Core Engineering Group
Rich Schindler
Dear Applicant and/or Consultant:
Subject: CDR-17-006 Jimmy Camp Creek East Interceptor -Review 1
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with thereview agency responses to the above named development application that have been receivedto-date by Planning and Community Development.
You are encouraged to directly contactthose agenciesthat did provide review comments if the comments requireadditional action by the applicant/applicant’s representative. You are also encouraged to directly contact those agencies that did not provide review comments if such response is required by state statutes and the El Paso County Land Development Code.
Engineering Division
Planning and Community Development (PCD)-Engineering reviews plans and reports to ensure general conformance with El Paso County standards and criteria. The project engineer is responsible for compliance with all applicable criteria, including other governmental regulations. Notwithstanding anything depicted in the plans in words or graphic representation, all design and construction related to roads, storm drainage and erosion control shall conform to the standards and requirements of the most recent version of the relevant adopted El Paso County standards, including the Land Development Code (LDC), the Engineering Criteria Manual (ECM), the Drainage Criteria Manual (DCM), and the Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2 (DCM2). Any deviations from regulations and standards must be requested, and approved by the ECM Administrator, in writing. Any modifications necessary to meet overlooked criteria after-the-fact will be entirely the developer’s responsibility to rectify.
A written response to all comments is required for review of the re-submittal. Please arrange a meeting between the developer’s team and County staff to review and discuss these comments and prepared revisions/responses prior to the next submittal.
- Note: The portions of existing and proposed easements (utility, access, etc.) that overlap with proposed/future public road rights-of-way need to be vacated/terminated at the time of platting of the rights-of-way. Address this specifically in the letter of intent.
Construction Plans
- Revise the County signature block to replace the last sentence with the following: “In accordance with ECM Section 1.12, these construction documents will be valid for construction for a period of 2 years from the date signed by the El Paso County Engineer. If construction has not started within those 2 years the plans will need to be resubmitted for approval, including payment of review fees at the Planning and Community Development Director’s discretion.”
- Provide complete details on sheet S1 when available.
- Provide P.E. signature and stamp on all pages with the final submittal.
- The proposed alignment of the sanitary sewer is not consistent through Fontaine Blvd. With the future 4-lane principal arterial it appears that the manholes could potentially conflict with the left lane/shoulder line. Verify if the sewer line can all be aligned with the present and future centerline (median). Additional cross-sections on the plan or a separate exhibit showing all proposed and future cross sections (4) would be helpful.
- See electronic CD redlines for further minor comments, questions and clarification of these comments.
Grading and Erosion Control Plan / SWMP
- Include all relevant GEC checklist items; missing, incomplete, and unclear items are highlighted on the checklist.
- Include all areas to be graded and/or disturbed with sanitary sewer construction on the GEC plan. Additional GEC sheets appear to be required.
- Ensure that all checklist items (attached) are provided. Notation/explanation must be provided for items that are not applicable.
- Note: some checklist items (including items 5, 6, 10, and 16) may be deferred to the contractor. Provision of the information is required at the time construction begins.
Forms/Financial Assurance Estimate Form
- Provide a Financial Assurance Estimate for all grading and erosion control items. Account for all necessary BMPs.
Attachments/Electronic Files
- CD/GEC redlines
- SWMP redlines
- GEC Checklist
- SWMP Checklist
- Engineering Final Submittal Checklist
El Paso County Grading and Erosion Control Plan Submittal Checklist
1)Vicinity map.
2)North arrow and acceptable scale (1”=20’ to 1”=100’).
3)Existing and proposed Contours 2 feet or less (except for hillside).
4)Standard EPC Grading and Erosion Control Notes included.
5)Delineate mapped FEMA 100-yr floodplain.
6)Construction site boundaries clearly delineated.
7)Areas of soil disturbance shown.
8)All proposed construction BMPs and Construction BMP details shown.
9)Show existing vegetation.
10) Existing and proposed water courses including springs, streams, wetlands, Detention ponds, roadside ditches, irrigation ditches and other water surfaces.
11) Show all existing structures.
12) Show all existing utilities.
13) Submit geotechnical investigation from soils engineer.
14) Conclusions from soils report and geologic hazards report incorporated in grading design.
15) Show existing and proposed property lines and site boundary.
16) All existing and proposed easements (permanent and construction).including required off site easements.
17) Any offsite grading clearly shown and called out.
18) Existing and proposed storm drainage facilities as necessary to show all BMPs.
19) Temporary sediment ponds provided for disturbed drainage areas greater than one acre.
20) Proposed slopes steeper than 3:1 with top and toe of slope delineated.
21) Erosion control blanketing shown on slopes steeper than 3:1.
22) Retaining walls greater than or equal to 4ft in height require design by P.E. and building permit from Regional Building Department. Locations to be shown on the plan (not located in County ROW).
23) Vehicle tracking shown at all construction entrances.
24)The erosion control plan is to be certified by a Colorado Registered P.E. with appropriate signature blocks for EPC and the Engineer and the statement “The Owner will comply with the requirements of the Erosion Control Plan” signed by the owner.
25) Required Signature blocks:
Stormwater Management Plan Checklist1 / Applicant (owner/designated operator), Prepared By, SWMP Administrator, and Contractor information
2 / Table of Contents
3 / Site description and location to include vicinity map (not just Section, Township, Range)
4 / Narrative description of construction activities proposed (e.g., may include clearing and grubbing, temporary stabilization, road grading, utility / storm installation, final grading, final stabilization, and removal of temporary control measures)
5 / Phasing plan – may require separate drawings indicating initial, interim, and final site phases for larger projects. Provide “living maps” that can be revised in the field as conditions dictate.
6 / Proposed sequence for major activities: Provide a construction schedule of anticipated starting and completion dates for each stage of land-disturbing activity depicting conservation measures anticipated, including the expected date by which the final stabilization will be completed.
7 / Estimates of the total site area and area to undergo disturbance
8 / Soil erosion potential and potential impacts upon discharge
9 / A description of existing vegetation at the site and percent ground cover
10 / The location and description of any other potential pollution sources such as fueling (mobile or stationary), chemical storage, etc.
11 / Material handling to include spill prevention and response procedures
12 / Spill prevention and pollution controls for dedicated batch plants
13 / Other stormwater pollutant control measures to include waste disposal and cleanup of off-site soil tracking
14 / The location and description of any anticipated non-stormwater components of discharge (springs, irrigation, etc.)
15 / The name of ultimate receiving waters; size, type and location of stormwater outfall or storm sewer system discharge
16 / SWMP Map to include: a) construction boundaries
b) all areas of disturbance
c) areas of cut and fill
d) areas used for storage of building materials, soils or wastes (stockpiles)
e) location of any dedicated asphalt / concrete batch plants
f) location of all structural BMPs
g) location of all non-structural BMPs
h) springs, streams, wetlands and other surface waters
17 / Narrative description of all structural BMPs to be used, including: silt fence, straw bales, check dams, sediment basins, diversion swales, etc. Ensure that methods are ECM/DCM-approved.
18 / Description of non-structural BMPs to be used including seeding, mulching, protection of existing vegetation, site watering, sod placement, etc.
19 / Technical drawing details for BMP installation and maintenance
20 / Procedure for how the SWMP will be revised
21 / Description of final stabilization and long-term stormwater quality measures to control stormwater pollutants after construction operations have been completed
22 / Specification that vegetative cover density is to be a minimum of 70% of pre-disturbed levels to be considered stabilized
23 / Outline of permit holder inspection procedures to install, maintain, and effectively operate BMPs to manage erosion and sedimentation
24 / Record keeping procedures identified to include signature on inspection logs and location of SWMP records onsite
Please note: all items need to be addressed. If not applicable, explain; simply identifying “not applicable” will not satisfy CDPHE requirement of explanation.
Engineering Final Submittal Checklist for Electronic SubmittalsCheck
Box / Item: Report/Form, Full-Size Plan (F), 11”x17” Plan (H)
Drainage Report (signed)
Traffic Impact Study (signed)
Grading & Erosion Control Plan (signed)
Street Construction Plans (signed)
Deviation Request (signed)
MS4 Post Construction Form and SDI worksheet
DPWPOC: John Chavez
Proof of embankment/pond submittal to State Engineer
ESQCP (signed) DPWPOC: John Chavez
* Financial Assurance Estimate, SIA (signed)
* Pond/BMP Maint. Agreement and Easement (signed)
* Operation & Maintenance Manual
Pre-Development Site Grading Acknowledgement and Right of Access Form (signed)
Other: Offsite Easements, Other Permits (FEMA LOMR, USACE, Floodplain…), Conditions of Approval, etc. _
Pre-Construction Checklist:
Work Within the ROW Permit (DPW or CDOT)
* Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
Submit to DSD-Inspection 2 weeks prior to precon
* Colorado Discharge Permit (COR:______)
* County Construction Activity Permit
* CDPHEAPEN – (if over 25 ac. or 6 mos.)
* Financial Surety (Letter of Credit/Bond/Collateral/Check)
Construction Permit Fee:
Early Grading or Standalone Grading
(Verify fees with Inspections Supervisor at time of scheduling) / $ 1,637.00
* - required items to obtain an ESQCP
** - after recordation
Permit Fee and Collateral must be separate checks
Post Construction Submittal Checklist: (ECM 5.10.6)
As-Built Drawings
Pond Certification Letter
Acceptance Letter for wet utilities
The existing FMIC canal system is located on the west side of the main stem of Jimmy Camp Creek and will not be impacted by the proposed Jimmy Camp East Interceptor. FMIC takes no exception to this proposed project.
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc. (MVEA) has these comments about the following:
Project Name: Jimmy Camp Creek East Interceptor Project Number: CDR-17-006
Description: Lorson, LLC is requesting approval of the East Jimmy Camp Creek Interceptor Sanitary Sewer construction located south of Fontaine Boulevard and east of Jimmy Camp Creek in Section 14 & 23, Township 15 South, Range 65 West. This project is to start in November 2017 and be completed in summer 2018.
This area is within MVEA certificated service area. MVEA will continue to serve this area according to our extension policy. Information concerning line extensions, system improvements and payments, if needed, can be obtained by contacting the Engineering Department of MVEA.
MVEA request continued notification and coordination as to the needs and requirements in order to construct this project in the most cost effective and time sensitive manner.
MVEA has existing facilities near and within this area. If there is any removal or relocation of facilities it will be at the expense of the applicant.
If additional information is required, please contact our office at (719) 495-2283. Sincerely,
Cathy Hansen-Lee
Engineering Administrative Assistant
Gas and Electric Utilities Review Comments
Action Items:
1.All utility line and storm pipe crossings shall be installed above the SDS pipe with clearances approved by CSU.
2.The engineer must obtain CSU approval of all utility line and storm pipe construction drawings, which shall show pipe-to-pipe clearances based on pothole data of the SDS water main.
3.CSU requires that CSU Inspections Department be contacted and be onsite to witness any construction work or potholing within the SDS easement. To coordinate, please contact CSU Inspections Supervisor, Steve Vigil, at (719) 668-4658 ().
4.A CSU signature block is required on construction drawing sheets showing SDS crossings. See CSU Water Line Extension and Service Standards section 3.6.A for signature block template.
5.CSU will continue to work with the applicant to address the CSU concerns and comments.
Information Items:
1.Any extension or removal of electric or gas facilities required to serve the Applicant’s development must be in accordance with the Springs Utilities Line Extension and Service Standards. Utility service plans and installation shall be in accordance with City Codes and the Utilities’ tariffs and policies.
2.Springs Utilities may require the Applicant to provide a contribution-in-aid of construction (or enter into a Revenue Guarantee Contract) for the extension of electric facilities needed to serve the development. With respect to gas facilities extensions, Springs Utilities may require the Applicant to advance the cost of the equivalent nominal pipe size needed to serve the development.
3.Construction of the gas distribution system will occur incrementally from the point of tie-in at an operational, energized main to the farthest extents of the development. The distribution mains may be installed jointly with electric.
4.Applicant must grant easements as required for any existing or proposed utility facilities; and improvements shall not encroach upon any utility easement. It shall not be permissible for any person to modify the grade of the earth on any easement without the written approval of Springs Utilities.
5.If it is necessary to relocate any existing utility facilities, then such relocation shall be at the Applicant’s expense, and if required, Applicant shall grant new easements for the relocated facilities.
6.Improvements, structures and trees must not be located directly over or within 6 feet of any underground gas or electric distribution facilities and shall not violate any provision of the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) or any applicable Natural Gas Codes or Springs Utilities’ policies, which require a minimum clearance of 10 feet from gas mains rated at 150 psi.
7.Improvements, structures and trees shall not be located under any overhead utility facilities, shall not violate NESC clearances, and shall not impair access or the ability to maintain utility facilities.
8.Landscaping shall be designed to provide the required clearances for utility facilities, to allow continuous access for utility equipment, and to minimize conflicts with such facilities.
9.Any proposed gas service line pressures in excess of Springs Utilities’ standard pressure must be approved by the Utilities prior to construction. Please contact Utilities’ Field Engineering for elevated pressure requests (North Work Center at 668-4985 or South Work Center at 668-5564).
10.Approval of the referenced request(s) shall not be construed as a limitation upon the authority of Springs Utilities to apply its standards and policies. Accordingly, if there are any conflicts between the approved drawings and any provision of Springs Utilities’ standards and policies, then Springs Utilities’ standards and policies shall apply.
11.This item is not in the Colorado Springs Utilities’ Water/Wastewater Service area.
If you have any questions, please contact Travis Vazansky at 719-668-8251 or .
In reference to your correspondence dated 9/13/2017, a request by Lorson LLC, for the construction of the East Jimmy Camp Creek Interceptor Sanitary Sewer located south of Fontaine Boulevard. Widefield School District #3 has no objections to this project at this time.
Dennis Neal
Chief Operations Officer
Widefield School District #3
Comments received from any of the non-responding agencies following the issuance of this letter will be available in the EDARP system.
Due to the number of comments and necessary revisions to the plan(s) an additional detailed review will be necessary. Please address the comments as listed above. A detailed letter needs to accompany the revisions to allow for an expeditious re-review timeframe. The letter shouldinclude each comment listed above and, immediately thereafter, include a response from the applicant addressing the comment.
If any review agency has an issue that needs resolution or requires a revision, you will need to provide the necessary documents, drawings, etc., to the Planning and Community Development Departmentin the form of a resubmittal. The Planning and Community Development Department will then forward the resubmitted items directly to the appropriate review agency. If you have any questions pertaining to specific agency comments please contact the appropriate agency directly.
When all the comments have been addressed and corrections made please upload the required documents as requested. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 520-6306.
Best Regards,
Kari Parsons
El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department
cc:Jeff Rice P.E., Engineering