Coastlines November 2015
Seaside Branch AAUW Editor: Libbie Allen
P.O. Box 693 Phone: 503.816.6498
Seaside, OR 97138 e-mail:
AAUW Mission Statement
Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy,
education, philanthropy, and research
Seaside AAUW
2015-16 Branch Officers
Co-Presidents: Carol Brenneman
Donna Sunell
Programs Co-VPs: Diana McLoughlin
Cindy Gould
Membership Vice President: Karin Webb
Secretary: Nancy Kruger
Treasurer: Gini Dideum
Public Policy: Karen Beck
Scholarship Foundation Helen Gronquist
Sunshine: Kathleen Hudson
¨ Seaside AAUW Branch Meeting, Saturday, November 7th, at 10 am, at Seaside High School. Learn how to access our website!
¨ SDDA Wine Walk, Saturday, November 14th, Call Gini Dideum for details and to volunteer to help.
Chips & Dips
Things are happening here in Seaside AAUW. We have had two outstanding programs, our interest groups are up and running and continue to draw our members for hikes, book reviews, and movie discussions. We’ve re-connected with Hope House, and we have a wine-walk coming up soon.
Our next meeting will provide us an opportunity to look at AAUW websites as well as have an actual business meeting, review our strategic plan and our programs for the rest of the year as well approve our operating budget.
We have heard several of you mention the programs on television as well as the article in the New Yorker regarding the Cascadia Subduction Zone and its possible impact on Oregon and in particular our area of the coast. Do we in AAUW have a role in what happens here? And if so, what? We did not take a position when the school district last requested a bond for a new school in a tsunami safe zone. Is it time to look at that again and take a stand for our young people? Think about it. Let’s start talking about it. What should we do? If you have a reaction to this, email or let us know. We’ll look forward to hearing from you.
Carol & Donna
Editor’s Notes
By Libbie Allen
1. Alvis Porter has a new email: .
2. Carol notes at our October meeting Alvis Porter reminded us that Doris had a birthday this October 31st.She continues to go downhill.For those of you who remember Doris and her outstanding service to our branch and her many contributions to our book group, please take amoment to jot her off a remembrance or card. Her updated address again:
Suzanne Elise, Room 120
101 Forest Drive
Seaside, OR 97138
Telephone: 503 738-0307
Treasurer’s Report
By: Gini Dideum
Checking Account
Beginning Balance September 1, 2015 $3,982.70
Dues $ 55.50
Total $ 55.50
National Dues $ 24.50
Irene Kan 16.00
Refund State Dues MBLH
Total $ 40.50
Ending Balance September, 30, 2015 $3,997.70
2015-16 Budget
Expenses / Proposed / Actual 2014-15 / YTDNatl. Dues / $1,592.50 / $1,482.25 / $1,421.00
State Dues / 576.00 / 592.00 / 528.00
Other Org. Dues / 50.00 / 45.00 / 50.00
State Convention / 400.00 / 400.00 / 0.00
Past President Pin / 0.00 / 40.00 / 0.00
P.O. Box Rental / 30.00 / 29.00 / 30.00
Meetings / 350.00 / 31.05 / 141.10
Memorials / 50.00 / 38.38 / 0.00
Sunshine / 10.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Charitable Donations / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
National Fund Don. / 500.00 / 500.00 / 0.00
Postage / 10.00 / 9.80 / 0.00
Roster Books / 30.00 / 25.54 / 0.00
Membership / 50.00 / 48.98 / 16.68
Misc. / 50.00 / 705.00 / 0.00
Website / 120.00 / 119.88 / 0.00
Printing / 50.00 / 13.20 / 0.00
Reserve / 0.00 / 2,500.00 / 0.00
Total Expenses / $3,868.50 / $6,580.08 / $2,186.78
Gain (Loss) / ($200.00) / $40.66 / $417.22
Public Policy
By Karen Beck, Chair
That is, the Supreme Court is now in session for the 2015 – 2016 term. Here are some cases that are important to AAUW members and what is at stake for all of us.
1. Fisher v. University of Texas- An affirmative action case which could restrict the use of race in college admissions decisions. Remember, affirmative action programs promote EQUAL opportunities for women and minorities in educational institutions and in work places.
2 Evenwel v. Abbot- A voting rights case. Should voting districts be established on total population as is the current case or by eligible voters. This could shift voting power AWAY from communities with large number of children and immigrants.
3. Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association- This could LIMIT the ability of unions to collectively bargain. It is an anti-union case.
4. A potential abortion regulation case- There will likely be a case challenging the restrictive abortion regulations put in place in Texas. The case could put even more restrictions for women seeking reproductive healthcare.
5. Birth control coverage case The Court will probably hear a case from religious affiliated organizations trying to challenge the Affordable Care Act’s preventative healthcare contraceptive coverage provision. They, the religious groups, feel they should not have to explain their objections to the federal government.
By Ane Mcintyre
AAUW of OR members were delighted to be asked to attend the signing of House Bill 2007 - Wage Transparency by Governor Kate Brown. We were, in fact, the majority of those who attended the ceremony, September 28th, 2015.Truly —we all agreed that it was an amazing experience. By participating in AAUW of OR advocacy, we made a difference! Yay team!!
By Karin Webb, Membership VP
Please welcome our newest member, Lynne Kelton, who joined us during our September Community Forum at Seaside City Hall. Lynne holds an Associate of Arts degree in Selected Studies from San Diego City College, California. She moved to Warrenton seven months ago, and now enjoys being closer to her Gearhart grandchildren. Lynne volunteers at Gearhart Grade School every Friday, and is interested in learning about other volunteer opportunities through our branch. Please introduce yourself to her at our next branch meeting. Glad to have you on board with us, Lynne! ()
Member Profile - By Ane McIntyre
This month we profile member Diane McVey
By Helen Gronquist, President
On August 19, 2015, the Seaside AAUW Scholarship Foundation Board met to begin the Fall 2015 season. Nancy Allsup was elected Treasurer, replacing Nancy Kruger. The other members of the board are Helen Gronquist, President, Karen Beck, Carol Brenneman, Judy Carder, Maureen Casterline, Pat Lehman, Joanne McIntyre and Donna Sunell.
Those in attendance worked on the wording of the September 2015 solicitation letter. Via email, literary contributions were made by several board members. The letter went to press on Monday, September 14th at Lazerquick.
The next meeting was held at Helen Gronquist’s home on September 16th at noon. Helen, Nancy, Judy, Karen and Donna signed donor letters, addressed envelopes, stuffed and stamped the mailing. Forty-six letters were mailed from the Gearhart post office on September 17th.
On September 29th, Helen and Nancy Allsup completed the banking requirements for the Foundation’s change of officers at Clatsop Community Bank. They also located the branch’s post office box at the Seaside post office where the donations will arrive. Nancy will check the box every Friday and make a deposit to the bank on the following Monday.
The next meeting will be held at Nancy Allsup’s home on October 22nd at 1:30 to assess receipt of the donations and to discuss strategies for further fund raising endeavors. Light refreshments will be provided by Nancy.
By Pat Lehman
WINGS is taking off once again for our 14th annual conference for Women INterested in Going to School--Saturday, February 6, 2016! I am happy to report that all our committee chair positions are filled with excellent leaders: Big thanks to Nancy Kruger, Seaside Volunteer Coordinator, who has always done a superlative job of rounding up and scheduling helpers; Ane McIntyre, Publicity Chair, who leaves no stone unturned in our effort to gain community support and to find women who need to further their education; and Jane McGeehan, our new Hospitality Chair, whose enthusiasm, expertise and effort are legendary in our branch and who has already been well-prepared by our super-competent outgoing co-chairs Cindy Gould and Judy Carder.
Astoria Branch Chairs are Sara Meyer, Astoria Volunteer Coordinator; Janice Horning, Childcare Coordinator; and Rosalie McCleary, Gift Goddess. College staff team members are Margaret Frimoth, Rinda Johansen (WINGS treasurer), Lisa Nyberg, Monica Van Steenberg and Amy Magnussen, who is returning to WINGS after a hiatus, and we are so glad to have her with us again. All of them are amazing women who make the college so accessible to our participants and who facilitate everything from venue accommodations to the helpful packet information to leading all the terrific breakout sessions.
We have chosen the February date because March is a tremendously busy month for college staff, and we don't want them burning out. We'll see how this date works, but we all need to promote WINGS to any woman we know who might be thinking about the future and hoping that education could be a path forward. We don't make any promises about financial support, but among us, we do have funds to help. WINGS has just given some additional funding to successful past participants, as well as our annual scholarships. We are a serious source of assistance to women on a journey to a better future. We can be very proud of our support!
My Astoria co-chair, Bobbi Brice, is doing a fabulous job of keeping connected with the college staff, and I am working to keep the team updated and to run our meetings. We are both doing whatever needs to be done to promote this wonderful opportunity for local women.
If you have been involved before, you know what an inspiring event WINGS is, and we look forward to your continuing help. If you are new to AAUW and/or WINGS, take this opportunity to see in action what AAUW can do to make a positive difference in the lives of local women, their families, and our community.
Wine Walk
By Gini Dideum
The next SDDA Wine Walk will be November 14th. Twice a year we sell wine glasses for this event in 2-hour shifts. It is easy duty and when you are done you receive a free wine glass and a bracelet that allows you to participate. Details of times are not set yet but shifts generally are from 1-3, 3-5 and 5-7. Let Gini know if you can help and a time range so she doesn’t have to call you. Please volunteer.
By Cindy Gould and Diana McLoughlin, Program Co-VPs
Our October meeting was held at Camp Kiwanilong and how great for many of you returning campers to see your former site! The tour showed us just how much work has been done in the last few years with much more to go in the future. It was fun to meet some of our Astoria members and to learn more about them. Our state president, Joyce Zook with the help of Pat Lehman, led an informative training on gaining new members. It was inspiring. Since we heard many good comments, a joint meeting will be planned for next year.
November 7, 10 am
Seaside High School is the location of our next meeting. We are going to be informed and instructed about how to maneuver through our own Seaside branch website and the national website.
The computers are located in the school's library. Signs will be up to guide you there. See you then.
Postscript: Our meeting won't have refreshments at the high school, but program chairs have planned a no-host luncheon at McKeown's following the meeting at 11:30 or thereabouts. Let Diana McLoughlin know if you would like to attend lunch. Also, the program chairs need three people to provide cookies and recipes of said cookie for December meeting on the 5th.
December 5, 10 am
Come to the Mary Blake Cottage for our December meeting. Bring your creativity. We will make a fun holiday craft and enjoy homemade Christmas cookies. We have an exciting year planned for you. Hope to see you all and new members.
State Membership Report
By Pat Lehman, Vice President
As you may know, I am, for the second time, Oregon AAUW State Membership VP, sharing the position this time with my good friend Linda Gardner of Bend Branch.
AAUW of Oregon is on track to meet or exceed our membership numbers from last year, but I ask myself, "Why--in these times when all that AAUW stands for--women's rights and opportunities in so many arenas--are we not gaining many more members, especially younger women who have such a stake in the outcomes?" I think you know the answers, and I am asking you to let me know your thoughts, and how we can address those issues.
Karin, our branch MVP, Ane, our District Director, and others are doing a great job in promoting AAUW membership. But remember, every member of the branch is a member of the membership committee. So let's make Seaside Branch a model for others, not for the numbers, but for the power of AAUW's message and the example we provide for how we can impact and enhance our community and support our larger organization that does so much good for women everywhere--and men too, by the way.