Please insert photo of child/young person
Annual Review Report
Statement of Special Educational Needs Year 9 and above
The following people attended the Annual Review or provided a report:
Name: / Role: / Attended: / Report:Families should complete a Family’s View Form – this form should be attached to the Annual Review Report and returned to the Local Authority.
Date of final Statement:Date of last review:
Date of this review:
CHILD/young person
Surname: / Other names:Home address:
Gender: / Date of birth:
Religion: / Home language:
Education Setting:
National Curriculum Year:
Surname: / Other names:Home address:
Telephone no: / Relationship to [Name]:
Surname: / Other names:
Home address:
Telephone no: / Relationship to [Name]:
Unique Pupil Number (UPN)
Care First Number (if known) / Looked After Child Status
Is Social Care involved? / Personal Education Plan
If so, which team? / Profile Number
NHS Number / GP (name and/or practice)
Meets the criteria for continuing care: / Yes / No / Review date:
Has a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) been completed? / Date:
Has a CAF been closed? / Date:
Has the child/young person moved educational settings since the last Annual Review? If yes, please provide details
The child/young person’s One Page Profile should be updated either as part of the Annual Review meeting or prior to the meeting. Any format of a One Page Profile is permissible, but do include answers to: ‘What people like and admire about me…’ ‘What is important to me now and in the future…’ and ‘How best to support and communicate with me…’ The updated profile should be appended to this Annual Review report. Bullet points should be used to record all comments. Templates and guidance on One Page Profiles can be found at:
The completed report must be sent to the Local Authority (LA) within two weeks of the meeting.
What is working well?Child/young person:
Education Setting:
Are any changes or improvements needed?
Child/young person:
Education Setting:
What progress has been made this year towards each objective identified in [Name]’s statement? Comment on the effectiveness of provision in ensuring access to teaching and learning and good progress. Copy and paste a grid for each objective in the statement.
Objective:Progress made towards achieving this objective:
Effectiveness of the provision to support progress:
Are there any amendments requested to this objective or provision? If yes, please specify.
Progress made towards achieving this objective:
Effectiveness of the provision to support progress:
Are there any amendments requested to this objective or provision? If yes, please specify.
Progress made towards achieving this objective:
Effectiveness of the provision to support progress:
Are there any amendments requested to this objective or provision? If yes, please specify.
Progress made towards achieving this objective:
Effectiveness of the provision to support progress:
Are there any amendments requested to this objective or provision? If yes, please specify.
Provide details of academic attainment and progress since the last annual review. Include standardised assessments and any other assessment or progress tracking data, as appropriate. In addition, comment on any exceptional progress or progress that has not been as good as anticipated.
What progress has been made towards the interim targets set at the last Annual Review?
What else has been achieved? (Learning new skills, activities etc.)
Child/young person:
Education Setting:
Funding is provided through the banding system.
[Name]’s needs have been assessed as BAND X
Have any additional special educational needs been identified for [Name] since the last Annual Review? If so, provide details and append supporting documentation.
Have any additional objectives/outcomes been identified? / YES ☐
NO ☐
Provision to support objective/outcome achievement: / Frequency / Who/Role/Service
Copy, paste and complete this table for each additional objective/outcome identified
Does the educational placement remain appropriate? / YES ☐NO ☐
Transition Planning: It is essential to capture the views of the young person in this section. It should be made clear on this form whether the views recorded those of the child/young person or other involved persons. It is essential to be sensitive to the needs of the young person when asking these questions.
Let’s remind ourselves. What are your long terms hopes, dreams and ambitions?What would support you to achieve your hopes, dreams and ambitions? Discuss:
· courses
· apprenticeships
· work experience
· employment
· voluntary work
· social and leisure activities
· and anything else that might help you
Do you have any preference about which college you attend? Have you applied anywhere?
Is there any help you need to get/look for a job?
Do you need help with getting about and transport? Do you have friends or know people who can help you? Is there any other help you might need?
Think about where you would like to live and who with. What would help you to prepare for independent living?
Do you have any health needs? Do you know which health professionals will work with you when you are an adult? Do you need any support in knowing how to keep yourself healthy?
What steps towards achieving the objectives/outcomes in the Statement will be worked towards over the next 12 months? (Interim targets)
What further actions are required?
Action / Who / Completion date:
Annual Review Report Summary
Have the special educational needs objectives of the current statement been achieved? / YES / NO
Can the recommended support/provision to meet the identified special educational needs be provided through the Local Offer and the resources /funding available to the education setting? / YES / NO
Have amendments been recommended to:
· the description of the special educational needs identified in the Statement? / YES / NO
· the objectives and provision in the Statement? / YES / NO
· the education setting identified in the Statement? / YES / NO
· the funding identified in the Statement? / YES / NO
What is the current Band allocated to support the needs of [Name]? / BAND:
This report must be sent to the Local Authority and attendees within two weeks of the date of the meeting.
Person completing Annual Review report:Role:
/ Date:
Section below for completion by Local Authority staff only
LA response to the report: / Delete as appropriateStatement of SEN remains appropriate. / YES / NO
Statement of SEN should be ceased. / YES / NO
A re-assessment has been requested. / YES / NO
Further actions: / Delete as appropriate
High Tariff Needs funding to be reviewed. / YES / NO
High Tariff Needs funding to be maintained. / YES / NO
High Tariff Needs funding to be ceased. / YES / NO
Further advice to be offered to the school.
Please specify who will provide this advice. / YES / NO
Review completed by: ………………...... Assistant/Special Needs Officer
Date passed to business support: ………………….
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Annual Review: Statement of SEN OFFICIAL- SENSITIVE [PERSONAL]