White Name:

English 11


Huck Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Study Guide

Directions: after reading each chapter, answer each question as completely as possible.

Chapter One:

1. How did Tom and Huck get rich?

2. What were three ways the Widow Douglass tried to civilize Huck?

3. How did Huck feel about heaven and hell?

4. Why is Huck considered an orphan?

Chapter Two:

1. What blood oath do the members of Tom Sawyer’s gang take?

2. What is the gang policy?

Chapter Three:

1. How do the A-rabs turn into a Sunday school picnic?

Chapter Four:

1. What do the footprints in the snow tell Huck?

2. Why does Huck go to see Jim and his hair-ball oracle?

3. What does the hairball tell Huck?

Chapter Five:

1. Why does Pap say that Huck shouldn’t learn to read?

2. Describe the physical appearance of Pap.

3. How does the new judge try to reform Pap?

4. What is the outcome of the reform?

Chapter Six:

1. What is life like for Huck when he’s living in the woods with Pap?

2. What two gripes does Pap have against the government?

Chapter Seven:

1. How does Huck fake his own death and robbery?

2. After Huck escapes, where does he hide?

Chapter Eight:

1. Who does Huck find on the island with him?

2. What promise does Huck make to him?

3. What is an abolitionist?

4. Why did Jim run away?

Chapter Nine:

1. What do Huck and Jim find in the house of death?

Chapter Ten:

1. What does handling a snakeskin mean?

2. Explain how Huck’s “snake-trick” on Jim backfires.

3. Why does Huck decide to go into the village? What disguise does he wear?

Chapter Eleven:

1. What two people are suspected of killing Huck?

2. How does the woman discover that Huck is not a girl?

Chapter Twelve:

1. How does Jim fix up the raft to make it more livable?

2. Why does Huck want to investigate the “Walter Scott?”

3. Who else is on the “Walter Scott?”

4. How does Tom Sawyer’s gang compare to the adventure Huck encounters on the “Walter Scott?”

Chapter Thirteen:

1. Why does Huck decide to save the robbers? How does he accomplish this? Does it work?

Chapter Fourteen:

1. How many boxes of cigars did Huck and Jim get from the ferry-boat?

2. How did Louis the XVI die?

Chapter Fifteen:

1. Where did Huck lose the raft?

Chapter Sixteen:

1. Explain Huck’s feelings about Jim stealing his children. What is the irony here?

2. What opportunity does Huck have to turn Jim in to the authorities? What happens?

3. What bad luck has the snake skin caused?

Chapter Seventeen & Eighteen:

1. Who were the Grangerfords and the Sheperdsons?

2. Why is the love affair between Sophia and Harney like Romeo and Juliet?

3. What is the outcome of this feud?

Chapter Nineteen:

1. What “story” does the king and duke tell Huck and Jim of their origins?

2. Even though Huck knows the two aren’t royalty, why doesn’t he say anything?

Chapter Twenty:

1. What con does the duke propose? What happens at the prayer meeting the king and Huck attend?

2. What scheme does the duke devise to allow the raft to run in the daytime?

Chapter Twenty-One:

1. Why does Colonel Sherburn shoot Boggs? What does the mob decide to do?

Chapter Twenty-Two & Twenty-Three

1. What is the nature of the speech Colonel Sherburn delivers to the mob?

2. What “trick” does Huck witness at the circus?

3. How does the crowd react to “The Royal Nonesuch?”

4. How do the king and duke cheat the townspeople out of their revenge over “Nonesuch?”

5. Why does Jim feel guilty about punishing the little girl ‘Lizabeth?

Chapter Twenty-Four:

1. What was Peter Wilkes occupation while he was living?

2. Who are Peter Wilkes’ three nieces?

Chapter Twenty-Five:

1. How much were the king and duke short of $6,000 in the basement?

2. Who told the girls the king was a fraud?

Chapter Twenty-Six:

1. Where did Huck hide to eavesdrop on the king and duke?

2. Where did the king put the money?

Chapter Twenty-Seven:

1. Where did Huck stick the money?

2. Why was the dog howling in the basement during the funeral?

3. Whom did Huck say he had seen in the king’s room?

Chapter Twenty-Eight:

1. Where was Mary Jane going for four days?

2. In what town did the duke and the king play the “Royal Nonesuch”?

3. Who was the man with the broken arm?

Chapter Twenty-Nine:

1. How does the king con the group of men to dig up the body of Peter Wilks?

2. How do Huck, the king, and the duke escape?

3. What did the king say was tattooed on Peter Wilks’ breast?

4. What did Harvey Wilks say was tattooed on his brother’s breast?

Chapter Thirty & Thirty-One:

1. Who confesses to taking the Wilks’ money?

2. What does the king do with Jim?

3. Why does he decide not to send the letter to Tom Sawyer telling him of Jim’s whereabouts?

4. What does Huck decide to do concerning Jim?

5. What did Huck find out about praying and lies?

Chapter Thirty-Two & Thirty-Three:

1. What is the story behind Huck pretending he is Tom Sawyer? What relation are the Phelps to Tom Sawyer?

2. Who is coming to town in a wagon?

3. What did the stranger do to Aunt Sally that made her almost hit him?

4. What happens to the king and the duke? How does Huck feel about this?

5. How do Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas feel about negroes?

Chapter Thirty-Four:

1. What are the differences between Huck and Tom’s plans in order to free Jim?

2. What function has Jim taken concerning the escape?

3. How did Tom and Huck finally decide to free Jim?

Chapter Thirty-Five:

1. What did Tom and Huck hear that made them stop talking about Jim’s escape?

2. How many knives did Tom want Huck to “smouch”?

Chapter Thirty-Six:

1. What kind of pie did Tom tell Nat to make?

2. How many tallow candles did Tom steal?

Chapter Thirty-Seven:

1. Where do they keep the boots, rags, pieces of bottles, worn-out tin things, and all such trunk?

2. According to Tom, from where did William the Conqueror come and on what ship?

Chapter Thirty-Eight:

1. What does “Maggoire fretta, minore atto” mean?

2. What was Jim to get instead of a rattlesnake?

3. What was Tom going to put in Jim’s coffee pot?

Chapter Thirty-Nine:

1. What did Tom and Huck see dripping from the rafters, landing on plates and down the back of one’s neck?

2. What did Tom and Huck do with the sawdust?

Chapter Forty:

1. What happened that alerted the farmers to Tom, Huck, and Jim’s presence?

2. What was Jim wearing during the “evasion”?

3. Who gets wounded?

4. How does Jim’s character change after he is free?

5. What does Huck say about Jim when Jim offers to sacrifice his freedom?

Chapter Forty-One & Forty-Two & The Last

1. Who went to get the doctor? Why?

2. Why didn’t the dogs lead the farmers to Jim and the boys?

3. Does anyone suspect the boys of helping Jim escape?

4. Why doesn’t Huck run out on Aunt Sally?

5. How much did the doctor say a person like Jim was worth?

6. How did Jim become free? Truly free?

7. How much money was waiting for Huck back home?

8. How did Huck’s Pap die?