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For Year:2013-14Regional Occupational ProgramDate Printed: 9/28/18
Course Outline/Competencies
Course # -405029- Floral DesignApproved Hours:180
District - 61- Poway UnifiedArea: North
Submitted by- Mary MartineauDate:12/2009
Outline / Hours / Competencies / Curriculum StandardsMention – M
Reinforce – R
Teach – T / Assessment
Reg / CC / CVE / CTE / Core Academic
I: Introduction to Art / 1. INTRODUCTION TO ART - The Student:
- The Variety of Art
- Artistic perception
- When is it Art?
- Philosophy of Arts
- Aesthetic Value of Objects
- Artistic Inspirations
- Art Appreciation
- The Art World
- Identify flowers and foliage and their symbolism in art.
- Historical and modern works of art
- Cultural
- Design
- Ikebana
B. Identifies flowers and foliage and their symbolism in art. / ANR/OH:
F 11.2 / (9-12)
VA-/AV: 4.1, 4.3
VA-P/CRA: 5.4
FA/AP: 1.5
VA-P/HCC: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4
VA-P/AV: 4.1
II: Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions / 2. HISTORICAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND CULTURAL DIMENSIONS - The Student:
A. Interpretation
- The meaning of art
- Elements of Art History
- The Floral Art Designs of Ancient Civilizations
- Floral visual art design styles and their origination
- Styles and techniques
- Artistic Inspirations
- Visual themes used in various cultures
- Artistic components of various time periods and cultures
- Time periods in floral art history
- Historical style and periods
- Floral art design: culture, ethnicity, time periods, and media
- Cultural Themes: religious, holiday, funeral and wedding
- Cultural Design
- Design Alternatives
B. Identifies the floral art designs of ancient civilizations.
C. Identifies floral visual art design styles and their origination.
D. Demonstrates an understanding of the floral artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. / ANR/OH:
F 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, & 11.4 / (9-12)
VA-P/AP:1.3, 1.5, 1.6
VA-P/CE: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
VA-P/AV: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5
III: Aesthetic Valuing and Making Judgments on Individual Works of Art / 3. AESTHETIC VALUING AND MAKING JUDGMENTS ON INDIVIDUAL WORKS OF ART - The Student:
A.Works of Art and Aesthetic Value
1.Critique works of art using appropriate visual arts terms
2.Analyze art works in terms of art elements and design principles
3.Apply sensory qualities to works of floral art
4.Explores various styles and periods of viewed art
5.Evaluate and critique art elements and art principles used in others and own works of art / 15 / A. Critiques works of arts using appropriate visual arts terms.
B. Analyzes art works in terms of art elements and design principles.
C. Applies sensory qualities to works of floral art.
D. Evaluates and critiques art elements and art principles using in others and their own works of art. / ANR/OH:
F 11.2 / (9-12)
2.2, 2.5, 2.6
5.3, 5.4
IV: Art Elements of Design / 4. ART ELEMENTS OF DESIGN - The Student:
- Implied and expressive use of line in visual art works
- Vertical, horizontal, and diagonal use of line in floral art works
- Shape and form in visual art works
- Visual art elements of shape and form in design through
- The origin of color through visual art
- Color harmony in various art works
- Use of monochromatic, analogous, complementary, and triadic schemes in student and other visual art works
- Visual and tactile components in floral art using fine, medium, and course-textured media
- Container and material components of floral art
- Flower and foliage use through arrangements
- Light and dark in visual art designs
- Light and dark change in floral art
- The use of space in two and three-dimensional visual art designs
- Interpret space in our environment
- The use of space in visual designs by applying angling and overlapping media in floral art designs
- Significance of size and color of media in Floral Art
B. Demonstrates the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal use of line in floral art works.
C. Uses shape and form in visual art works.
D. Shows visual art elements of shape and form in designs.
E. Understands the origin of color and color harmony in visual art.
F. Uses monochromatic, analogous, complementary, and triadic schemes in art works.
G. Displays visual and tactile components in floral art using fine, medium, and course-textured media.
H. Understands the container and material components of floral art.
I. Uses flower and foliage throughout arrangements.
J. Uses light and dark in visual art designs.
K. Displays light and dark change in floral art.
L. Demonstrates the use of space in two and three-dimensional visual art designs.
M. Uses space in visual designs by applying angling and overlapping media in floral art designs.
N. Explains the significance of size and color of media in floral art. / ANR/OH:
F 11.2 / (9-12)
2.3, 2.6
4.2, 4.3
V: Principles of Art Design / 5. PRINCIPLES OF ART DESIGN - The Student:
- Symmetrical and asymmetrical balance in floral art
- Asymmetrical or symmetrical balance through developing floral art works
- Radial and open balance in visual art designs
- Proportion and scale through application of floral art designs using the following techniques: flower to container, flower to flower, flower to foliage, and arrangement to environment
- Geometrical techniques in floral art and visual art designs
- Visual floral art works
- Other visual art works: convey understanding of location, size, pattern, framing, and isolation in floral art designs
- Emphasis in floral designs by using line direction and directional facing
- Floral art using repetition and eye movement
- Transition and radiating line in floral art works
- Harmony and unity through applying color combinations to visual designs
- Placement, transition, and proximity in visual art works and critique student works in floral design
- Color schemes in floral art design using various media.
B. Proportions and scales floral art designs using the following techniques: flower to container, flower to flower, flower to foliage, and arrangement to environment.
C. Demonstrates geometrical techniques in floral art and visual art designs.
D. Displays emphasis in floral designs by using line direction and directional facing.
E. Shows rhythm in floral art works by the use of repetition, transition, and radiating line.
F. Demonstrates harmony and unity through applying color combinations to visual designs.
G. Understands how placement, transition, and proximity in visual art works leads to harmony and unity in floral designs.
H. Demonstrates an understanding of contrast by applying color schemes in floral art design using various media. / ANR/OH:
F 11.2 / (9-12)
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
4.2, 4.3
VI: Creative Expression Through Applying Artistic Processes and Skills to Original Works of Art / 6. CREATIVE EXPRESSION – The Student:
A.Two-Dimensional Media
- Basic drawing and layout: simple perspective drawing, sketching original art works, and project layout
- Painting techniques for floral art through developing a color wheel and still life floral artwork
- Mosaic art designs for floral art using paper and tile
- Printmaking to floral art using pressed flowers
- Photographic and graphic design through computer art
- Display flower and foliage media techniques for specific floral art: mass flower and foliage, filler flower and foliage, line flower and foliage, form flower and foliage, fresh flower and foliage, dry flower and foliage, and artificial flower and foliage
- Mechanics, materials, and media through an introduction to proper care and proper usage of floral equipment and media
- Specific artist styles and techniques using Oriental, European, and Exhibition Styles: Chinese, Japanese, Vertical, Circular, Triangular, and Wear and Carry Designs
- Demonstrate the process of evaluation and refining floral art projects
B. Demonstrates painting techniques for floral art through developing a color wheel and still life floral artwork.
C. Creates mosaic art designs for floral art using paper and tile.
D. Relates printmaking to floral art using pressed flowers.
E. Demonstrates photographic and graphic design concepts through computer art.
F. Displays flower and foliage media techniques for specific floral art: mass flower and foliage, filler flower and foliage, line flower and foliage, form flower and foliage, fresh flower and foliage, dry flower and foliage, and artificial flower and foliage.
G. Demonstrates the proper care and use of floral equipment and media.
H. Demonstrates specific artist styles and techniques using Oriental, European, and Exhibition Styles: Chinese, Japanese, Vertical, Circular, Triangular, and Wear and Carry Designs.
I. Demonstrates the process of evaluating and refining floral art projects. / ANR/OH:
F 11.1, 11.2, & 11.3 / (9-12)
VA-P/CE: 2.1, 2.3, 2.6
3.1, 3.4, 3.5
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
VII: Connections, Relationships, and Applications Learned in Visual Art / 7. CONNECTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS, AND APPLICATIONS LEARNED IN VISUAL ART - The Student:
A.Relationships to Other Disciplines
1.Compare and contrast works of art to other discipline areas / 30 / A. Compares and contrasts works of art to other discipline areas. / (9-12)
1. Occupational Knowledge and Skills
2. Workplace Skills and behavior
3. Job Acquisition skills/lifelong learning opportunities
4. Outstanding Student Award / 35 / A. Accesses and utilizes technology and information
B. Practices occupational safety standards
C. Thinks critically and solves problems effectively
D. Uses basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, listening and speaking as they relate to occupation specific skills
E. Attains a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of industry the individual is preparing to enter
F. Applies knowledge to real world problems and situations
G. Consistently arrives on time to class and work site prepared to begin assignments.
H. Demonstrates professionalism in appearance and behavior.
I. Positive participation in classroom discussions and activities.
J. Communicates effectively and appropriately.
K. Works independently and collaboratively.
L. Performs reliably and responsibly.
M. Respects diversity.
N. Completes an appropriate cover letter, resume and job application.
O. Demonstrates knowledge of job interview techniques.
P. Attains awareness of advanced career and educational opportunities and the need for continuous education.
Q. Has received the ROP Outstanding Student Award. / ANR:
5.0, 7.0, 8.0 & 9.0
Totals / 180
CODES: VA-P/HCC: Historical & Cultural Context; VA-P/AP: Artistic Perception; VA-P/CRA: Connections, Relationships, Applications;VA-P/AV: Aesthetic Valuing; VA-P/CE: Creative Expression; ANR/OH: Agriculture and Natural Resources industry sector/Ornamental Horticulture pathway; ANR: Agriculture and Natural Resources industry sector: VA-P: Visual Arts