Money matters

Mrs. Chabarria - Course Syllabus

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: 9-12

Course Description:

Students will investigate global economics with emphasis on the free enterprise system and its impact on consumers and businesses. Students apply critical-thinking skills to analyze financial options based on current and projected economic factors. Students will gain knowledge and skills necessary to set long-term financial goals based on those options. Students will determine methods of achieving long-term financial goals through investment, tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement planning, and estate planning.

Course Outline:

Study in this course will consist of skill development in the following key content areas:

  1. Economic Systems
  2. Government, International Business & Money
  3. Social & Human Financial Matters
  4. Personal Finances
  5. Financial Market & Resources
  6. Credit Management, Risk Management & Financial Planning


·  50% Daily Assignments

·  50% Tests/Major Projects

·  The average of three six weeks grades and semester exam will determine semester grade. The three six weeks average is weighted at 85% and semester exam is weighted at 15%.

The semester exam exemption policy will apply when appropriate. See the High School Course Guide for more details.

Late Work

Late work will be accepted with 10 points deducted for each day that it is late following the assigned due date. Tutorial time is available and students will be encouraged to attend.

Retakes for a failing grade

A student may request a retake for a failing grade if the assignment was turned in on time. No late work will be allowed to retake. 70% of the original assignment must have been attempted. The student will receive at most a 70 on the assignment. Students have 4 days from the day he/she was informed of their grade to come to tutorials and redo the assignment.

Materials and Supplies:

·  notebook paper

·  a notebook to store returned assignments and tests

·  pencil for tests where scantron is used

·  blue or black pen available to perform daily tasks

·  red pen for grading

Instructional Reference:

Foundations in Personal Finance – Dave Ramsey

H&R Block Budget Challenge – Online Simulation

Teaching Strategies:

Teaching strategies may include any or all of the following: lecture, board work, demonstration, return demonstration, videos, classroom exercises, discussion, examination, oral presentation, group projects and reading assignments.


Tutorials will be held Monday through Thursday afternoons until 4:00 p.m. in room CL3. Morning tutorials will be arranged as needed.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be Respectful
  2. No phones allowed

Proposed Lesson Schedule:

All dates are subject to change depending on the class progress and levels of student understanding. If a class is not ready to progress, we will alter the flow of instruction to insure adequate levels of understanding.

Fall Semester

1st Grading Period

Classroom Procedures/Soft Skills

Introduction to Personal Finance



2nd Grading Period


Life After High School

3rd Grading Period

Consumer Awareness

Bargain Shopping

Spring Semester

4th Grading Period

Investing and Retirement


5th Grading Period

Money & Relationships

Careers & Taxes

6th Grading Period


Real Estate & Mortgages

The purpose of BPA is to prepare students for the business workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. It provides opportunities for having fun, visiting new exciting places, and growing personally. Dues: $30, Meetings: 2nd Wednesday each month, room CL3

Instructor Contact:

Laura Chabarria WHS: 903-839-5551

Money Matters Period: ______

I have read this syllabus and understand what is required. If any questions arise I will contact Mrs. Chabarria.


Print Student Name


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


Parent/Guardian Email Address