Journal Writing / Reflection RubricName:
Journal Writing Checklist:
- I have written in full sentences and full ideas
- I have made connections beyond the classroom
- I have made detailed observations
- I have used my personal voice in my writing
- I have made connections to activities in class
- I have done my best work
- I have used drama terms and language in my writing
- I have read my journal response and edited my writing
Total: /40 / Level 4
(80 - 100%)
8-10 / Level 3
(70 - 79%)
7-7.9 / Level 2
(60 - 69%)
6-6.9 / Level 1
(50 - 59%)
Demonstrates understanding and insight into the purpose of drama / Makes detailed observations of dramatic forms and their connections to many layers of meaning in the drama / Makes detailed observations of dramatic forms and their connections to the meaning in the drama / Makes some observations of dramatic forms and meaning in the drama / Demonstrates limited observations of dramatic forms and meaning in the drama
Makes connections beyond the classroom into personal life / Makes many connections between elements and the drama work and social personal implications beyond the classroom / Makes several connections between elements in the drama work and social and personal implications beyond the classroom / Makes connections between elements in the drama work and the world beyond the classroom / Makes limited connections between the drama work and the world beyond the classroom
Uses specialized vocabulary correctly in writing about drama / Draws upon a wide range of drama specific vocabulary and has numerous examples and references. / Applies course specific vocabulary with examples and references. / Employs some use of course specific vocabulary with some examples and references. / Uses limited range of course specific vocabulary with few examples and references.
Reflections are personal and thought provoking / Person specific. Reflections are an outlet to show personal philosophies and include many personal views and details. / Personal. Writing shows enough detailed information and insight into student’s personal views. / Somewhat personal. Reflections show some details and depth in the information. / Superficial content. Reflections reveal basic details and limited information
Demonstrates commitment to producing strong work / Completes a detailed, thoughtful reflection, in a timely and responsible way, adds elements beyond the assignment / Thoughtfully completes a reflection on the work in class with detailed thoughts, completed in a timely and responsible way / Shows commitment to completing a thoughtful reflection on the work in class / Minimal amount of work is completed, questions remain unanswered, answers are unfocused
A level of less than 50% will receive feedback for revision and re-submit.
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