DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed / 6140
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FSM 6140 – personnel management
Chapter 40 - performance, training, awards
/ Forest Service MANUAL
mark twain NF (Region 9)
rolla, mo
fsM 6100 – personnel management
chapteR 40 – performance, training, awards
Supplement No.: R9 Mark Twain 6100-2005-1
Effective Date: March 22, 2005
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: RONNIE RAUMForest Service / Date Approved: 03/22/2005
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document.
New Document / R9 Mark Twain 6100-2005-1 / 4 PagesSuperseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / None / 0 Pages
Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement.
6145.2 – Establish the Mark Twain National Forest’s Wellness/Fitness Program (WFP) in directive format, to allow employees to begin, achieve, and maintain a minimum level of wellness/fitness.
6145.2 - Physical Fitness Programs
Objective: To generate and maintain management and employee partnership in the wellness program, to provide opportunities for employee programs and activities which “Foster optimal health and safety attitudes and behaviors and to provide and evaluation process which gives management and employees feedback on the value and progress of the program.
Employees participating in fitness activities need to make a commitment to do some kind of fitness activity at least three times a week for at least 20 minutes. This is the minimum time necessary to improve overall fitness of participants. Employees participating in the fitness program agree to follow all health and safety guidelines established for their chosen activities. This will include warm-up and cool-down periods, the use of personal protective gear whenever appropriate, such as the use of a safety helmet for non-stationary bicycles. Employees with physical problems should check with doctor to make sure the activities they intend to participate in won’t aggravate the condition.
· Health Screenings – Employee will participate in the Personal Wellness Profile (PWP) offered by the Rolla Health Unit.
· An Employee Fitness Agreement (exhibit A) must be approved by your supervisor. Employees participating in the fitness program are expected to fulfill the terms of their Employee Fitness Agreement. A supervisor may deny an individual from participation in a requested activity if it interferes with a specific work project. A new fitness agreement must be prepared when employees change their fitness activities.
· Official time (Transaction Code 66) up to 1 ½ hours per week may be used as long as the employee contributes (Transaction Code FR)1 ½ hours of their own time for any approved activity in which they choose to participate.. A maximum of 30 minutes per day of official time can be used. Exceptions can be evaluated by supervisors based on documented personal needs.
· Official time must be used between 0600 and 1800 during the employees scheduled work week. The timing, location and nature of the personal fitness activities will be agreed to by the employee and supervisor. Matching time can occur at any point during the day, and does not have to occur during the 600 to 1800 time period., It must be documented on the employee fitness agreement.
· All time will be documented on your T&A report.
· The forest will pay health club membership for employees on a 50/50 basis up to $150.00 per year (12 month basis). The employee will submit the invoice for the membership fee to a purchase card holder to obtain reimbursement. Note that the 50/50 share agreement does not include payment for Weight Loss programs, such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig.
· The Government is not liable for damage to the equipment, resulting from an employee’s use of privately owned equipment.
· Health education topics should be offered intermittently at employee meetings. Wellness resources should be available at designated sites.
· Unit Safety and Wellness Teams should review participations, costs and accomplishments to measure progress and benefits to employees as well as the organization on an annual basis. Employee and supervisor feedback, analysis of injury/illness/leave records and related safety data may be requested.
Approved activities should involve cardiovascular and muscular endurance, strength activities, etc. The following are some activities that can be considered when developing a Fitness Agreement:
Walking or hiking
Skipping rope
Running or jogging
Inline Skating
Bicycle (road or mountain)
Stationary bicycle
Rowing machine
Ski machine
Stair Climbing Machine
Swimming (in a pool)
Aerobics class
Tennis Racquetball
Weight lifting/strength training
Employee Fitness Contract
Mark Twain National Forest
For personal fitness maintenance.
Employee Name:Goal and Objective:
Fitness Facility Used:
Government Reimbursement Amount*:
Government Time Used (you will participate in Fitness Program):
Personal Contributed Time (you will participate in Fitness Program):
Day(s) of Week and Time of Day(s) Exercise to be Performed:
Employee Signature: / Date:
Supervisor Signature: / Date:
* Employee will submit the invoice for membership fee to their local Support Services Supervisor to obtain reimbursement.