Schedule A, Item 2, Appendix #2
AT 7:00P.M.
The Deputy Chair and Members of Council met on Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 7:00p.m. All Members of Councilwere present except for Mayor Gwen Gilbert with Deputy Chair Betty Hall presiding.
No Member of Council present indicated being aware of any pecuniary interest with the upcoming applications.
Planner Kara Van Myall introduced herself and indicated that interested parties should sign their name on the public register if they wish notice of disposition of any of the upcoming applications.
Planner Kara Van Myall reviewed the planning report including the agency comments and the County’s recommendation of approval which had been provided to Council prior to the meeting. Planner Van Myall indicated that there were comments received from a neighbouring property owner, Layton Shouldice. Deputy Chair Hall asked if any of the Council Members had any questions.
As there were none, she asked if there were any comments or questions from the public.
Layton Shouldice addressed his concerns that were submitted in writing regarding the establishment of the eastern boundary of the subject property. He indicated that he is not opposed to the application, however, expressed the need for a survey to be completed. Planner Van Myall indicated that a formal survey is required as part of the consent process and it will outline the lot fabric, and that his concerns of an existing fence location is an encroachment issue and does not determine the property line location. The neighbor on the west side of the subject property asked what the applicants proposed on doing with each parcel i.e. selling, etc. Mr. Dargie indicated that they have not decided what exactly they will do with each parcel.
There being no further questions or comments, it was
MOVED by Mark Wunderlich, SECONDED by Dan Kerr, and CARRIED
THAT Council accepts the Planning Departments’ recommendation to approve the application.
7:18 p.m.
Planner Kara Van Myall reviewed the planning report including the agency comments and the County’s recommendation of deferralwhich had been provided to Council prior to the meeting. Planner Van Myall indicated that that there were four letters in opposition to this application. She also presented Council with a larger sized copy of the site plan that was submitted with the application.
Deputy Chair Hall asked if any of the Council Members had any questions. Councillor Wunderlich mentioned that there are some strong accusations about the property; however, proof of such incidents outlined in the letter is needed to validate such accusations. Councillor King asked if the property was in the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) control area. Planner Van Myall responded by explaining that the property is within the Town’s jurisdiction regarding the zoning, etc. and that the NEC is only a commenting agency. She also indicated that the NEC had no objection to the application. Councillor Vukovic questioned the number and size of bunkie cabins that were on the property; and if they were permitted or not. Planner Van Myall explained that the five bunkie cabins were constructed without any formal approval. Although building permits are not required because they are less than 100 square feet,compliance with the applicable zoning by-law is still required. The bunkie cabins do not comply with the zoning by-law, therefore, they illegally exist on the property and that is part of the reason why a re-zoning application is required. Councillor Lamont asked how they could allow the bunkie cabins on the subject property when they are not permitted on any other property. The difference between the zoning on this property and residential property was noted. Councillor Vukovic expressed concerns with the safety of the structures. Councillor Harron asked if this will be the final development of the property. Mr. Janecek explained that he was advised to include any proposed future development in the one application.
Planner Van Myall mentioned that the letters that were just submitted at the beginning of this meeting need to be reviewed in order to properly address the concerns expressed in them. Councillor Kerr started a brief discussion regarding the deplorable shape of the Town washroom facility that is located on the beach adjacent to the subject property. Mr. Janecek indicated that the general public use his washroom facility instead of the public one because of the shape that it is in. Councillor Vukovic mentioned that the general public shouldn’t be allowed to use the campground washroom. Mr. Janecek further explained that it is very difficult to control the general public from entering his property to use the washroom facility.
Subsequent to further discussion, Planner Van Myall noted that the public are entitled to submit comments regarding the application up to the very end of the whole application process.
Deputy Chair Hall asked if there were any comments or questions from the public.
There being no further questions or comments, it was
MOVED by Art King,SECONDED by Dan Kerr,THATCouncil accept the Planning Departments’ recommendation to defer the application until the next meeting on May 24, 2007.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on May 24, 2007. The applications to be presented include:
- Zoning By-law Amendment – File: Z-7-2006.59, Henry Janecek & Rosemarie Meyer, 2 Hope Bay Rd. – 590-006-04601
- Local Official Plan Amendment and Re-Zoning – File: SBP OPA #11 and Z-3-2007.58, PTN Corp. c/o Jack Mastrodicasa, 300 Jenny St., 580-001-19100
- Re-Zoning – File: Z-5-2007.59, Kevin and Marilyne Jones (Shelah Camp) c/o Ron Davidson, 760 Highway 6, 590-004-11400
It was MOVED byArt King,SECONDED by Ana Vukovic,and CARRIED
THAT the Public Planning Meeting be adjourned at 7:50p.m.