Please fill out clearly and completely.
AREA CODE / DAYTIME PHONE NUMBERFirst Name Middle Initial Last Name
Company Name (if applicable)
Mailing Address/PO Box Apt. / Suite
City State Zip + 4 ®
ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE QTY. COST1 41c First-ClassTM Rate Roll(s) –
100 Stamps per roll – U.S. Flag / $41.00
2 41c First-ClassTM Rate Booklet(s) –
20 Stamps per Boooklet – Forever Stamp / $8.20
3 2c Stamps – 20 Stamps – Navajo Jewelry* / $.40
4 80c Stamps – 5 Stamps – Mount McKinley** / $4.00
5 17c Stamps – 10 Stamps – Big Horn Sheep*** / $1.70
*May be combined for the $.41 First-Class Rate
**First ounce for Firdt-Class Rate Flat-Sized Mail
*** Additional ounce for First-Class Rate for Letter and Flat Mail.
Expected availability - June 2007
Total Cost of order $ ______
PRIVACY Act Statement: Your information will be used to fulfill your request. Collection is authorized by 39 U.S.C
401, 403, & 404.
PS Form 3227-A − April 2007
©2007 United States Postal Service
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