly for the young on the football pitch.
TELL ME WE’RE OK Transcript
[Text displays]
The Alliance Music Production Presents DJ Hardwerk featuring Akon
[Animated sequence]
A white background with an old TV in the middle.
[Background sound]
Sound of footsteps walking towards the TV set.
[Animated sequence]
A man dressed in black walks towards the TV and turns it on to World News.
[Text displays]
Directed by DaDa Mills
Co-directedby Howard “HdotRoss” Ross
[Animated sequence]
TV on, the man walks away from it.
{News presenter}
This is Diana Dragidella in World News Tonight.
[Animated sequence]
The TV screen become the full screen.
{News presenter}
Over 1 Billion people Worldwide still live without access to electricity
[Background sound]
Musical note leads in to light, compelling music in the background as broadcaster continues.
[Animated sequence]
Scene widens to take in Akon and Dj. Hardwerk sitting on a gold brocade covered chesterfield sofa. These two men look disappointed with what they’re hearing.
{News presenter}
Energy is fundamental to economic growth and environmental sustainability. We need affordable and reliable energy to end poverty.
[Background sound]
Music tempo heightens.
[Animated sequence]
The camera goes from the TV to the two men several times. The scene changes to overhead of mountain favela scene.
[Background sound]
Music leads in to song … “Tell me what you feel … “by Akon and DJ. Hardwerk.
[Animated sequence]
Fade in to Akon looking out of a dusty window.
{Akon sings}
Tell me what you feel…
[Animated sequence]
Scene darts back to Akon and DJ. Hardwerk sitting on the sofa watching TV.
{Akon sings}
Don’t tell me it's nothing
[Animated sequence]
Scene moves to child looking over parapet, then a child on a veranda, then children astride a wall. Then back to Akon at the window.
{Akon sings}
It's gotta be something
[Animated sequence]
Scene moves to the window and back to Akon.
{Akon sings}
You still want from me
[Animated sequence]
Scene goes back to Akon and DJ. Hardwerk on the sofa, looking disappointed, staring at the TV.
{Akon sings}
Tell me what you hear
[Animated sequence]
Shot of DJ. Hardwerktouching his beard, as if thinking. Then back to Akon on the window.
{Akon sings}
If my words mean nothing
[Animated sequence]
Quick shot of children playing on a dark pitch at night. Then back to Akonon the sofa, who is seeing those children on TV.
{Akon sings}
Wish they would say something
[Animated sequence]
Akon at the window.
{Akon sings}
Something that would heal
But I'm… out of my mind… And you know it, know it, know it.
I show it, show it, show it.
[Animated sequence]
Back view of children on a ridge looking down at a favela. Then back at Akon on the window.
{Akon sings}
And I'm…
[Animated sequence]
Children running down some steps in a favela and playing on and off football pitch. Then Akon at the window singing.
{Akon sings}
… running out of time.
I know it, know it, know it.
You show it, show it, show it.
[Background sound]
The music steps up.
{Akon sings - Chorus}
Just tell me that we're ok
[Animated sequence]
Scene of kids and adults rolling out artificial grass on a pitch. Hotel hall shows us Akon meeting DJ. Hardwerk, then back to the preparations on and around pitch.
{Akon sings - Chorus}
For there's nothing left to say
[Animated sequence]
Technician setting electrical machinery up. Then full figure of Akon over a white background singing.
{Akon sings - Chorus}
Just tell me we’re ok
[Animated sequence]
Akon smiling on the hotel hall, then back view of him walking slowly on the football pitch.
{Akon sings - Chorus}
Tell me that we're ok
[Animated sequence]
Back to Akonover the white background singing.
{Akon sings - Chorus}
If there's something left to say
[Animated sequence]
Image of DJ. Hardwerk stepping out of a car and Akon stepping in.
{Akon sings - Chorus}
Then tell me were ok.
[Animated sequence]
Kids watch the scene. Then we move to street images filmed from the car, then to a scene of a metal workerdoing preparations at the pitch, then to a young trainer instructing children.
Back to close up of Akon seated in big brown leather armchair.
{Akon sings}
Tell me through the tears
That this don't change nothing
And we still mean something
Cause some things are real
[Animated sequence]
Akon’s car drives through arch bearing words ‘Federal College of Education (Tech.) Akoka’, and beyond avenue of palms and construction works in background.
[Animated sequence]
Back to Akon on the sofa, singing.
{Akon sings}
Tell me that you know
That I would be nothing
[Animated sequence]
Car arrives, Akon gets out and his companions look around them, then walk along a palm lined avenue, chatting. Then back to Akon on the sofa.
{Akon sings}
But we could be something
For all our years
[Animated sequence]
Akon walking on the street with his friends. Then back to the sofa.
{Akon sings}
But I'm out of my mind
[Animated sequence]
Scene of four children standing in a row, the 1st. in a dark green t-shirt, the 2nd in a pink one, the 3rd in a pale blue one and the 4th in an orange one. There is a word on the front of each T-shirt – so the 4 lined up read: ‘TELL’ ‘ME’ ‘WE’RE’ ‘OK’.
Then back to Akon on the sofa, gesturing while singing.
{Akon sings}
And you know it know it know it
[Animated sequence]
Akon gives a leap in the air surrounded by kids on the pitch.
{Akon sings}
I show it show it show it
[Animated sequence]
Akon in white T-shirt walking on the football pitch. The shot of Akon on the armchair.
{Akon sings}
And I'm…
[Animated sequence]
Dj Hardwerk appears behind the sofa on a mixing table, jigging to the music. Instead of a computer, he has a first-aid kit next to him for the mixes. Then back to Akon on the armchair.
{Akon sings}
… running out of time
[Animated sequence]
Shot of Dj Hardwerk’s hands in fists on the dusty window, following the music beat. Then back to Akon on the armchair.
{Akon sings}
I know it know it know it
[Animated sequence]
Scene of children playing on a dark pitch. Then Akon on the armchair singing.
{Akon sings}
You show it show it show it
[Animated sequence]
Children running up and down on a kinetic energy generating plate until light comes on and pitch is then lit up with floodlights.
{Akon sings}
Just tell me were ok
[Animated sequence]
Feet of children jumping. The pitch light lightning on. Children getting enlightened in the middle of the field while playing.
{Akon sings}
Tell me that we're ok
[Animated sequence]
Akon jumping while performing on the pitch surrounded by people who have their arms up with their smartphones to record the performance. Akon jumping and celebrating with the local people.
{Akon sings}
We’re okay
[Animated sequence]
Dj. Hardwerk also jumping while mixing. Images of Akon performing and dancing with people.
[Background sound]
There’s nothing left to say.
Just tell me were ok
And that we're gonna make it
[Animated sequence]
Football player on floodlit pitch scores a goal from the penalty line. Player does a back flip to celebrate the goal.
{Akon sings}
Just tell me were ok
[Animated sequence]
Akon singing the song with a microphone, looking at camera. Girl throws open a garage door to reveal DJ. Hardwerk inside, still jigging to the music as he mixes sound. Back to Akon singing.
{Akon sings}
Please tell me that we're ok
[Animated sequence]
People listening to the music, happy and celebrating. Dj Hardwerk with his arms up dancing and mixing.
{Akon sings}
Just tell me that we're ok
[Animated sequence]
The four children reappear in the coloured T-shirts – reading TELL ME WE’RE OK, as they form a line. Back to Akon singing in front of the people in the pitch. Troupe of regional dancers performing on the football pitch, dancing and somersaulting. Shot of people celebrating. Then the scenes show different shots of the regional dancers performing on the field, Akon on the white background dancing and singing, Akon singing in the pitch, holding a man, people cheering while dancing, jumping and singing, regional dancers performing on the pitch again, Akon on the white background again, while the music is fading.
Shot of the TV from the beginning of the video, with Akon playing for the crowd on the pitch in scene. A man dressed in black walks to the TV and turns it off.
Music stops.
Fade to black.
[Text displays]