English 9
Welcome to 9th Grade English! I am looking forward to working with you and getting to know you this year. We will read a variety of literature from all genres and discuss the importance of those texts in our lives and in our world. You will develop your writing skills throughout the year and learn how to better communicate your thoughts through writing. You will also contribute to discussions and make formal presentations to the class.
Course Goals
- Develop analytical and interpretive skills in literature
- Further develop writing skills and compose focused journal entries, paragraphs and essays
- Use proper grammar when communicating orally and in writing.
- Develop listening/oral communication skills to enhance participation in classroom activities and discussions.
Overview of the Semester
1st 9 Weeks /- Elements of Plot and Character
- Themes
- Introduction to Text Annotation
- Short stories, poems, articles
- Novel Study:Stargirl and/or The Pearl
- Thesis Statements
- Introduction to Expository writing through:
- Short Literary ‘Snapshots’
- Analytical Paragraph Writing
2nd 9 Weeks /
- Irony and Ambiguity
- Symbolism and Allegory
- Holocaust Unit: Short stories, poems, articles
- Novel Study: Night
- Research Essay on the Holocaust with citations
3rd nine weeks /
- Biographies/Historical Approach
- Drama and Shakespeare
- Short stories, poems, articles
- Drama Study:Romeo and Juliet
- Compare and Contrast Essay
- Romeo and Juliet Project
4th nine weeks /
- Poetry Unit
- Novel Study: To be announced
- Poetry Portfolio
- Short stories, poems, articles
- Persuasive Essay
All students will be graded based on….
- Ability and willingness to participate during class discussions and daily warm-ups.
- Being prepared for class every day.
- Turning in all assignments ON TIME!
- Performance on tests/quizzes/writing/projects/homework
Grading Scale:Make-Up:EXCUSED Absence
- 20% Quizzes, Presentations, JournalsAbsent Time to Make-up
- 30% Class Work and Participation1 day1 day
- 10% Homework2 days 2 days
- 20% Tests, Formal Writing, Projects3+ days 5 days
- 20% Nine Week Assessments
UnExcused Absence: Highest grade is a 64.
- 3 ring binder
- 4 dividers labeled: Grammar, Writing, Literature, Journal
- Dark blue or black pens/pencils and lined notebook paper
- Sticky notes—these will be used in text annotation
- Highlighter--any color
- *Access to a working computer and internet
*Final drafts of ALL essays and papers must be typed. This is something that future teachers at ACHS will require, as well as college professors. For this reason students may wish to purchase a Flash drive [about $12 at Wal-Mart].
Sometimes a printer is broken or out of ink, so please don’t wait until the last night to print a paper that was assigned two weeks earlier. Students also have access to printers in the school library where they can print papers. Plenty of notice will be given about due dates.Technology issues are never an excuse for late work.
- Be on time. Tardies are recorded daily. Students must be in their assigned seat and working on the “bell work” when the bell rings. Otherwise, they [you] are counted Tardy!
- Have class materials (binder, paper, pen/pencil) on your desk before class starts every day.
- Speak respectfully to classmates and to me.
- Raise your hand & silently wait to be called on when you have a question or need something.
- Please Behave.You’re in high school; you know what’s expected of you. Be responsible for your own behavior.Itshould not be necessary for me to contact your parents or Mr. Wells. Behaving means respecting others and their feelings, their personal space, their personal belongings, and their right to learn. If your behavior choices create a situation where others are denied their right to learn, I will have no choice but to remove you from the learning environment.
- Cell Phones, MP3 players, iPods are OFF & OUT OF SIGHT AT ALL TIMES. If one is seen, it will be taken away. See Student Agenda pages 44 and 45.