King Abdulaziz University
Faculty of Engineering
Mining Engineering Department
Undergraduate Program
ABET EC-2000
MINE 403
Mine Laws and Management
Dr. Mohammad AL Juhani
Fall 2007/2008
Item Page
Cover Page
Table of Contents
DIVIDER 1: Course Design Data
Course Syllabus (ABET EC-2000 Format)
Course Description
Course Learning Objectives
Topics Covered by (weeks)
Class/ Lab Schedule
Instructional Methods
Course Contribution to Professional Component
Course Calendar
Course Learning Objectives – Outcomes Matrix
Course Articulation Matrix
DIVIDER 2: Course Assessment Data
Indirect Assessment Tools
Surveys of Course Learning Objectives& Instructional Tools
Course Evaluation Survey
Results of Indirect Assessment Tools
Direct Assessment Tools
Copies of Questions Papers (Quizzes, Exam. ,etc…)
Results of Direct Course Assessment
End of Semester Course Assessment and Improvement Report
DIVIDER 3: Supported Program Outcomes "f"
Instructional Methods used to address the outcome
Course Materials used to address outcome "f"
Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "f"
Results of Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "f"
Direct Assessment tools for outcome "f"
Results of Direct Assessment tools for outcome "f"
Outcome Assessment and Improvement Results
DIVIDER 4: Supported Program Outcomes "g"
Instructional Methods used to address the outcome
Course Materials used to address outcome "g"
Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "g"
Results of Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "g"
Direct Assessment tools for outcome "g"
Results of Direct Assessment tools for outcome "g"
Outcome Assessment and Improvement Results
DIVIDER 5: Supported Program Outcomes "h"
Instructional Methods used to address the outcome
Course Materials used to address outcome "h"
Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "h"
Results of Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "h"
Direct Assessment tools for outcome "h"
Results of Direct Assessment tools for outcome "h"
Outcome Assessment and Improvement Results
DIVIDER 6: Supported Program Outcomes "i"
Instructional Methods used to address the outcome
Course Materials used to address outcome "i"
Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "i"
Results of Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "i"
Direct Assessment tools for outcome "i"
Results of Direct Assessment tools for outcome "i"
Outcome Assessment and Improvement Results
DIVIDER 7: Supported Program Outcomes "j"
Instructional Methods used to address the outcome
Course Materials used to address outcome "j"
Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "j"
Results of Indirect Assessment Tool for outcome "j"
Direct Assessment tools for outcome "j"
Results of Direct Assessment tools for outcome "j"
Outcome Assessment and Improvement Results
DIVIDER 8: Appendices
Appendix A; Samples of Course Lectures
DIVIDER 1: Course Design Data
Course Syllabus (ABET -2000 Format):
MinE 403: Mine Laws and Management (3: 3, 0) – Fall 2007/ 2008
(Required Core Course)
Course Description / The Mining Code of Saudi Arabia; A comparative study of the mining laws of the Kingdom and industrially developed countries, e. g. U.S.A., U. K., etc. Mineral concession and conservation laws; Mine labor and safety laws; Management structure: The structure of modern mining industry; Organization—Command; Co-ordination and control, human relations—Disputes, Join conciliation and consolation; Management techniques: Industrial efficiency; Engineering economy; Application of operation Research in mining; Project Scheduling; Gantt Charts, PERT, CPM and other methods; Training programs.Prerequisite / MinE 301, IE 256, IE 311
Textbook / Mining code, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Deputy ministry for mineral resources, 1972.
Course Learning
(C.L.O.) / 1. Define mine law of Saudi Arabia.
2. Understand the mining law of Saudi Arabia in details as well as mine
health and safety that applied in Saudi Arabia.
3. Define mine management.
4. Recognize management term.
5. Analyze the knowledge of mine subsystems.
6. Solve the mine problems design.
7. Outline production scheduling using deterministic methods.
8. Plane project scheduling using PERT and CPM.
9. Use engineering economics to make decisions.
10. Develop student’s ability to understand by applying deterministic methods and computer based on data analysis.
11. Predict cash flow problems using spread sheet computer program.
12. Give an idea for the relationships between mine law and environmental impact.
Topics (weeks) / - Mining Law in Saudi Arabia. (1)
- Continue-mining Law in Saudi Arabia. (1)
- Continue-mining Law in Saudi Arabia, A Comparative study of the mining Laws of KSA and industrial developed Countries. (1)
- Mine health and safety in KSA mines. (1)
- Mine health and safety of Mahd Addahab mine (1).
- Introduction to mine management – A brief history of management. (1)
- Management terms: planning, organizing, controlling ... etc. (1)
- Co-ordination and control, duties, and responsibilities of mine managers. (1)
- Engineering Economy, decision making. (1)
- Applied problems to mineral industry. (1)
- Continue … problems. - CPM, PERT. - Applied problems in mining. (0.5)
- Linear programming. - Applied problem in production scheduling. (1)
- Dynamic programming in production scheduling. (1)
- Applied Examples. (0.5)
- Training programs in surface mining and underground mining. (1)
- Refresher training programs. - Career planning. (1)
Course Relationship to Program
Outcomes / Program Outcomes
Highest attainable
level of Learning / a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j / k
- / - / - / - / - / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / -
Class/ Lab Schedule / The class meets twice a week as lectures (110 min. per class).
Instructional Methods / Lectures, Tutorials, Homework, Quizzes, Reports, Presentation, and Computer applications.
Course Contribution to Professional Component / Engineering Science: 75%
Engineering Design: 25%
Instructor / Dr. Mohammad AL Juhani
E-mail :
Mob: 0555847818 - Room 456
Course Learning Objectives– Program Outcomes Matrix
MinE 403: Mine Laws and Management
Course Learning Objectives ( C.L.O. ) / Program Outcomesa / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j / k
1- Define mine law of Saudi Arabia. / M
2- Understand the mining law of Saudi Arabia in details as well as mine health and safety that applied in Saudi Arabia. / M
3- Define mine management. / L
4- Recognize management term. / L
5- Analyze the knowledge of mine subsystems. / L
6- Solve the mine problems design. / L
7-Outline production scheduling using deterministic methods. / L
8- Plane project scheduling using PERT and CPM. / L
9- Use engineering economics to make decisions. / L
10- Develop student’s ability to understand by applying deterministic methods and computer based on data analysis. / M
11- Predict cash flow problems using spread sheet computer program. / M
12- Give an idea for the relationships between mine law and environmental impact. / M / M
Average / M / L / M / L / M
H=3= High = Synthesis & Evaluation levels ,
M=2= Medium = Application & Analysis Levels ,
L=1= Low = knowledge & Comprehension Levels
Program Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals.
b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, and to critically analyze and interpret data.
c. an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs.
d. an ability to function in multi-disciplinary teams.
e. an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. an ability for effective oral and written communication.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Course Calendar
Week / Lesson / Lecture Topic1st / 1 / Mining Law in Saudi Arabia
2 / Continue
2nd / 1 / Continue-mining Law in Saudi Arabia, A Comparative study of the mining
2 / Home work 1
3rd / 1 / Continue-mining Law in Saudi Arabia, A Comparative study of the mining (Mahd Addahab Gold mine)
2 / Exam 1
4th / 1 / Mine health and safety in KSA mines.
2 / Continue
5th / 1 / Mine health and safety of Mahd Addahab mine
2 / Home work 2
6th / 1 / Introduction to mine management – A brief history of management
2 / Continue
7th / 1 / Management terms: planning, organizing, controlling ... etc
2 / Exam 2
8th / 1 / Co-ordination and control, duties, and responsibilities of mine managers
2 / Continue
9th / 1 / Engineering Economy, decision making.
2 / Continue
10th / 1 / Applied problems to mineral industry.
2 / Mid term exam
11th / 1 / Continue problems. - CPM, PERT. - Applied problems in mining.
2 / Linear programming. - Applied problem in production scheduling
12th / 1 / Continue
2 / Dynamic programming in production scheduling
13th / 1 / Applied Examples
2 / Training programs in surface mining and underground mining.
14th / 1 / Continue
2 / Refresher training programs. - Career planning.
15th / Final exam
Course Articulation Matrix:
MinE 403: Mine Laws and Management
Course Learning Objectives (C.L.O.) / Program Outcomesa / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j / k / T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
1. Define mine law of Saudi Arabia. / 2 / HW1
2. Understand the mining law of Saudi Arabia in details as well as mine health and safety that applied in Saudi Arabia. / 2 / Qz1
(5) / MQ1
3. Define mine management. / 1 / Qz1
(5) / MQ2
4. Recognize management term. / 1 / MQ3
(4) / FQ1
5. Analyze the knowledge of mine subsystems. / 1 / HW2
(5) / MQ4
6. Solve the mine problems design. / 1 / Qz2
7. Outline production scheduling using deterministic methods. / 1 / Qz2
8. Plane project scheduling using PERT and CPM. / 1 / MQ5
9- Use engineering economics to make decisions. / 1 / FQ2
10- Develop student’s ability to understand by applying deterministic methods and computer based on data analysis. / 2 / FQ3
11- Predict cash flow problems using spread sheet computer program. / 2 / FQ4
12- Give an idea for the relationships between mine law and environmental impact. / 2 / 2 / FQ5
Average / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / (10) / (30) / (20) / (40)
T1 = Home Works (10) / 100 , T2 = Quizzes (30) / 100 , T3 = Mid Exam (20) / 100 , T4 = Final Exam (40) / 100
3= High = Synthesis & Evaluation levels ,
2= Medium = Application & Analysis Levels ,
1= Low = knowledge & Comprehension Levels
Performance Targets (Passing Criteria):
60% of the class student's score over 100% in each course learning objective and each program outcome.
DIVIDER 2: Course Assessment Data
Indirect Assessment Tool
Surveys of Course Learning Objectives& Instructional Tools
Course: MinE 403 - Mine Laws and Management Fall 2007/2008
Upon the completion of this course how do you rank your ability to do the following: / Poor / Fair / Adequate / Good / V. Good / Excellent0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
C.L.O.1 / Define mine law of Saudi Arabia.
C.L.O.2 / Understand the mining law of Saudi Arabia in details as well as mine health and safety that applied in Saudi Arabia.
C.L.O.3 / Define mine management.
C.L.O.4 / Recognize management term.
C.L.O.5 / Analyze the knowledge of mine subsystems.
C.L.O6 / Solve the mine problems design.
C.L.O.7 / Outline production scheduling using deterministic methods.
C.L.O.8 / Plane project scheduling using PERT and CPM
C.L.O9 / Use engineering economics to make decisions.
C.L.O.10 / Develop student’s ability to understand by applying deterministic methods and computer based on data analysis..
C.L.O11 / Predict cash flow problems using spread sheet computer program.
C.L.O.12 / Give an idea for the relationships between mine law and environmental impact.
There were 3 Instructional Methods used in this course. Please indicate how important each of these tools was in helping you to attain the course learning objectives. / Negative Value / No Value / Some Value / Important / Very Important / Vital
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / Lectures
2 / Tutorial
3 / Oral Presentation
4 / Homework
5 / Quizzes
6 / Labs
7 / Project
8 / Reports
9 / Computer Application
Course Evaluation Survey
/ DEPARTMENT OF / Mining Engineering
Indirect Assessment of Program Outcomes
Course Evaluation Survey
COURSE( MinE403) - SECTION (01) -
SEMESTER (1st) - YEAR 2007/20008
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Please complete this questionnaire and tick the box that is most appropriate to your answer. This will help us to improve the service we provide to you and other students. Your answers and comments are confidential. / Not at all / Somewhat / Moderately / Reasonably / Highly / Ext. highly
1 / Course Objectives were clear to me
2 / The Course was beneficial
3 / Resources/facilities (equipment, classroom, lab,etc) were satisfactory
4 / The textbook was beneficial
5 / Lectures were well planned and well executed
6 / The assessment of the course work was reasonable
7 / Timing to submit the course work was suitable
8 / Overall, I recommend other students to take this course
The most interesting subject was:
Please list some positive aspects of this course:
Please list items that could be improved in the following course offering
Results of Indirect Assessment Tools
Direct Assessment Tools
(Copies Question Papers of HW, Exams, etc….)
King Abdulazia University MinE 403
Faculty of Engineering Mine Laws and Management
Mining Engineering Department HW 1 Fall 2007 / 2008