Your name …………………………………….
What job are you applying for?
Vacancy Reference Number:
Email address (where we can contact you):
Telephone No (where we can contact you):
Home: …………………………
Mobile: ………………………..
Work: ………………………….
Home address:
Tell us about your three most important jobs or periods of voluntary work you have had in your life. If you have only had onejust tell us about this. If you have only had two, just tell us about these two.
Job / voluntary work 1
What job did you do? (tell us the job title if had one)
Was it paid or voluntary?
What was the name of the company or
organisation you worked for?
What is their address?
……………… Postcode…………………….
How long did you work for them?
Tick the box givingthe right answer
Less than one year
More than one year but less than three
Over three years
What year or years did you work for them?
What did you do in this job or voluntary work?
Why did the job or voluntary workcome to an end?
Job / voluntary work 2
What job did you do? (tell us the job title if it had one)
Was it paid or voluntary?
What was the name of the company or
organisation you worked for?
What is their address?
……………… Postcode…………………….
How long did you work for them?
Tick the box giving the right answer
Less than one year
More than one year but less than three
Over three years
What year or years did you work for them?
Whatdid you do in this job or voluntary work?
Why did the job or voluntary workcome to an end?
Job / voluntary work 3
What job did you do? (tell us the job title if it had one)
Was it paid or voluntary?
What was the name of the company or
organisation you worked for?
What is their address?
……………… Postcode…………………….
How long did you work for them?
Tick the box givingthe right answer
Less than one year
More than one year but less than three
Over three years
What year or years did you work for them?
What did you do in this job or voluntary work?
Why did the job or voluntary work come to an end?
This next part of the form deals with the job you are applying for at WestSussexCounty Council.
Why do you think you would be good at this job? You do not have to fill the whole space below;just tell us what you can.
By completing this version of the application form, you are confirming you have a learning disability. You will be invited for an interview if you meet the essential requirements for the job. Theseare listed in the role profile. Remember to say how you meet the key skills.
Did you go to college?
YESor NO Circle the right answer
If yes, what was the name of your college?
Did you get any qualifications or certificates at college, at school,with WorkAid or at a training provider?
YESorNOCircle the right answer
List them here
Tell us about your hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time?
You have almost finished filling in this application form…
But we need you to write down the details of two referees.
A referee on a job application form is not the same as a referee in a sporting competition, for example, a referee at a football match.
A referee on an application form is somebody who knows you quite well. It should not be a family member, but a referee could be:
- Your manager from a job you used to have.
- Somebody who supervises you at a voluntary job you have, or used to have.
- A college tutor who knew you well.
- AnEmployment Consultant from an organisation who might be supporting you to find a job.
- A neighbour that helps you in your local community.
We will contact your two referees to talk about you. We will ask them a little more about how suitable you are for the job, and what support needs you have.
Write down the name of your first referee here
How does this person know you?
(You might say…. “He was my boss when I did a work experience at Sainsbury’s”…. or “She was my tutor at college.”
What is the address of this referee?
……………… Postcode…………………….
If you know their email address, write it here
If you know their telephone number, write it here
Are you happy for us to get in touch with this referee if we offer you the job at WestSussexCounty Council?
YESor NO Circlethe right answer
If you are not happy for us to contact them we will get in touch with you to talk about this.
Write down the name of your second referee here
How does this person know you?
(You might say…. “He was my boss when I did a work experience at Sainsbury’s”…. or “She was my tutor at college.”
What is the address of this referee?
……………… Postcode…………………….
If you know their email address, write it here
If you know their telephone number, write it here
Are you happy for us to get in touch with this referee if we offer you the job at WestSussexCounty Council?
YESor NO Circle the right answer
If you are not happy for us to contact them we will get in touch with you to talk about this.
You have now almost finished your application form but there are a few more things you need to do.
We believe in treating all applicants for jobs at West Sussex County Council as fairly as possible.
So we are happy if you needed help to fill in this application form by an Employment Consultant.
If you get a job interview with us you might like yourEmployment Consultant to come with you. That’s fine with us too.
Tell us the name of your Employment Consultant
Ask them to write their mobile telephone number here.
Before you answer our next question please read the two information sheets called Understanding the Equality Act and What Does Disclosure Mean?
Once you have read these, answer this question.
Do you consider yourself to have
a disability?
Tick either box
You have now finished your application form which you can send into us.
The line drawings in this form are
© Generate Opportunities Ltd 2011 and reproduced with their kind permission.
Diversity Monitoring Form
The information on this form is not shared with the recruitment manager. It is used to monitor what type of people are applying for jobs with us to help us to know if we are getting job applications from a wide range of people. It is strictly confidential. You do not have to fill in this page if you would prefer not to.
Male Female Transgender
Age: ……….
Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): ...……………….
Sexual orientation
Heterosexual Bisexual
Gay man Lesbian / Gay
Prefer not to say
Religion or belief
Buddhism Christianity
Hinduism Islam (Muslim)
Judaism Sikhism
Other religion
Other philosophical belief, for
example: atheism, humanism,
Prefer not to say
Ethnic Origin
Prefer not to say
White: British English
Irish Scottish
Welsh Any other white
Mixed: White and black Caribbean
White and black African
White and Asian
Any other mixed
Asian or Asian British:
Indian Pakistani
Any other Asian
Black or Black British:
Caribbean African
Any other Black
Chinese or other ethnic group:
Any other ethnic group
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