The Bill of Rights

The first ______To the U. S. Constitution

A need for rights…

•  When the states were asked to ratify (______) the new Constitution, Patrick Henry and the ______complained that the new government would be too ______and may take away the people’s ______.

What should a state do?

•  In response to the ______to the new Constitution, states ______to ratify it until the Founding Fathers promised to add a “list of ______” to the document

•  These are called the “______”

Who determines what the Bill of Rights means?

•  The ______makes rulings on the meaning by balancing the rights of the ______with the needs of ______

The First Amendment—5 rights in 1

First Amendment

--- Freedom of Speech

Congress shall make no law . . . Abridging (______) the freedom of speech. . . .”

The individual (you) may

•  Say any ______belief

•  Protest (without getting ______)

The individual (you) may not…

•  Incite (______) a riot.

•  Extremely ______in a public form

•  Disrespectful, vulgar language in ______

•  Free speech means someone might say something you ______

--- Freedom of Religion

1.  The establishment clause says, Congress shall make no law respecting an ______of a religion,

2.  The free exercise clause protects the right to ______and ______whatever religion you choose.

- - - Freedom of the press

1.  Congress shall make no law . . . abridging . . . the freedom of the ______.”

2.  John Peter ______ had published a true, ______article of the NY ______, who had Zenger placed in ______. Zenger ______and won saying, “the press must have the right to point out the ______of ______. How else are the people to be ______?”

- - - Freedom of Assembly

•  Congress shall make no law . . . Abridging . . . The people to peaceably ______”

- - - Petition the Government

•  Congress shall make no law . . . Abridging . . . the people. . . to ______the government for a redress of grievances” (______)

Second Amendment

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to ______shall not be infringed.” (______)

Third Amendment

•  The Government cannot force you to shelter soldiers in your home ______in time of war or peace.

•  Because of the ______after French and Indian War

Fourth Amendment

•  Freedom from unreasonable ______and ______.

Fifth Amendment

•  You do not have to testify against yourself…“______”

•  You must have ______ of law (all the ______proceedings) before you are convicted

•  The government cannot take your land unless it ______

Sixth Amendment

•  a ______trial by impartial jury—not favoring either side

•  See witnesses ______and get witnesses for ______

•  You must be told of the ______against you

•  You must be provided a lawyer if you cannot ______

Seventh Amendment

•  Right to a trial by jury of ______

–  and not just by one single judge

Eighth Amendment

•  No excessive ______or fines

•  No ______and ______punishment

Ninth Amendment

•  “Rights retained by the ______”

•  Just because the Constitution specifies certain rights, does not mean you are ______other rights not written...

Tenth Amendment

•  “______” Amendment

•  Any powers not written as specific to the Federal government (like ______or ______) are given to the States (like ______, ______, ______).