Title XXX
SOCIAL WELFARE / Chapter 429

(5) “Assisted living facility” means any building or buildings, section or distinct part of a building, private home, boarding home, home for the aged, or other residential facility, whether operated for profit or not, which undertakes through its ownership or management to provide housing, meals, and one or more personal services for a period exceeding 24 hours to one or more adults who are not relatives of the owner or administrator.

All homes are ALFs; the type of ALF is determined at the State.

The type of home is needed for any further information; the following are types and the requirements for each. Any information given to a customer is only information to that specific type home, the state will determine what type home license is required and then that specific requirement is below and must follow the FAC 69a - NFPA 101code year for that type Room and Board.

1)Foster Homes: NFPA 101 2009 ed.

a)Drills done at least 3 times a year

b) Smoke detectors in all sleeping rooms and outside each room

c) Sleeping rooms shall have primary and secondary means of escape.: approved means of escape shall be equivalent to an outside window or door which shall be openable from the inside, without the use of tools or a key and shall provide a clear opening of not less than 22 inches in the least dimension and a minimum of 5 square feet in area. The bottom of the opening shall be not more than 48'' above the finished floor

d) Emergency Evacuation Plans and map shall be posted in a conspicuous place.

e) One working flashlight per each sleeping room.

f) Minimum 1 certified 2a10bc fire extingusher.

g) All exits free of storage and obstructions.

h) No temerary electrical wiring.

2) Adult Family Care: NFPA 101 2000 Ed.

a)No more than 5 occupants. Must be relative.

b) Fire drill minimum 3 times a year. Prompt is 3 minutes or less; slow is 3 minutes to 13 minutes. Where slow is achieved than an approved automatic sprinkler system is required.

c) Smoke detector inside and out of each sleeping room: interconnected

d) Certified fire extinguisher 2A10bc.

3) Assisted Living facility: NFPA 101 1994 Ed.

a) Emergency Action Plan

b) Fire drills conducted monthly

c) All new Assisted Living facilities shall be sprinklered with the exception of facilities with 8 or less residents with a evacuation time of prompt (3 minutes or less).

d) Sleeping rooms shall have primary and secondary means of escape.: approved means of escape shall be equivalent to an outside window or door which shall be openable from the inside, without the use of tools or a key and shall provide a clear opening of not less than 22 inches in the least dimension and a minimum of 5 square feet in area. The bottom of the opening shall be not more than 48'' above the finished floor ( not required is sprinklered)

e) Fire Alarm system required: Small facilities only; for smoke dectectors that are interconnected a manual pull station that sounds the smoke dectors is allowed). All large pacilities require a Fire Alarm.

f) Certified 2A10bc fire extinuisher

g) Smoke dectors inside each sleeping room interconnected.

4) Group Homes: NFPA 101 2009 ed.

a) Certified Fire extinguisher 2A10bc

b) Emergency plan and map

c) Monthly fire drills

d) Smoke detectors inside and out of each sleeping room and
