For the International Conference “The Future of Space Travel”

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the international conference ‘The Future of Space Travel’, of which the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria is co-organizer.The event will take place on the 17th of March 2011 in the National Opera and Ballet in Sofia, Bulgaria. Itstarts at 16:00 hrs and will finish around 21:00 hrs with a VIP cocktail dinner to follow.

Our special guest – the US NASA astronaut Dr. Story Musgrave ( is an icon in the space industry and an extraordinary man in life. He has won the hearts and souls of millions of people around the world with his achievements and inspirational presentations. Dr. Musgrave will be the main speaker at the conference and he will present many of the topics among which:

  • The experience of floating in space and what the future traveller will see and feel
  • Sex in space and reproduction outside of the Earth – the 2suit
  • Zero gravity flights
  • Hotels in Space and how far we are from a weekend in space
  • The ecology of our Space, as we have already started to pollute it plus Eco Fashion Show, which will present clothes made from ecological materials designed by students from the Bulgarian Academy of Arts
  • The Bulgarian astronauts will have a sharing session with Dr. Musgrave
  • Dr. Musgrave will talk about the companies who develop solutions for sub-orbital flights
  • Virgin Galactic and founder Richard Branson
  • Blue Origin and founder Jeff Bezos who also founded Amazon
  • Bigelow Next-Generation Commercial Space Station and founder Robert Bigelow of Budget Suites of America
  • and founder Jose Mariano Lopez-Urdiales

Story will also have a truthful conversation about extra terrestrials and UFO’s and his experience of being followed on two of his missions by a UFO. He will speak about TRILLIONS of planets that could support life and says 'we are not ready to meet members of our own species yet' 'We would not welcome them, we would send the guns first' 'it would be a national security issue instead of a communications issue' 'humans got to get it together'.

The conference will be highly interactive allowing you to sense, for instance, the magnetic personality of Dr. Story Musgrave, who is the US astronaut with the most missions, the longest service and the specialist who repaired and saved the Hubble Space Telescope. Story flew 6 times on all 5 US space shuttles, is a professional photographer with a collection of his work and photos from space. Story will talk about his experience in space, he will show us incredible photos of our ‘Beautiful Earth’ which he took from space.

We would like to ask you to visit and see for yourself the incredible opportunity this summit presents. Many companies use Dr.Musgrave’s inspiring presentations forcorporate team buildings. If your company decides to take advantage and invite more than 5 people you can contact us, so we can give a better price for the tickets. The event will be televised and NOVA TV is our primary media partner. If your company would be interested sponsor the event please contact us.

All Atlantic Club members will receive a promotional price for their admission with up to 50% discount:

VIP tickets regular price – 390 leva, Atlantic Club members price – 290 leva

Sector A regular price – 290 leva, Atlantic Club members price – 145 leva

Sector B regular price – 190 leva, Atlantic Club members price – 95 leva

Sector C regular price – 90 leva, Atlantic Club members price – 69 leva

In order to purchase your tickets at these special prices you would need to visit and register with the following promocode AC50.

Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Best regards,

Petar Petrov

Head of Sales and Marketing