2012 US Youth Soccer Regional Championships
Team Manager and Team Registration Instructions
STEP TWO – To be completed only after you receive an email inviting you to the event
Once your roster is complete, you will wait for a confirmation email from your State Association to finalize the process. After receiving this email, you will log in and finalize your team for the event, including your Event Roster, code of conduct and hotel information. At this time, you will also move players from your team roster to your event roster.
Note – after you are invited to an event, you can also log in to your team profile and go to schedule to confirm for an event.
The page to get back to your information is here: http://tournaments.usyouthsoccer.org/members/login.aspx
Once you log in, go to My Teams. Here you will see the schedule button (red calendar icon) for your team. (This will only appear if you have been added to an event. It will not be instantaneous after you complete your team profile and roster.)
Click on the schedule icon to go to My Team Events.
Now you will first click on the pencil icon to answer any event related questions.
The pencil tool leads you to the following screen to possibly enter your hotel information and agree to the event’s code of conduct. If your team is local to the event and not staying in a hotel, please enter ‘home’ in these fields.
Then you will click on the blue roster icon to move players from your team roster into the event roster.
Here you will use the arrows to move players from your Team Roster to your Event Roster and then click update roster. Or you can select add full roster. You don’t need to worry about deleting players from your main roster, this is only an indication of whether they will be competing in this specific event.
In the next screen, you will be able to confirm your players’ positions and jersey numbers. Then save roster details and go back to my team events.
Now you have completed your event specific information and you can click Confirm for your event.
From now on, when you click on the red schedule icon next to your team, you will be able to view the games your team is scheduled in for the event here. The games schedule will only be released when the tournament manager wants it to be. You may be confirmed for an event before the schedule is public.
After you are confirmed, you are set for the event and no further action through the Event Management System is needed. If any changes are needed to your team’s profile, you can make them as needed (unless your roster is locked for a specific event).
If you have any questions, you can reach us at 1.800.4SOCCER or (US Youth Soccer offices are open from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. CST).