Maxim Borisov
- Microsoft Certified Trainer
- Microsoft Certified Professional
- Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Managing Projects; Microsoft Office Project 2007, Managing Projects)
- Microsoft Office Specialist Master
- Teacher of the first category
Institute: Kiev Pedagogical University
Degree or Diploma obtained: Teacher Of Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute: School No38. Profound mathematics studying class
Date: 1985-1988
Institute: All union Correspondant School School of Mathematics at Moscow State University
Professional experience
Period: 2010 – present moment
Job: Freelance trainer, IT-specialist
- Installing, configuring, supporttingand training of workingwith project managementtool (Microsoft EPM Solution)
- Provide training on many computer programs. More details can be found on my website
Period: 2008 - 2010
Job: «De-Novo» company
Position: System Architect
- Work in the direction of software infrastructure
- Installing, configuring, supporttingand training of workingwith teamwork systems (Microsoft Share Point)
- Installing, configuring, supporttingand training of workingwith project management tool (Microsoft EPM Solution)
Period: 1995 – 2008
Company: Educational Center «Kvazar-Micro»
Position: Trainer
- Teaching
▪Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003
▪MS Office 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007
▪MS Project, MS Project Server
▪MS Query
▪Programming on Delphi
- Developing new trainings and school-books.
- Implementing Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server, Microsoft Office for customers
- User support and consulting
Period: 2001
Company:private company "Ariola Group".
Position:web-designer and web-developer
- Developing, designing and creating corporate web-site
- Web-programming with perl, java-script and php
Period: 1999-2001
Company:private companies "RemBudService-5" and trade-house "Oldi"
Position:LAN administrator and software developer
- Staff training
- On-job tech support
- LAN Administrator (Microsoft Windows 9x, Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0)
- Installation and maintenance the LAN
- PC maintenance and enhancement
- Programming on Delphi
Period: 1998-1999
Company:private company "Ivtar"
Position:LAN Administrator and software developer
- Staff training
- On-job tech support
- LAN Administrator (Microsoft Windows 9x)
- Installation and maintenance the LAN
- PC maintenance and enhancement
- Software developing with Delphi
Period 1998-1999
Company:EduacationalCenter «Nikolay Rudenko's courses of computer survival»
- Teacher of computer course: Windows, Word, Excel, Interenet.
- Creating of educational programs
Period: 1991-1998
Location: Ukraine
Company: Kiev Lyceum No. 38
Position: Teacher of Computer Science
- Teacher of Computer Science. The courses taught: Logo, Picture Maker, DOS, Norton Commander, archive tools, antiviral software, Foton, Super Calc, Windows 3.11-95, Word, Access, Excel, Pascal 5.5 - 7.0, math logic, calculated math.
- Creating of school educational programs
Taking part in following projectsof implementation EPM Solution:
Deploying project management office in «Kievstar»company
- Business setting Microsoft EPM Solution 2010
- Lecturing trainings (Microsoft Project 2010; Microsoft Project Server2010)
- Technical support
- Consalting and user support
Deploying project management office in «ABBYY-Ukraine» company
- Business setting Microsoft EPM Solution 2010
- Lecturing trainings (Microsoft Project 2010; Microsoft Project Server2010)
- Technical support
- Consalting and user support
Deploying project management office in «ВиЛ-147» company
- Taking part in creation of corporate standard for project activities
- Programming uder Microsoft Project 2007
- Lecturing trainings (Microsoft Project 2007)
- Technical support
- Consalting and user support
Deploying project management office in «De Novo» company
- Consulting in creating Project Management Office
- Taking part in creation of corporate standard for project activities
- Deployment of Microsoft EPM Solution 2007
- Setting up Project Server in accordance with corporate standards
- Lecturing trainings (Microsoft Project 2007; Microsoft Project Server2007, Microsoft SharePoint 2007)
- Technical support
- Consalting and user support
Deploying project management office in «21 Centure» company
- Consulting in creating Project Management Office
- Taking part in creation of corporate standard for project activities
- Deployment of Microsoft EPM Solution 2003, 2007
- Lecturing trainings (Microsoft Project 2003, 2007; Microsoft Project Server2003)
- Technical support
- Consalting and user support
Deploying project management office in corporation «Azercell» (Baku)
- Consulting in creating Project Management Office
- Deployment corporate standards
- Deploying Microsoft EPM (Microsoft Project Server 2003, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Project 2003)
- Lecturing trainings (Management Tools – Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server)
- Survey
- Analysis problem
- Conferencing
Deploying project management office in insurance «Credo-Classic»company
- Consulting in creating Project Management Office
- Consalting in creation of corporate standards
- Consalting in deployment of Microsoft EPM (Microsoft Project Server 2003, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Project 2003)
- Lecturing trainings (Management Tools – Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server)
- Conferencing
Deploying project management office in «Utel» company
- Consulting in creating Project Management Office
- Deployment of Microsoft EPM (Microsoft Project Server 2002, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Project 2002)
- Lecturing trainings (Management Tools – Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server)
- Analysis problem
- Conferencing
Additional Information
As an invited IT-trainer I’ve worked with:
- School of practical businesscourses«ProBusinessSchool»
- International Management Academy
- Educational Center «Акцент-Профи»
- Educational Center«ONECLASS»
- Educational Center«Бейсик»
- Education Center«Softline»
- Education Center «i-klass»
- Education Center «Сетевые технологии»
- Education Center «Инком»
- Kyiv Mohyla Business School (KMBS)
- «Проект Менеджмент Бизнес Консалтинг»company
- «Миратех»company
- «Торрис» company
- «Headway Strategy» company
Forthe years of mycareerI’vetrainedemployeesof many companies. Here are some examples of them:
- 21 Век
- ABBYY Украина
- ADV Group
- Aegon Life Ukraine
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Astellas Pharma Europe B.V.
- Azercell
- Bank Republic
- Bayer
- Beiersdorf
- Bic
- BizzClick
- Bonduelle
- Bosch
- British American Tobacco
- British Council
- BSH Pobutova Technika
- Calyon
- Chanel
- Chr. Hansen
- Credit Agricole Bank
- Credo-Classic
- Ferrero
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Grey
- Horizon Capital
- IB Group
- IDS Group
- Imperial Tobacco
- Indesit
- InforManager
- ING Банк Україна
- IT-Solutions
- Joint
- Kapsch
- Kernel
- Kraft Foods
- Kuehne+Nagel
- Lcom
- Leroy Merlin
- Lizard Soft
- Loreal
- Lufthanza
- Microsoft Україна
- Moldcell
- Monsanto
- Nestle
- Nissan
- Nokiantyres
- Orga Systems
- Platinum Bank
- PZU Україна
- Red Bull
- Salans
- Sandoz
- Supportio
- Sony
- Swedbank
- UPM Украина
- Utel
- Velcom Беларусь
- Wienerberger
- Winner
- Агро-Cоюз
- Адама Україна (ранее Мактешим-Аган Україна)
- Адепт-Проект
- Айпилэнд
- Альтис Холдинг
- Амика
- АрселорМиттал
- Астелит
- Астрон-Украина
- Ашан
- Банк Михайловский
- ВиЛ-147
- Воля
- ВТБ Банк
- Департамент эксплуатации ООО "Стадион "Шахтер"
- ДЕПС Украина
- Галактон
- Гедеон Рихтер
- Гранд Дистрибьюшн
- Дализ-Финанс
- Державна Податкова Адмiнiстрацiя
- Дигма
- Запорожская АЭС
- Запорожсталь
- Индустриальный Союз Донбасса
- Инлайн Групп Запад
- Институт проблем регистрации информации
- Интерактивные системы
- Интерконтиненталь
- Iнформацiйнi програмнi системи
- Инфотрейд
- Квазар-Микро
- КиевМедПрепарат
- КиевСтар
- Клуб Сыра
- Контур Глобал Украина
- Контэрра
- Кредобанк
- Кусто Арго
- Лакталис-Украина
- Ллойд’с Ассистент
- Лантек
- Л'Этуаль
- Мариупольский МК им. Ильича
- Международный Альянс по ВИЧ/СПИД в Украине
- Марс Украина
- Метинвест Холдинг
- Мивина
- Миколаївцемент
- МСД Україна
- Монделіс Україна
- MT
- MTC (в те времена UMC)
- МТС Беларусь
- Нафтогаз Украины
- НацБанк
- Национальная академия государственного управления
при Президенте Украины - Наша Ряба
- Никомед Украина
- Новые продукты
- Новый канал
- Олсидз
- Оптима Фарм
- Орион Групп
- Паркет Холл
- Пиреус Банк
- Посольство США
- Престиж-Инвест Груп
- ПромИнвестБанк
- Престиж-Инвест Груп
- ПУМБ (Первый Украинский Международный Банк)
- Райффайзен Банк Аваль
- Ренессанс Капитал
- САН ИнБев Украина (в те времена Sun Interbrew)
- Сбербанк России
- Селдико
- Сервье Украина
- Софтлайн
- ЧП "СПС"
- Тебодин Украина
- Техника для бизнеса
- Техно Николь
- Технологии Управления Спайдер Украина
- ТНК-Транс
- ТРК Украина
- Укравто
- УкрАтомПрибор
- Укргазбанк
- УкрНафта
- УкрCибБанк
- Укртелеком
- Укртранснафта
- Укрэнерго
- Фарлеп-Инвест
- Фокстрот
- Харцызский трубный завод
- Харьковский вагоноремонтный завод
- Хортица
- Щедрый дар
- Энергоатом
- Юникредит-Лизинг
- Янссен Фармацевтика
Personal Profile
Age: 43
Marital status: married
Children: daughter 20 y.o., son 8y.o.
Citizenship: Ukrainian
Driver license: B
Language skills: Russian, Ukrainian, English
Contact information
Home address:04050, Kiyv, 17 Kravchenko Street, apt 82,
Home phone number: +(380) 44-484-17-03
mob.+(380) 50-170-78-20
Other key qualifications:
- The experience in programs' development on Pascal, Delphi, Visual Basic. There are several completed projects of mine.
- I am familiar with many kinds of classical programming tasks.
- Experience in Web-design (html, dhtml, java script, perl, Photoshop, Flash).
- Taking part in data bases development using MS Access; programming on VBA for MS Access.
- More than 24 years experience in private lessons of computer science, mathematics, physics
- Great experience in creating of educational programs and school-books
I'm a co-author of the book in Computer Science and many educational programs and articles suchas
- Ривкiнд Й.Я., Борисов М.Г. Основи информатики та програмування. Навчальний посiбник для середнiх навчальних закладiв. Київ 1996
- Навчання основ алгоритмізації та оволодіння основними навичками програмування професійною мовою Turbo Pascal за допомогою виконавців. Київ 1995
International Experience:
Countries: Bulgaria, Israel, Russia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, France, Moldova, Georgia